Part 9

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"But wouldn't this be expensive too" i say holding it, he shakes his head "not too expensive" I sigh in disbelief "you don't have to spend so much money on me" he nods "I want to"

Time skip

"Holy hell this is the best spicy ramen I've ever had" i say looking at him shocked, he nods and takes a bite of his katsudon. "I bet you could make better spicy ramen" I blush and look down again "also you seem to blush more... are you falling in love" he says smirking.

"Don't know" he looks at me confused "well do you want to be mine" I shrug "I still barely know you" he sighs and nods "true" I take another bite and smile "you don't seem too patient about me being yours" he looks at me confused "oh sorry" I smile and drink my water.

"Can I try a bite" he says while looking at my ramen, "sure why not" he smiles and reaches over getting some noodles. "Ohh it look really good" he eats the noodles he got and smiles "oh it's not tha- oh my god that's really spicy" he says while waving his hand towards his tongue and drinking his water.

I giggle and finish my food, "how the hell do you eat that" I shrug and finish my drink. "I'm gonna stick to katsudon" he says while taking another bite. I giggle and smile slightly "you do that" he looks at me smiling and just stares, "uhh Midoryia" i say while smiling. "Your so pretty" he whispers not so quietly causing me to blush.

Time skip

"Thank you tsu do you know where iida is" Midoryia says as he gets out of the car, tsu smiles "he told me the library" she bows and drives to park the car. I smile at Midoryia as he grabs my hand and walks to the library "what do you want to do while I punish mineta" he says whispering into my ear. I look at the books and grab a cook book.

"Can I practice cooking" he smiles and nods "of course" I smile and watch as he walks up to iida and talks to him.

Izuku pov

"Let's go see mineta" I say to iida as he stands up and bows "okay sir I'll lead you to him" I nod and follow iida downstairs into the basement and look at mineta "finally your back" I glare at him and sit down across from him.

"I was out wit he my beautiful soon to be omega... Can you tell me why you'd rather hook up with random women rather than your job" he smirks and looks up "cause women are so fucking hot and I'd love to fu-" I take my gun out and point it at him "Okay killing is fun should I choose to kill or keep my employee"

He looks at me shocked and starts crying "cause I'd love to kill every disobeying employee I have" he starts shaking his head "Pl-please don't Im your employee your bro please don't-" I glare at him and pull the trigger.

"That's not only for skipping out to hook up with girls but also since you called MY omega hot only I get to call him that" I look at iida and he nods "I'll clean it up right away sir" I smile and walk upstairs.

"Oh my goodness it smells amazing" I say while walking into the kitchen, katsuki smiles and looks at be. "Want to try it" I hum and nod "sure" he cuts me off a piece and feeds it to me.
"Ohh that is good" I say smiling the smirk "you should feed me more often" he blushes and looks away "shut up" he looks at the food and adds more seasonings.

"Ohh let me make champagne" he smiles and nods "okay" (let's pretend it takes 15 mins not 15 months) I smile and mix all the ingredients together and finish making it just as katsuki set the food on the table.

"Who's ready for dinner" I grab the just made champagne and pour some in his glass and sims in mine. "Ohh this I good" hd say putting his cup down, I smile and nod "more" he nods and gets some more. "The food is delicious and the champagne is good"

Time skip

"Katsuki that's your 4th cup slow down" he smiles slightly and tilts his head. "HEHEHEHEH MIDORYIA IS SO KIND" he yells, i slap my hand to my forehead and stand up.

I pick him up and carry him to his room, "Midoryia mate with Me" I shake my head "I can't Im sorry" he grabs my neck and wraps his arms around it "then mark me" I shake my head again and frown "katsuki your drunk lay down and go to sleep" he whines and pulls my head to his and kisses me.

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