Part 3

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I look at the omegas but one catches my eye, "hey I saw him earlier" I stand in the crowd and watch the blond omega dance, I walk forward more and get a smell of the caramel again. "Seriously, they are making him dance even though he's in heat" todoroki walks up to me "I think that's why they are selling them" I look at todoroki confused "the ones that are in heat and are male they are selling" I hum and look at all the omegas "male omegas do sell for higher prices"

I look around and nod "what about that girl over there" I say pointing to a girl with short pink hair, "maybe she's extremely fertile" I nod a look back at the blond omega, he continued dancing but glares at me. A red haired male came from behind me and smiled "hello my names kirishima what's yours"

I look at him "Midoryia" he nods and smiles "well Midoryia i just wanted to tell you, stay away from Mina, denki, and bakugou" i hum, a guy with black hair pushes todoroki away "you don't seem like a good guy so we're just making sure our friends don't go to some pervert okay"

I glare at him, "I'm not a pervert and I'm not a good guy, but I don't know your friends" they nod and point them out, "and that one's bakugou" i look at the blond omega and then look at them "I'm sorry you two but bakugou is the one I was planning on buying, not to be perverted to though" they look at me confused "I bumped into him earlier and felt drawn to him, I have to make him mine"

They glare at me "Don't fucking worry I wouldn't bite him without permission" they nod "fine but you gotta keep in touch with us" I nod and they give me their number.

About 15 minutes passed and two men walked into the room, "Hello alphas welcome to our club" everyone yells excitedly, "okay we are going to be selling this omega, he is 5'4 average fertility and is flexable" I watch as people bid on the omegas the red head and black haired guy successfully bought they're friend except for bakugou, "okay the last omega, a little higher on fertility, Flexible, a little in the taller side at 5'8, and he's extremely obedient"

I smirk already knowing that's not true. "Lets start off at $500,000" I nod and people start yelling "800,000" I yell and it gets higher "1,000,000ñ the red head from earlier I yells "2,000,000" he glares at me "3,000,000" I growl "5,000,000" he shakes his head "6,000,000" I smirk "10,000,000" he looks at me shocked, then todoroki looks at me surprised "it's only 10,000,000 gone there's nothing to worry about" the male yell "SOLD TO THE GREEN HAIRED MALE, would you please come to the stage to collect your prize"

I growl and walk to the stage "thank you" I then go him then hand over the 10,000,000 "wh-what" I grab the males hand and glare at the red head then grab todoroki and leave. "Hello Mr. Midoryia, Mr. todoroki, and Mr..." he looks at us shocked, "this is umm" I look at him and he looks at me still shocked "katsuki" he says quietly "katsuki" i say smiling. Todoroki get In the car then I have katsuki go in, "Wait a minute" the red head yells leaving the strip club.

I turn around "what" he looks at katsuki in the car then to me "give me katsuki" i shrug "why should i" he glares at me. "For one he's a ducking person not an animal and for two he doesn't even want to be with you" I growl and flip them off, then get in the car. They walk up to the window and I roll it down, "I'm sorry but we made a deal, I'll keep in touch with you" I smirk and look forward "Iida drive"

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