Part 12

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Izuku pov

We all pile into with jiro up front "So Mr. Midoryia what made you want katsuki" the pinky says I smile "I'm not really sure but he bumped into me and I really wanted him" katsuki rolls his eyes and looks away. "Aww katsuki he so romantic" she says squealing, I look at katsuki and smile. He looks at me then quickly looks away "obviously" he says blushing causing me to smile "Aww katsuki your so cute" I say smiling wide.

Red head looks at me and growls, I smile "what look at how cute he is" sero glares at me the looks at katsuki "why do you want Katsuki so badly" I look at him and smile "like I said earlier he just bumped into me and I immediately fell for him" he growls "it wasn't because of his heat" I glare at the red head.

"If it was to his heat why would he still be here, his heat ended the next day" He glares, "you can't just immediately fall for someone, it takes time" I growl. "Not all love happens over time" katsuki blushes and looks at the the both of us.

"Guys please stop fighting" I nod and smile at him. "Sorry katsuki" he looks down and smiles. I glare at sero and look forward, Mina squeals "awww You mr. Midoryia boss dude is so hot but cute" she says while look at katsuki. I look over smiling as katsuki pushes her back "shut up" he growls. I smile wider at him, "Aww katsuki are you-" "No shut up" he looks away blushing causing me to smile even wider.

Time skip

"Ohh this place isn't nearly as expensive as the one we were at yesterday" katsuki says smiling at me, I hum "well you said you didn't want be spending too much money" he looks at me "but this place is still expensive isn't it, I shrug "I don't think so" he sighs and we all go in to find our seat.

"Izuku where are you sitting" katsuki says holding onto my sleeve, I smile "anywhere you want" he looks around and sits at one of the booths, I slide in right next to him and sero growls at me. 

Once we ordered our food katsuki started giggling "are you gonna eat my spicy ramen again" I smile and hum "I might if it's not spicy" he hums "so you won't" I sigh "probably not"

Mina squeals again "Aww so cute you guys are so cute" I smile "katsuki is cute" she squeals "OMG OMG OMG" katsuki blushes and starts drinking his water. I smile and put my hand in his head, and he starts chugging his water.

Our food finally gets here so I hand katsuki his food and take mine, "thank you" I smile at katsuki as he starts eating. "Wha" he says while eating. I shake my head and smile "nothing" I start eating and finish first. "Izuku" I look at katsuki and smile "yes" he looks over at another table "there is a man staring at you" I hum "what does he look like "light blue maybe white hair and he looks crusty" I chuckle "okay guys it's time to leave"

We all stand up "you guys leave first I'll pay" katsuki looks at me worried and I smile. "I'll meet you out there" I walk up to the counter and pay the lady. "Excuse me cousin" I sigh and turn around "what do you want Tenko" he growls "its tomura now" I growl "what ever what do you want we were just talking not even 2 hours ago" he smirks "that blond omega looks fun to play around with"

I growl "back off" he smirks "oh is he yours" I reach in my jacket "if he wasn't mine why would he be with me" tomura reaches in his jacket "well I didn't see a bite or sense one either" I growl "he's mine he's just not ready to be but yet"

"My dear cousin Izuku haven't you learned to share since your mom" I flinch "... don't bring my mom into this" he smirks "why your mom said that she can love both of us but you wouldn't let her" I growl "tenko" he hums "I really don't like to share" he nods "I know that's why I've been watching you" I growl "touch him your dead". Suddenly katsuki runs inside "Izuku someone shot kiri"

I glare at tenko and grab katsuki "next I see you your dead"  He hums "sure" I run outside and pick kiri up piling him on our laps. "IIDA WHATS CLOSED MY HOUSE OR THE HOSPITAL" katsuki starts crying and I rub his head. "Hospital sir" I nod "get us there immediately" he nods "your not hurts are you katsuki" he shakes his head. "Thank god" I kiss his forehead and lay my head on it, he leans into me and starts to calm down.

Time skip

"Kirishima is gonna be okay" I tell katsuki as he start to calm down after crying again. The doctor comes out "he'll be fine just needs to rest his leg for a bit" I nod "can we see him" the doctor nods. "Come on katsuki" I smile, he grabs my hand and follows me into the room.

I smile, "I'll pay for the hospital bill" he nods "thank you" Katsuki apologizes. "What happened" he hums "someone was trying to shoot katsuki so I pushed him but he got me not badly but still hurt.

Katsuki starts crying again "I'm sorry I didn't think that he's follow me immediately after our meeting" I look at katsuki "we probably won't be able to go out of the house for a while" he nods I look at the red head "everyone that was with us today can't leave either" katsuki nods and looks at me "so we have enough rooms"

I smile "we have plenty" he smiles and nods "someone can sleep in my room" I look at him confused "no one you mean" he shakes his head "kiri should since It's so close to your room what if something happens" I glare at the red head "what about you katsuki" he smiles "your room"

I blush "wait huh" kirishima looks at him confused as well, "is your bed too small" I shake my head "well no but I-" he smiles "then it's settle I sleep with you and kiri sleeps in my bed" I smile "do you just want to sleep with me" he blushes "n-no" I smile "okay"

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