Part 24

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Katsukis pov

I wake up in my bed that morning and stretch. I then yawn quietly and pull the covers away from my body. I sit up in bed and yawn again. I look over at the clock and notice that it's 7:30am. I sit there for a second and then decide to just go back to sleep.

Suddenly, I hear a soft knock on the door. "Katsuki, are you awake?" I hear izukus voice asking from the other side of the door. Oh, that must be breakfast, I think to myself as I decide to get up.

"I'm awake," I respond with a soft voice. "Alright, if you're hungry, I made some breakfast for us," Izuku says, his voice filled with excitement. I smile warmly and nod, "Be right there."

I get out of bed and throw on some clothes. I walk out of my room and spot Izuku in the kitchen. "Good morning," I tell him with a wink, "You smell amazing." Izuku chuckles and turns his head to face me, his face is bright red from embarrassment.

Izuku smiles and nods in response. "You too." He says. "Thanks," I add, smiling as I enter the kitchen and take a seat at the table. Izuku looks at me with a smile and plates both of us with a plate of eggs and hashbrowns, along with a bowl of fruit. "Thanks Izuku," I say as I smile at him. Izuku just smiles and nods back, looking away slightly.

I start eating my breakfast, enjoying the sweetness. "Hey, I have something I want to talk to you about," I say slightly awkwardly.

Izuku nods and swallows his food before he speaks. "Sure thing," he says, sounding curious. "Well, I actually have been meaning to talk to you for a little bit now." I continue, seeming slightly nervous. "Okay," Izuku says as he takes a bite out of his toast. "I wanted to let you know how I've been feeling lately." Izuku immediately stops chewing. "How exactly have you been feeling, Katsuki?" He asks, his eyebrows raised in curiosity.

"Well, for a few days now, my body has been acting... strange." I say slowly, looking down at my lap. "Strange?" Izuku asks with a concerned look on his face. "Yes," I respond, "I've noticed some things changing about my body." Izuku's eyes widen slightly, "Like what?" He asks me with a serious look on his face. "Well, I... I'm not really sure how to describe it, but my breasts have been getting bigger. And my period is late as well."

Izuku leans forward slightly, a serious expression still plastered across his face. "So... You think you're... pregnant?" He asks, his voice soft and quiet. I nod slowly, feeling slightly embarrassed. "It's the only explanation I can think of, Izuku," I finally reply. Izuku pauses and takes a deep breath, "Then, let me take you to a doctors office so we can check."

Izuku nods softly and gets up from the table, "Come on," he says as he heads off towards the door. I grab my jacket and put it on, following close behind him.

He opens the door and walks out of the room. After a few minutes of walking, we arrive at the local hospital. Izuku walks over to the receptionist and explains our situation. We wait for a few minutes before being called in and directed towards one of the examination rooms.

"So, I've been told you think you're pregnant." I hear a female voice say from behind us. I turn to face her and nod. "Yes," I tell her, "I've noticed a few changes in my body." The doctor smiles and nods in my direction. "Let's see what the results of a pregnancy test show. We don't want to jump to conclusions."

Izuku and I wait a few minutes longer as the doctor takes the test. She comes back into the room and smiles. "You're definitely pregnant." I feel a wave of anxiousness wash over me.

Our faces fill with shock, and we look over at Izuku who has a huge smile on his face. "I'm going to be a father?!" He says with excitement as he looks over at me and wraps his arms around me tightly, giving me a hug. "Yes! Yes you are," I reply with a smile, hugging him back tightly. He laughs and kisses my forehead.

I hear the doctor speaking softly in the background and I look over at her. "And the father?" She asks us calmly. We both look over at Izuku, who is still smiling. "Me." He replies confidently.

Izuku looks back at the doctor with a proud smile. "Your baby should be due in March," she tells us. Izuku and I both look at each other in surprise, our eyes widening and our jaws dropping slightly. "Did you say MARCH?!" Izuku says loudly. "Yes," she replies, seeming slightly confused. Izuku and I look at each other again, trying to make sense of the doctor's words. "This baby is going to come in March?" I whisper to Izuku with a slight smile.

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