Part 13

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Katsuki pov

Once we all got back home Izuku showed everyone their rooms and we all Put kiri in my bed. "wait if kirishima is sleeping here what about katsuki" sero says confused. I smile "I want to sleep with Izuku" I look up at him and he blushes, Mina squeals "OMG I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH YOU GIVE ME SO MUCH TEA OMG I LOVE YOU FREE BL" i smile at her and she squeals louder.

"Okay okay it's getting late and I want to sleep" kiri says smiling "hagekure watch over him" hagekure smiles "of course sir" I look at Izuku and follow him to his room. "Izuku" he looks at me and smiles "yeah" I blush "can I wear one of your shirts to bed" he smiles "of course"

Minas squeals then starts screaming "ARE YOU FALLING IN LOVE~ IVE GOT THE FEELING YOU ARE~" I glare at her "MINA" she jumps and smiles "sorry the song is stuck in my head after watching you guys" I blush and look at Izuku as he smiles at me.

"I-im not" I look away blushing, he smiles and grabs my hand "Go to bed pinky" she squeals again and starts singing again. "KATSUKI" sero yells right before we walk in Izukus room, we look behind us "yeah" he glares at Izuku "sleep with me instead" Izuku growls and pulls me toward him. "Fuck off" he says growling, sero glares at him. "Don't fucking tell me what to do" I grab Izuku hand and squeeze it, "calm down Izuku"

He looks at me and glares at sero "it's late go to bed" he pulls me in and slams the door. I smile at him and he plops on the bad "sorry katsuki" I giggle "Aww it's fine you've done worse" he looks at me and smiles "let me get you a shirt"  he says standing up and walking to his closet "here it's plain but my favorite" I smile and nod.

I put it in and sniff it "it smells good" he blushes and looks away. I smile and lay down "okay let's sleep" he nods and lays next to me. "Izuku" i whisper as deku start to breathe a little slower, he hums and looks at me "I wasn't lying when I was drunk" he hums "what you said wasn't true" he looks at me "katsuki you-" I stop him and smile "your just in denial" I say then lay down and fall asleep.

The next morning

I wake up and see Izuku sleeping infront of me, I reach out and put my hand in his face and smile "I really do-" iida barges in "SIR TOMURA CALLED YOU" Izuku jumps up and nods at iida "tell him One minute" I look at him as he starts changing and rushes out the door.

I sigh and look at the ceiling "why doesn't he believe me an I too mean to him... what if I kissed him, no he probably would think that I think I need too" I walk to the door and watch as he sits at the table glaring forward as the tomura dude talks, He looks towards me worried then jumps up "DONT TOUCH HIM" he runs towards me then I feel something around my mouth.

I let out my scent to showing him my distress "he barges in the room drops the phone and takes his gun out "TOMURA DROP HIM NOW" I look at deku scared and start crying "Aww he really does love you I doesn't he" the person grabbing me whispers in my ear, I start to kick him which doesn't work. Izuku starts to shoot him and just barely hits his leg. He drops be and I run to Izuku, "Aww you do love eachother" Izuku shoots again and hits him again.

He jumps out of Izukus window then we hear a car drive off. Izuku looks at me and drops down. Then hugs me and starts crying, I hug him back and sero looks at us confused the leaves the room.

We just sit there hugging for a few minutes, he lets go and smiles at me "I'm sorry katsuki" I smile "Izuku it's fine" he shakes his head "no you almost died and it'd be my fault. Suddenly there is a voice through the phone again "that's why you don't love anyone cousin" Izuku growls and hangs up.

he looks down "katsuki I'm so so so sorry" I grab his face and smile "Izuku it's fine" he looks at me and I smile wider the squeeze his cheeks "you so adorable" he blushes and I smile. We look at eachother and just stare, I lean closer to his face making our noses touch. "Izuku" he hums, and I smile "I really agree with Mina" he hums "you are hot" he blushes and chuckles.

"I also agree with your weird cousin" he looks at me confused and looks sad "we love each other... right" he blushes "well you know my feelings for you I don't know about your feelings for me"

I smile and grab his face "I'm not drunk this time" I whisper then kiss him, he kisses back and breaks the kiss. "Katsuki" I look at him and he smiles "your not lying are you" I giggle and shake my head. "You've successfully made me fall for you" he looks at me and smiles.

He kisses me and I kiss back, kiri limps in "is everyone alright" he says worriedly, I break the kiss quickly and jump "Woah dude" he says surprised, I smile at Izuku and he chuckles.

"Sero did you Allow this" sero walks in confused "what" he glares at Izuku "what" I smile "nothing" Izuku looks up at me and smiles "katsuki I really hate my cousin but I'm glad you agree with him on that" sero looks at me and thinks back to everything the tomura dude said then glares at Izuku "HEY HEY HEY not on my watch"

Izuku smiles, "hey I haven't bitten him yet it'll hurt more when he's not in heat or when we're not mating" I blush as Izuku smiles. Sero growls, "I swear to god if you lay a finger on him"

We all leave the room and go eat, sero glares at Izuku, Mina walks out yawning with jiro and denki. "What was all the loud bang noises" Mina smirks and looks at Izuku and I, I shake my head "not what you think Mina" she looks at sero and smirks "then why does he look like he's about to kill mr. Hot alpha" I glare at her "Don't call him hot"

"Bakubro I didn't know you were into that type of stuff" denki says smirking then wraps his hands around his neck, i touch my neck and look at deku, he glares at them "while you guys were taking your beauty sleep we all got attacked"

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