Part 18

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After finishing breakfast and somehow getting Mina to shut up, I walk to the library and start looking for recipes that I'd like to try. I look around and smile as I see one named "Secret to a happy alpha and happy pups"

I grab the book and look inside searching for something that looks tasty and come across a page showing multiple chicken recipes. I look at the recipes then suddenly hear someone say "what are you doing" I jump and hug the book then growl "What do you want sero" he hums "nothing just wanted to know what you're doing"

I hum and show him the book "look at how good these chicken recipes look" I show him the pictures and he hums "that does look really good" he bends down to look at the cover, "what's the name of the book I want a copy" I hum and leave my hand to hold the place and close it on my hand.

"Looks like it's named "Secret to a happy alpha and happy pups" sero growls "why does it mention pups" he looks at me and glares "your not pregnant are you, you are not only rare for being a male omega your are extremely fertile"

I growl "I'm not pregnant!! And I know my fertility thank you very much it is MY fertility" he sighs "I know I know I just don't want you to make any sort of mistakes" I growl "If I was pregnant why would you think it'd be a mistake!! If I got pregnant my child would NOT be a mistake" I huff and storm out of the library.

"Ugh how dare he say that my child will be a mistake" I whisper under my breath but I guess kirishima heard with his stupid alpha hearing, "YOU'RE PREGNANT" he yelled, I jump and look over towards him and see Mina just staring at me with her jaw wide open.

"WHAT! NO NO NO! I am not pregnant sero, was saying my future child would be a mistake" sero growls while leaving the library "That's not what I meant" I growl and glare at him "Oh really 'I just don't want you to make any mistakes' isn't saying my future child would be a mistake"

Mina walks over to me calmly "calm down Bakubabe" I breath and look at her "what" she smiles "let's go to your room and look at the cooking book together" I nod and glare at sero one last time.

Once we got to my room mina smiled "What's the name of the book" I show her and huffed, I look at her confused as she just stands there "you don't think I'm pregnant too do you" she smiles reassuringly "it's too early to tell, and you're always moody so..." I look at her seriously "Mina you don't think I'm pregnant right"

she smiles "we can't be sure that you're not... I mean we all know omegas know on the inside before they actually know... and you grabbed a book about pups, got angry when sero said your pup was gonna be a mistake, and you seem more possessive than usual in here, BUT that could be because you now have an alpha and it new to you"

I nod and hum "yeah" I open the book and show her the recipe, she smiles "oooh that looks yummy" I nod and smile "do you think Izuku will like it!!! I hope so it looks yummy I want some right now" she smiles and nods "if you make it I'm sure he would"

I stand up and smile "alright let's go see if we have yeh ingredients so I can message Izuku incase we need anything before he gets back" Mina nods and stands up following me to the kitchen. "Let's see, we have chicken" I walk over to a cabinet and smile "noodles, sauce" I hum and continue looking for correct ingredients.

"I think we have everything katsuki" I nod and put the book down marking the page. "Hey katsuki...I'm sorry about being all up in your business this morning" I look at her confused "Who are you!? You are not Mina" she giggles "I am it's just I was curious" I nod "obviously you were I mean I swore I wouldnt get marked or mate with an alpha"

she smiles and looks at me, "just so you know if you are pregnant then your child wouldn't be a mistake" I look at her surprised "Mina do you really think I'm pregnant!! It was my first time I can't be" she smiles "Look I know your fertility level I know that you don't even have to leave it in there for long to get pregnant" I nod "Mina" she smiles "don't worry katsuki, we don't want this to stay at the top of your mind for 2 weeks" I look at her confused "2weeks" she nods "pregnancy test" I hum and nod "alright let's just play games"

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