part 23

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Izuku pov

"Why don't you show me those fantasies?" I ask with a wink. Katsuki's face gets bright red and he glances away. "Maybe I will," he says softly, shifting his weight from foot to foot. "Oh, I know you will," I tell him confidently, closing the distance between us. I reach my hand out and run it through his hair, drawing him closer. Katsuki smiles slightly and looks up at me.

"I can't wait to see what you've come up with for me," I say as my hand slowly trails down his back. Katsuki closes his eyes, leaning in closer to me. My other hand reaches out and grabs him firmly by the back of his neck, drawing him in even closer. I look down at him and whisper sweetly, "Let me feel that fire, baby."

I pull him in towards me and look him directly in the eyes. "That fire, burning inside of you," I whisper, "let me feel it." I then take my hand off of his neck and wrap my arms around his back to keep him in place. I tilt my head slightly in thought, "maybe I'll just need to spark that fire to ignite it," I tell him as I bite my lip softly. I look down at my hand and then slowly trail it down towards his chest.

I trace the shape of Katsuki's chest with my free hand and bring my face closer to his. "Are you ready for this?" I ask him with a sly smile. Katsuki looks at me with a small smirk on his face. "Definitely," he answers. I then place my hand over Katsuki's heart and tilt my head in thought. "Your heart is beating so fast, I can feel the fire already," I whisper. I slowly start to lean in closer, waiting to see what he will do next.

Suddenly, we hear footsteps coming up the stairs. We both look at each other and quickly pull away, our lips only being a few inches apart. I smile and lean in close again, "want to continue where we left off?" I ask him. KATSUKI! Mina yells from the other side of the door.

I look over at Katsuki and smirk. "Sounds like Mina wants to play game night," I tell him. "Maybe we should join them," Katsuki replies with a grin. I shrug and stand up to unlock the door.

We both leave my bedroom and start down the stairs. Mina is waiting in the living room with kirishima, sero, and Denki, all of whom have smiles on their faces. She looks at us and smiles. "Do you want to join us for game night?" Mina asks.

I look over at Katsuki and raise an eyebrow. "Your call," I say, giving him the choice. Katsuki stares at me for a few seconds and then nods. "Sounds good," he says, smiling as he walks over towards Mina.

We all join in the dining room, sitting around a large table with food that Katsuki had prepared. Katsuki sat next to me and looks over at me with a small smirk. "Having fun yet?" He asks. "Of course," I say with a wink.

The five of us finish eating and decide to clean the table together. Once we are finished, Denki takes out a board game and we all sit down around the table again to play. Mina and Sero sit on one side while Katsuki and I sit on the other side. We start playing and everyone seems to be enjoying themselves.

After a while, the game ends and Mina leans back in her seat with a yawn. "Wow, I'm tired," she says, looking around the table. "Same here," Denki agrees with a yawn of his own. "How about you guys?" Mina asks us, looking at Katsuki and me. "I think I could do with a good nights sleep," I tell her with a chuckle. "Me too," Katsuki adds as he stretches.

Katsuki and I both decide to head up to bed since we both feel rather tired. We say goodnight to everyone and head off towards our room. Once we are inside and the door is locked, I turn to face him and smirk. "I think I could do with a little more than just sleep tonight," I tease him. Katsuki just blinks at me and then looks slightly confused, "Huh? What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb with me, Katsuki." I say, walking towards him. "If you want to confess the feelings you have towards me, then just say it."

Katsuki smiles "I already did that's how you and I are going to be possible parents". I reach up towards his cheek with my free hand and gently stroke it with my thumb. "Do you think our baby will have your hair or mine?" I ask with a sly smile.

Katsuki chuckles softly and runs his hand through his hair. "I can only hope that it has that same fiery personality," he tells me. I giggle and nod in his direction. "Yeah, me too," I tell him. "I can only imagine what our little one would be like. Wild, I bet."

I lean forward and whisper in his ear. "I bet we'd both make amazing parents," I say with a smile. "The little one is lucky to have us," I continue in a much softer tone. "Just us three, our little family."

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