Part 28

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Izuku pov

I keep trying to hit him with bullets, but he dodges them all skillfully, moving like lightning and almost never being in the path of one of my shots. He chuckles again, seeming amused by the whole situation. "Come on, that's all you can do? Keep firing, I'm sure eventually you'll hit something other than air."

"Fuck" I mumble as Shota shoots once again and misses. We both keep shooting, trying to hit the man, but the bullets only graze his skin. He keeps dodging effortlessly, grinning at us in a taunting way.

After a few more minutes of this back and forth, you finally manage to hit him in the leg, and he stumbles, giving us a temporary advantage.

The man smirks as he falls to the ground. Shota takes advantage of the opportunity and dives forward and tackling him to the ground, and pinning his arms behind his back as I stand back double checking everything. The man tries to head but Shota but Shota keeps dodging and doesn't let him get close enough. The man keeps struggling to escape Shota's grip then I suddenly black out.

I wake up soon after lying on the ground with Shota leaning over me, his face filled with worry and concern. Around me are others from my team, some of them are tending to their own injuries, and others are watching over the unconscious man. It looks like the man has been defeated, but i don't know what happened while i was unconscious.

I look around, still trying to gather my thoughts and process everything that has happened. The others notice that i am now awake and walk over to me, their faces showing relief to see that I'm alright. I look at Shota and notice him leaning over me again.

"Are you okay?" he asks quietly, his eyes filled with concern.

I nod slightly, still feeling a bit dizzy but otherwise okay. I look at Shota and notice his gaze is still fixated on me, like he is making sure I am really alright.

I suddenly remember that the man who we were fighting is still unconscious. I need to find a way to get him to my house, so I can hide him away, question him later and most fucking likely kill that asshole. But keep him away from katsuki.

"Hey, I think I'm okay, just feel a little dizzy," I mumble looking to Shota.

Shota nods and helps me up, putting his arm around me to keep me steady as I take my first steps. "Take it easy," he says softly, looking at you me with an undeniably creepy smile. Then he notices the others surrounding the unconscious man, and he seems to have an idea.

"Hey guys, I need all of you to help me carry this guy," he says, pointing at the man. "We need to bring him back to my place just to be safe. Can someone call for a ride?"

"No he needs to come back to mine. I have more security than you do, and we need to be extra safe" I say putting my hand up towards the others. I kneel down next to the man then look around, "But I need to talk to all of you when we get to my place so you all better be ready to report in anything and everything and if I don't see you there I swear you won't see tomorrow" I say as I stand up and watch as they nod and start tightly tying the man.

"But you're home alone, you can't handle that by yourself," Shota points out. "Do you really think you can protect this guy on your own?"

I notice that the man has now been tied up, and my people are getting ready to carry him off. I turn towards Shota with a steely gaze.

"This is my job, I've gotten this far on my own. I'm not going to let him out of my sight until this is all resolved. And I'm not home alone." I say blushing then get into my car. "Hurry to my house, also after the meeting I have some people I'd like you to meet sir" I close the door and my driver starts driving off.

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