Part 5

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He nods and looks at me "so did you just buy me to use me for your mission" I shake my head "I bought you cause I want to make you mine, but I'm asking if you could help me" he looks at me worried then looks down "I-I don't know... I mean yeah people did bad things but I grew up "

I sigh and lean back "I understand that but please help" he looks at me sadly "I mean is do it myself but like you said you grew up there that's why I'm asking for your help... if I don't get your help then I'd have to shut the place down less peacefully" he looks at me shocked "yo-you don't mean your gonna kill ever-everyone... right" he asks worried, I smile "that's why asked for your help, you don't want everyone you grew up with to die so I'm asking you to just give me information so the bad people working there can go to prison"

he glares at me "so you saying if I don't help you your gonna kill everyone" I nod "yeah but the way yo-" he stands up and starts to walk away "Katsuki" yell, he continues walking and growls "and you dare say you want me to fall for you" I grab his arm but he pulls away "Mr. Boss or whatever I thank you for wanting me but I don't want you" he says growling.

I sigh and let him walk to his room "I'll give him time to cool off" I say to myself. "Where the duck is that red heads number" I growl scrolling through my phone, I finally find it and call

Kiri- Hello?
Izu- Hey...
Kiri- Did you fucking hurt katsuki
Izu- I don't think I hurt him... He's really mad though
Kiri- Why is he mad
Izu- where are you?
Kiri- why the fuck does it matter
Izu- just tell me your fucking location
Kiri- whatever Im at the town library
Izu- okay there is gonna be guy with glasses picking you up
Kiri- wha-

I hang up and immediately tell iida to go get him, I sigh and walk over to katsukis room "Hey katsuki..." I don't get an answer, "... I didnt mean it as a threat" katsuki opens the door "how is "killing everyone you grew up with if you don't help me" not a threat" I sigh "I know it sound like one but it's not" he laughs and sends a chill up my spine "yeah right not only are you using me for you mission you threaten to kill everyone I grew up with"

I shake my head "katsuki... please think about it" he growls and goes to close his door. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YIU THINK YOUR DOING" the red head yells, "is tha-that.." I nod and he growls "ARE YOU GONNA THREATEN TO KILL MY BEST FRIEND TOO" I guess the red head heard that "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT WHY THIS FUCKING IDIOT GOT ME" I sigh "no I just couldn't tell you what I wanted to say over the phone" "what's that huh"

I grab katsuki hand and lead him away from his room "Red head loser.. I'm a mafia boss and I need help with katsuki" he looks at me laughing "your a mafia boss but you need help with an omega" I growl "your fucking friend is dumb" I say to katsuki, he growls "at least he doesn't threaten to kill everyone you grew up with" I sigh "I didn't threaten" I growl.

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