Part 11

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Katsuki pov

"BAKUBRO IVE MISSED YOU" denki yells hugging me, sero looks at me concerned "he hasn't tried anything with you has he. I shake my head "nope" sero looks at me and hums "he's never even suggested doing anything to you" I shake my head "he says if he does anything it would be with my permission after he gets me to fall for him" I say rolling my eyes.

Mina and jiro looks at me and smirk "your blushing do you like him" I look at them and shake my head "n-No I just remembered something" I look down embarrassed.

"What do you remember" kirishima says sounding angry "well um" kirishima sits in my chair looking right at me "I umm got drunk" Sero looks at me "are you alright he didn't take advantage of you right".

I shake my head "no I told him to mate with me and I even kissed him but he still refused since I was drunk" Mina smirks "so what were you blushing about "noth-nothing I was just thinking about how kind he is for what his career is"

Denki looks at me confused a long with Mina "what he is" jiro rolls her eyes "isn't it obvious" kirishima stands up "he's a Mafia boss" they look at me shocked and I nod "he is but he's sweet"

Mina smirks "Aww are you really falling for him" she squeals and I shake my head "of-of course not he's just really nice is all" she hums "sure"

Time skip

"Bro this movie is so boring" denki says while stretching I smile and nod "agreed" suddenly we all hear a loud bang, "Who is it" I whisper to my self than hear a loud yell "THAT FUCKING ASS HOLE I SHOULDVE KILLED HIM LONG AGO" I hear something break, then walk to the door, "katsuki stop" kiri and sero say at the same time,

I shake my head "IIDA GET ME MY FUCKING GUN" I hear doors slam and then gunshots then braking glass. I leave the room and look around "mr. katsuki" I look over and see iida "is Izuku okay" I say worried he nods "just in a bit of a mood, you should probably go back to your room so he doesn-"

"OI IIDA GET ME A FUCKI-" Izuku stops yelling and looks at me he puts his hands behind his back and smiles " you should be in your room. I look at him worried "I'm fine katsuki" I walk up to him and look at his hands "your hurt" he smiles and pats my head "im fine okay" I shake my head and drag him to my room.

"Guys where did I put the first aid kit" Mina jumps up and grabs it for me "here" I smile "thanks, now Izuku let me see your hand" he looks at me and smiles "it's fi-" "-Hand" he smirks "Aww you care for me" I blush and continue wrapping his hand "you're hurt is all" he hums and smiles "thank you katsuki"

I blush and continue looking away after wrapping his hand. "Sorry about the yelling" he scratches the back of his head and smiles, "someone just got on my nerves and had to take my anger out.

Mina smiles "it's fine" sero hums and glares at deku then kirishima nods "understandable" he smiles at kirishima "oh by the way thanks for the information it's helping a lot with my mission" kirishima nods while we all look at him confused.

Deku smiles and pats my head "when would you like your pay red head" I look at deku and then back to kirishima "whenever is fine" deku nods and smiles "okay well since it's late why don't we go out for dinner"

I look at him and he smiles at me "katsuki thanks for wrapping my hand" I nod and smile "Iida I'm sorry but can you get the car started so we can eat out" I smile at Iida and he nods "where to sir" deku smiles "let's just go to a family restaurant" iida nods and smiles, "yes sir"

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