Part 8

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Katsuki pov

Once lunch time came around I left my room again and started walking towards his office. "Mr. Midoryia mineta just arrived" I look over to the living room and see a short male dressed in all purple, "oh your a hot one" he says smirk while walking towards me, I glare at him as Iida and Midoryia walks out.

"Oh katsuki" he says happily then looks at his watch "ohh it is lunch time" he smiles at me and looks to iida "iida i need you to lock mineta up until I get back" iida nods at Midoryia and smiles at me "have a good time" I nod and look at Midoryia.

"Where are we gonna go" he smiles at me, "we're gonna go get some spicy ramen and katsudon" I smile widely "spicy noodles" he chuckles and nods "yep" he calls over another one of his assistants and smiles "Hello Tsu" she looks at us and smiles "Hello Mr. Midoryia and Mr. Katsuki" we get in the car and tsu starts driving.

"Katsuki look at this" Midoryia says showing me an outfit he found online "woah that looks amazing" I say smiling and grab his phone. I look at the price and flinch "it's so expensive though" he smiles and clicks add to cart "if you like it then it's perfect" he looks at me and smiles.

I hum "what are you my sugar daddy" he hums "I can be but then I want to be your daddy in bed" I blush a look at him surprised "okay that was smooth" I say then giggle. He hums and looks at his phone again, "do you wear dresses" I shrug "I've never tried to wear one"

He smiles and nods "okay then we're going shopping after we're done eating" I shake my head "we don't have to" he shrugs pats my head "I want to" I look at him shocked "but that outfit your buying is already more than enough" he smiles "I need you to love me so I need to make you happy and what better can I do to make you happy other then get you a lot of things"

I look down then out the window "you don't need to get nice things for my love" he looks at me curious "then what do I need cause I really want your love" I blush and look down again "just treat me right" he hums "so spoiling you" he says smiling. We stop at a restaurant and I immediately feel out of place "HOLY SHIT" I yell looking around "I thought it was a normal restaurant!! I'm not dressed right for this" he smiles "want to go shopping first then" I look at him "sure but nothing expensive"

He nods and starts following me to clothing stores "woah that is pretty" I say while looking at a golden chained bracelet with a beautiful red ruby. I look at the price and look away "well next store" I say trying to walk past.

He grabs my hand and smiles "let me get that bracelet for you" I shake my head and start pulling him away "no no no it's too expensive" he looks at me and smiles "but you like it" I shake my head again "yeah but it wouldn't look good in me" he growls and picks me up "come on katsuki you know you'd look amazing in it" I shake my head and start to wiggle "I don't think I would so let's not even bother"

He ignores me and walks up to the register "Hello can I get that beautiful bracelet" he say pointing towards it. The cashier nods and smiles "this is thought to bring good luck to the person who where's it" I look at Midoryia and shake my head "I don't need it it's too expensive"

Once again he ignores me and smile while taking out his wallet "how much" the cashier smiles "20K" Midoryia smiles and takes out his card "do you take card" the man nods and smiles.

He hands us a bag with the box holding the bracelet in it, "okay now what do you want to where" he says smiling at me, I look around and notice another clothing store. "Woah those are nice" I say while looking at the clothing, I cover my mouth and look at Midoryia who is smiling at me "which one" I shake my head and start pushing him the other way "let's just go eat Im hungry" he smiles and looks at his phone

In call with tsu
"Hello Mr. Midoryia i just picked up the dress you bought" he smiles and looks at me "okay bring it to the bathrooms by the left doors" I look at him confused as he leads me to the bathrooms he spoke of.

End of call with tsu

"Midoryia your not selling me are you" he chuckles and kisses my head "I would never sell someone as beautiful as you" I blush and look down following him.

"Tsu over here" he yells as tsu walks in carrying a large peace of fabric. I look at him confused and he smiles "here mr Midoryia" he nod and pulls me into the bathroom. "Try this on" he says and hands it to me, "no this looks way too expensive" he frowns and shakes his head "it wasn't I promise just put on please" I sigh and obey.

I put it in and smile "this feels nice and fits perfectly" I say while opening the stall door, he looks at me smiling and just stares "and who would've thought you'd get even more beautiful" I blush and look down "hang on I got 2 more things" he reaches into a bag "here's the bracelet" he says while putting it on me the takes out a necklace to match "when did you get this" I say shocked as he takes it out.

He licks his lip and puts it on me "when you looked at me I pointed for the necklace too" I shake my head " I saw your hand" he nods "one of them"

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