Part 17

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The next morning
Katsuki pov

I sit up and yawn then look over towards Izukus spot and notice he's not there, I pout and crawl out of bed. I slowly walk to the chair next to the bookshelf and smile at the note written by izuku.

To MY Omega

Hey Katsuki, here's some clothes for you. I'm sorry I had to go even earlier then usual iida said that I had an important call. I asked tsu to make sure you had clothes and this note. I'll see you around four-ish. I miss you already. XX

I grab the clothes and change into them, "I wonder where Mina is" I open the door slowly and look around, "Mina" she pops up out of no where smirking "katsuki~" I look at her confused.

"GIVE ME ALL THE TEA" I growl and roll my eyes, "was it big" she smirks "is he gentle or rough" I growl. "Mina have you ate breakfast yet" she shakes her head the glares "answer me pleaaaaasse" she jumps infront of me "just tell me is he as big as it seems he would be" I bite my lip and cover my face then look away.

"NO WAY HE IS" I sigh and nod still looking away, "katsuki" I look at her confused as to why she's so serious, "you allowed him to claim you right" I nod "oh thank the heavens above" I look at her confused "what"

she smiles and drags me to the dining room, "I just wanted to make sure he wasn't forceful" I hum and smile while whispering "in every way but that" I guess Mina actually heard cause she was squealing "SO HE WAS ROUGH" I glare at her the look around "where's kirishima and sero" Mina jumps "oh gosh I forgot them"

She runs go two different rooms and opens the doors and starts bowing as the two alphas left the rooms. "Why were you guys locked in your rooms" Mina smirks and looks at me "your scent is strong" I blush and bow to them as well.

Sero glares "that fucking alpha better be waiting for me, I'm gonna give him what he needs" I growl and Mina start laughing "that sounded a little to wrong for katsukis dirty mind" I turn away.

"But I'm proud of you kiri" Mina yells while smiling, kirishima blushes at Mina's praise and smiles. "For what" she walks up to him "you were right up against the door where katsukis scent was strongest but still was able to hold back"

He nods and smiles "I didn't realize that" I hum then growl "what were you doing at the door" kirishima awkwardly chuckles "protecting your mating from sero" I look at sero confused "well mina said you two were fucking and even though you're the oldest I have to protect you since denkis too dumb to even try"

I growl "I don't need protected" kirishima smiles "let's all calm down" Mina runs over to me again and smirks "Can you tell me in detail what happened" I blush and look away. Then I hear a quiet growl from sero and look over at him, he looks away and sits down "Do you know what's for breakfast mina" she shakes her head and pouts "are you really gonna tell me nothing" she whines and drags her feet to her chair. "No I wont" she whines more "please"

Tsu brings out the food and I immediately shove food in Mina's mouth, "wuh wah what wor" I glare at her "it's inappropriate to talk with your mouth full" she sighs and chews her food. "Mr.Katsuki" I look over at her and hum. "Boss said that he'd like you too cook tonight and told me to ask for him" I hum and smile "sure" she nods and walks off. "Okay so... Tell me about last night" Mina says again smirking at me, "I growl and shove more food in her throat.

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