Part 14

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"Wait what" sero nods "it was kinda weird cause there was loads of screaming and shooting the the guy got away then these two kissed" Mina squeals "wait really" kiri hummed "looked like they were gonna do more but sero broke it up"

I blush and look at deku then to the table, izuku chuckles "not without katsukis permission we wouldn't" I look at him again still blushing, then to sero as he glares at him.

Mina sits down and smirks while looking at izuku, "so are you gonna bite him yet or..." he hums "I want to but only if he's ready" I look down uncomfortably and Izuku smiles "only when he's ready" I stand up and excuse my self to the bathroom. "Hey katsuki is it okay if I have hagekure watch you for now" I nod then he nods to a corner then hagekure walks out and smiles "yes sir"

I look at him as he chats with my friends, I smile while looking at him and sigh "hagekure" she hums and smiles "I want him to but I'm scared" she looks at me confused "of what" I sigh and sit down "I'm not good at feelings I'm not 100% sure what certain feelings feel like" she hums and we sit down, "have you never loved anyone"

I hum and nod "nothing more than friendship... like my parents were killed since they were in a beta and omega relationship and where I grew up that was not legal" hagekure nods, i look down "what if I just live him as a friend... or if I just am thankful that he got me out of there"

hagekure rubs my back and smiles "I'm sure he'll understand... He's determined to make you love him, and if it's just you being thankful or if you think of him as a friend he'd understand... but just know he'll never give up until you tell him that it'd never happen and he knows you mean it"

I smile and nod, "how do you tell the difference between friend love and partner love" she smiles and looks up "when I tell my friends that I love them I mean that if I lose them I'd be extremely hurt for a long time, but if I lost my partner... I'd be devastated, I'd loose my mind, and if I were to get over it it'd take way longer than it would with my friends... unless it's my best friend since my Best friend is literally my emotional support, my best friend"

She giggles at her last comment and I look to Izuku "how much would it hurt if you lost Izuku, if he were to get hurt, leave you, or even get killed" I look down and smile, "I think it'd hurt so badly" hagekure looks at me surprised, "I don't want him to leave me" she smiles the wipes my face "katsuki I think you've fallen in love even before you met him at the bar" I look at her confused.

"What do you mean" she smiles "all well most of Izukus bodyguards are his friends with him since we were young and I remember this blond boy who would always follow us around, Izuku didn't mind he liked the attention but the boy would only watch him"

I look at her confused then go wide eyed "wait that was Izuku" she smiles "so the first guy I thought of differently then other people is the one the wants me to fall for him" hagekure smiles "you have fallen for" I look at her and she smiles.

I stand up and she leads me to Izuku, I look at him smiling. "Katsuki are you okay" he looks at me and wipes my eyes "you were crying" I nod and grab his hand "I'm fine hagekure helped me" he looks to her and she nods.

He smiles at me and rubs my cheek "I'm glad your feeling better" I smile and hug him, he takes a second but hugs back while smiling "you and hagekure had a good talk" he says smiling and I nod "she's such a good helper"

He smile and hugs me tighter, he shoves his face into my neck and just stays there. I smile and do the Same taking in his scent. He kisses my neck and smiles.

Kirishima pov

I grab sero and stand up "come one sero let's go to a different room and calm down" sero glares at me "that is literally the thing alphas and omegas do before they mate, you expect me to just sit and watch as they take in each other's scent then probably just straight up fuck in the table"

I smile slightly "they won't do anything on the table" Izuku rubs katsukis head and smiles at him. "I don't like that guy" I smile and nod "I know, I understand why but I've gotten to know him since he bought kat... he's actually a really nice guy"

Sero glares at me the turns around storming off, I sigh and sit next to Mina "what to do with him" she giggles and smiles "aren't they cute" I chuckle "complete opposites" she nods "ones hot and big boss the other cute and small boss" I hum "not them"

Izuku pov

Katsuki Gets off of me and smiles "thanks for the uh.... Hug" I smile "anytime" he sits down next to me and smiles while looking down. "Huh where did the sero dude go" I say looking around. Kirishima sighs "we stormed off" I nod and chuckle while looking at katsuki.

He looks up at me and smiles, a red tint forming on his cheeks as I stare at him, but he stares back the red growing more. "Guys stop doing that I understand that you admitted your feelings but no lovey dovey staring at breakfast" I look over and glare at the rip off pikachu looking dude.

"Shut up you wouldn't even be here if I didn't love Katsuki" he hums "true but-" I growl "no buts" I point to a corner and 3 men come out, they point their guns at the pikachu dude.

"Izuki knock it off" Katsuki says glaring at me, I hum and nod at the people in the corner. They walk closer and closer the yellow dude squealing like a little girl.

"Izuku" Katsuki says now growling, I look over at him and smile "shoot" the 3 men shoot and kaminari screams then looks around confused "water" I start laughing.

He looks at me and smirks "oh yeah you want to go" I jump up "try me" I say playfully. He grabs one of the guns and shoots the water at me, I grab another and spray him.

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