Part 10

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I pull away from the kiss much to my dislike, "why won't you do anything with me" I cover him up "your drunk" he huffs "am not" I nod "yeah 5 hours ago you wouldn't mate with me if your life depended on it" he looks away "not true" I sigh and walk away "Goodnight katsuki" I hear a mumble from katsuki and close the door.

"Hello Midoryia is there anything you'd like me to do before I get some rest" I nod "get someone to watch katsuki and make sure he's fine... he got drunk and make sure they are an omega or a beta" iida nods and smiles "yes sir good night" I walk to my room and lay down. "Why'd he have to be drunk" I sigh and quickly get changed.

Time skip

"Good morning sir" iida says smiling then bows "Good morning, How is katsuki" iida looks at me "he is doing fine and still sleeping" I nod and get some breakfast. "You have a meeting at 9:00 should I get the car started" I look at my watch "not right now but get it started by 8:00 so we don't show up late" iida nods and starts cleaning up my dishes.

"I'm gonna go check on katsuki" he nods and bows "I had Ms. hagekure watch over him" I nod "thank you" I walk to katsukis room and knock. The door opens and I smile "Hello katsuki" he looks down blushing.

I smirk and Pat his head "don't worry about last night" he looks up at me "I-I'm sorry" I shake my head "I just said not to worry" he looks away and I smile "do you need medicine" he shakes his head "hagekure already gave me some" I nod and smile

"Okay I have to leave around 8 today you won't try to escape right" he looks at me and shakes his head "even if I tried you have lots of people working for you" I nod and smile "you can invite your friends over but they can not leave until I get back"

He smiles "really" I nod and smirk, "the red head is already in his way with the pinky girl" he smiles and nods. I leave the room and right as I get to iida he bows "sir kirishima, Mina, denki, sero, and jiro are here" I nod "where are they" he stands up straight "living room 1" I nod and smile "get the car started" he nods and I head towards the living room.

"Woah this place is huge" the young male with dark hair says excitedly, I close the door and smile "welcome to my home" the red head looks at me. "Why did you want all of us here" I smile and gesture to them to sit down.

"I have a meeting and I have to leave to it soon and I'll be gone for most of the day because of it" the red head hums "so" I smile "I don't want katsuki to be lonely" the pinky squeals "bakubro I haven't seen him in so long" I smile "you guys won't be able to leave until I get back. I have many guards and good doctors in case you guys get hurt"

The blond with a lightning bolt in his hair hums "so we're gonna be trapped here" I nod "basically yep, would you like me to show you to katsukis room" they nod except for the red head" I smile and stand. "Okay come with me" I say and start leading them to katsukis room.

Once we got there I knocked on the door, it opened to show katsuki in only a long sweatshirt, I blush and look away "your friends are here" the pinky jumps and smiles.

"Mr. Guy who bought you is hot" she whispers not so quietly. I look over to them and notice katsuki glaring at her causing me to smirk "okay I'll see you later katsuki" I say while Patting his head.

I walk to the garage and see iida in the car "Thank you for waiting" Iida nods. "Who is this meeting with again" I say as I look through papers for the meeting. He clears his throat, "umm It's Mr. Tomuras group" I look at him "Tomura as in shigaraki" he nods "it's been years since I last saw my cousin" I say frowning then look out the window.

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