Part 15

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NSFW (not full on smut but def NSFW)

Katsuki pov

I look at denki relieved, then to izuku. I smile as he smiles spraying denki and then kirishima, he looks at me and smiles widely. I smile back confused the glare "Don't you d-ARE"  I yell the last little bit and grab a gun spraying Izuku. He smirks at me and walks up to me as I spray him.

"I know this might be slightly inappropriate but..." I look at him confused as he bends down toward me "you look hot all wet" I blush and spray his face "Y-you per-pervert" he smiles and kisses my cheek, "I know I'm sorry" he chuckles and shoots me again.

Time skip

"Izuku the dining area is cleaned" iida says walking in, I look over and smile "he got in the bath" he nods and bows "okay thank you" I nod and smile. "Hey iida" he hums and looks at me "is Izuku really the dude I would follow around when we were younger" he smiles "I didn't think you remembered that... but yes, I remember and little blond boy following izuku around a lot when we were younger"

I nod and look down "thank you" he bows and leaves, "izuku" I fall backwards, "yes my little Katsuki" I look over as he leaves the bathroom in just a towel wrapped around his waist and another towel drying his hair.

I blush and look away "oh noth-nothing" I here a chuckle, then the bed leans down "really" I blush at the sound of his voice being so close. "Ye-yes" he kisses my cheek and smiles, "okay" the bed becomes more even again and I turn around.

He drops his towel down and started changing "oh wow" I say blushing while staring in shock, "huh" he says looking towards me. "What" he says smirking I blush and look away "nope too small" he gasps and hums "okay whatever you say bet mines bigger than yours" he crawls into bed and smiles.

"Nope mines bigger and I'm an omega so that's kinda sad" he smirk "prove it" he say raising his eyebrows and looks down. I hum "'maybe I will" he props himself up with his arms and looks at me.

I blush and start to unbutton my pants, "KATSUKI DO YOU KNOW WHERE KIRI WE-" I look over surprised as the door slams open with a girl with pink hair pushing on it.  "Guys if your gonna fuck lock the door" she groans the squeals "wait I want to watch never mind" we look at her confused then we both growl at the same time.

"Get out pinky" Izuku says standing up, I look at him shocked but then realize he put pants on and gasp. "Hey wait" she says surprised as he pushes her out. I nod in agreement "Hey wait" he looks at me confused "if I was proving it wouldn't you'd need to be out too" he smirks "do you just want to show off how big mine is" I blush "no"

He hums "then what you just want to see it" I shake my head and look away. He crawls in bed again and smiles "katsuki" I look at him and smirk "what shortie" I say looking down then back to his face, he hums and kisses me "you are naughty naughty" I hum.

"What are you gonna do about it" I whisper waiting for another kiss, he smirks and looks at my lips then hums. "Not sure" he leans closer to my face causing me to blush, suddenly it gets dark in the room and he lays down "I'm gonna go to sleep"

I look at him shocked, "what but it's only like noon" he hums "nap time" I look at him and sigh, "whatever" I plop down and look at the ceiling pouting. He rolls over facing me smirking, "you wanted it that badly" he whispers quietly, I start nodding then shake my head "no I wanted to Measure"

He hums and kiss me, "yeah" I nod and look at him, he kisses me deeply and immediately adds tongue. "Izuku did you like the door" he hums "don't know" he smirks and kisses me again the rubs my sides.

"God katsuki your literally so perfect" I bite my lip and look up, "izuku" he hums while kissing my neck. I bite my lips and look at him, "izuku" he looks up at me and kisses me. I let my scent out and hear izuku groan, "katsuki" he mumbles the kisses me roughly.

I look up biting my lip as he kisses all around my body, I moan as he leaves hickeys on my chest and sides. He gets to my lower abdomen and looks up at me, "katsuki" I nod and blush as he hums and starts undoing my pants.

"You want to have some fun" he whispers as he starts pulling my pants off if me, I bite my lip and look down to him and nod "Izuku"

No smut this chapter 😏 (well not full on)
but maybe the next chapter 🤫

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