Part 29

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Katsuki POV

"Katsuki" I hear tsu say from behind me as I continue to worry. "Is izuku home" I ask happily and she shakes her head, "not yet but it's time for dinner" I sigh and nod "I'll be down in a bit" she nods and closes the door behind her. Then I see 4 cars pull in. In one car a tall man is dragged out by a few of izukus workers but he seems to be passed out, the next car that pulled in is more of izukus workers.

"Where is izuku" I mumble as I see two more cars pull in and see a strange, homeless looking, man exit one and I'm assuming his chauffeur and then izuku leave his car. I smile and go downstairs and see as izuku walks in limping slightly and a bit bloody.

He sees me and gives a small smile, but i can feel a tension hanging over the air. "Izuku are you okay" I ask worried looking around him. He nods and hugs me as his friend walks up behind him "who is this?" His friend asks.

"I'm fine." he replies with a slight pain in his voice, his gaze fixated on me. I noticed that he is limping slightly and that there is some blood on his clothes. The man who accompanied him looks at me with a puzzled countenance. He can clearly tell that something has happened, but he is unsure what.

"Izuku..." I whisper, my voice filled with concern, "You're obviously not fine." I notice that the Izukus friend is watching us intently, clearly confused by our interaction. I take a step back from Izuku and look him up and down, searching for any more signs of injuries.

"It's just a scratch, nothing too serious really." Izuku replies, but his voice is laced with pain. I continue to stare at him, searching for any additional signs of injuries. I notice that he is still limping slightly. I look at him for a few more seconds, my eyes full of worry, before finally letting out a sigh.

"I'm going to assume that you still have some work to do" I ask as he nods in response then looks to his friend and workers. "We'll talk after I'm done okay" he says and I smile nod.

"Okay, take care of yourself." I reply with a faint smile, even though I'm still concerned about his injuries. I watch him head off in the direction of his office, the limping becoming more apparent as he moves.

The man who had accompanied Izuku now turns to face me, eyeing me with a curious glance. "If you don't mind me asking," he begins, "Who are you?"

The man continues to stare at me for a few moments, his expression unclear.
"Are you a friend of Izuku's?" he asks, his tone laced with slight curiosity.

I smile "Izuku said that we'll all talk later so I'm assuming you need to work with him, and I'm sure he'll tell you then" I say then look back to izuku as he walks downstairs.

The man nods slowly with a pretty creepy, but his look betrays his thoughts. He definitely has suspicions about who I am and the relationship I have with Izuku, but for now, he seems to have decided to keep those thoughts to himself.

"Well, if you say he'll tell me later, then I guess I'll trust you." He says with a shrug.

Meanwhile, Izuku is now in his office, dealing with the fallout of that afternoon's fight. The room is packed with his workers and allies, most of them looking worried as he dictates orders and tries to figure out what's going on.

Izuku is clearly concerned about the situation, his limp still apparent as he moves around the room. He has a few bandages wrapped around his torso and a few other minor cuts, but nothing too serious. Yet, despite the injuries, there's a certain aura of confidence and competence about him that I can't help but admire.

"Oooh you look like you're ready to pounce" I hear a familiar voice say nearly squealing, "Shut up Mina" I mumble and look towards her as the door to Izuku office closes.

"Come on Bakubabe it's so obvious" she says smiling and looking around the leans closer. "I won't tell sero if you do pounce" she giggles then starts walking beside me "Yeah right you'd squeal and run around the whole place and tell EVERYBODY" she sighs "you know me too well"

I hum and sit down at the table "have you had dinner yet Mina" she shakes her head "I was waiting for you to" I smile slightly and get food, "I wax waiting to make sure izuku was okay" she nods "I know" I look at her and sigh.

"He looked injured..." she nods "I'm sure that all of the blood wasn't his" she says the smiles "a man who would do anything to protect me is my dream man" she sighs "That makes him even more attractive" I growl and shove food in her mouth.

"I meamt inm gemeral" she says chewing the food, the smiles "Like you know if Kiri killer someone to protect me I'd be totally freaked out but like he loves me so much he would go to prision for me" she smiles "Lets hope kiri doesn't go to prision or anything"

I nod and smile "It didn't look like any one died though and kiri wasn't even with them" I say confused and looked at her. "I know but like in general in life" I hum and nod, "Even though he's a mafia boss im sure Izuku would bail him out" Mina smiles, "you really think so" I nod "and if not I could as izuku to and im sure he would"

Mina smiles and starts eating "That's so cuuute" I growl and start eating. "Kiri isn't going to jail though and I know that" Mina hums "how" I look at her and roll my eyes "have you met the man" she nods and smiles. "True" she says taking another bite of her food.

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