Part 19

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"BAKUBRO" I smirk and start laughing "you guys suck" Mina huffs "your just cheating" I shake my head "you guys are just sore losers" I grab all the cards from the middle and put them in my deck "You won't get the jack this time bakubro" kirishima glared at me and looked at Mina. "As of your gonna get it" we put a few cards down then kirishima lifted his card towards Mina.

She nodded and i glared "you guys can't cheat" he looks above me and throws a jack down right as I look up and get engulfed by someone. "Katsukiiii" I hear coming from Izuku, I hum and push him off. "You made me miss the jack" he pouts "so you want a jack more than me" I hum and nod "yeah" the smile

Mina giggles a bit as Izuku looks at me with his mout wide open, "don't leave your mouth open too long or spiders will move in" he huffs and sits right next to me then lays his head on my shoulder. "How was your guys day" Mina smiles "Katsuki was looking at recipes" he looks at me and smiles "what recipe"

I jump up and give him my cards "let me go get the book, play for me" he nods and they continue playing while I run to the kitchen. "Hmm where'd I put the book" I hear a noise and turn around "hey min-" I freeze as I see an unfamiliar yet familiar person infront of me "who are you" the man smiles "oh does Izuku not talk about me" he smirks at me the picks up the cook book "are you expecting" I glare at him "You didn't answer my question" the man smiles "I just want to know if I'm going to be an uncle of not"

I slowly start inching towards the door "Your the guy from last time" he smiles "You got it I'm Tomura, Izukus cousin" he starts walking towards me "looks like you guys mates and he claimed you" I back away from him "What do you want" Tomura smiles "Answer my question" I glare "what question" he tosses me the book "are you expecting" I growl.

"If I answer will you leave us alone" he hums "depends on your answer" I growl "No, No one is expecting" he growls and jumps out the window then yells "can't wait to be an uncle"

I close the window and lock it "Katsuki are you okay" Izuku says popping up from the door, I jump and smile at him "i thought I saw a bird outside" he smiles and picks up the book. "Is this it" I nod and smile "it's right here" I say as I flip to the page, "he smiles and wraps his arm around my waist "yumm that looks so good" I smile and nod "doesn't it" I look up at him and smile "can I cook it for you" he nods and grabs my waist with both hands "of course"

He leans over and kisses me "my omega" I hum and look at him "somethings different" I hum and look at him "it's been different since earlier" he looks at the book and closes it. I look at him as he reads the title, he smiles at me and kisses me "maybe it's cause we're newly mates.

I nod and smile slightly, "yeah" I grab the book and follow him out. Mina runs up to me and smile "hey kat let's go have a pedi in my room" I hum and nod. Once we got to Mina's room she locked the door and looked at me, "what's up" I shake my head " I could tell from a mile away that you're upset" I sigh and sit on her bed

"I don't think Izuku wants pups" Mina hums and I start crying "he said something seemed different about my inner omega and even read the title of the book and said it probably just because we're newly mates" Mina hugs me "katsuki it's fine, that doesn't mean he doesn't want pups" 

I start crying more "what if I am pregnant and he abandons me because of that" Mina sighs "kat look at me" I look and her still crying "he won't care if your pregnant or not he's gonna love you and any future pups you have with all of his heart"

I continue to cry "promise?" She nods and hugs me "promise" I hug her back and yawn, "already tired" I nod "too much crying" she giggles and pulls me out of her room "Guys" Izuku runs up to me "You look like you were crying are you okay" I smile and nod "Izuku can I talk to you... Please" he nods and brings me to our room, "what up baby" I bite my lip and look down "do you want pups"

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