Part 27

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Izuku POV

Shota looked confused. "What do you mean I emailed you?" he asked. "I didn't send you any emails, the only one I got was from an anonymous sender." Shota looked shocked for a moment and then leaned in slightly, his voice sounding slightly distorted. "So I'm not the only one who got an email from an anonymous source..."

I stand stunned, processing what Shota had just said. "What are you saying?" I ask. "Are you telling me that multiple people got anonymous emails asking to meet up here?" Shota nods. "That's right. It can't be a coincidence, or a joke. They had the exact same message, right? So we have to assume that... someone is setting us up."

You stare at Shota as it all began to click into place. You realized that whoever had sent those emails had clearly been playing you. They had manipulated you and Shota into coming here without knowing the full context. It was like they had set a trap and waited for the prey. And you were now caught in the middle of it.

"Shota stay prepared for anything" I whisper and look around. "Someone may be have brought us right where they want us" I then freeze and look towards my back up then freeze.

For the first time, i feel a chill of fear run down my spine. I can feel the all of the hairs on the back of my neck stand up as i finally register the possibility that Shota and I are in danger. Someone had set a trap for us.

We take a few seconds to stay silent, the only sound being the beating of our own hearts. I can feel the tension rising, the air thick with unease. We know that something is wrong, that we are in an extremely dangerous situation and that we have to be ready for anything.

A moment later, i hear a loud clap so i looked up to see a figure draped in black standing infront of us. The man was tall and well-built, his face obscured behind a mask covered in a black cloth. He didn't say anything; he only stood there quietly, examining us both.

The man then stepped forward suddenly, closing the short distance between us in an instant. I didn't have time to react as he suddenly grabbed both of us by the shoulders and pushed us towards an alley nearby. I have no idea what is going on, but i can tell that this man has no good intentions.

I start to fight back, with everything i have to try and get out of the man's grasp. Shota joins me, punching the man hard in the chest and throwing his weight into him, trying to knock him down. The man steps back, his mask still obscuring his face, and he chuckles.

The man then suddenly lifts his leg and delivers a strong kick to my gut, knocking me over. I double over, gasping for breath, as Shota tries to pull me up again. The man steps forward and delivers another kick to his face, sending him into the wall of the alley.

Some of my backups come running towards the alley, trying to reach me before the man can do anything else. They see me struggling and Shota on the ground then immediately spring into action.

They attack the man and a battle ensues, the man and my people brawling in the alley while Shota and I try to catch our breath.

Shota and I pull out our handguns and aim them at the man, preparing to fire. The man raises his arms and looks at us both with a dark gaze.

A moment later, the man suddenly pulls out his own gun and points it back at us. Shota and I both fire at the same time, but neither of us can hit him. Instead, the bullet from one of my back ups strike his arm, causing him to drop his gun.

"Damn it," he chuckles as he looks down at the bullet wound in his arm. "You can't take me down that easily." He slowly approaches and we both fire again, but he steps back just in time. "Come on, let's see if you guys can actually do some damage this time."

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