Part 7

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After a few hours I calmed down a little and katsuki did as well, "Sorry for not taking it the wrong way... it's just that the way you said it kinda wasn't good" katsuki says I hum and walk to my room "yeah it's time for bed" I turn around and smile "goodnight katsuki" he nods and looks down then walks to his room.

I change into my pajamas and lay down, "I can't wait to-" "sorry to intrude but you have a call sir" iida says in a monotone voice, i sigh and sit up "thank you iida" I grab the phone in his hand and answer it.

This is a call

"HELLO!!! You are the greenette who had won the omega Katsuki Bakugo correct" I growl and nod "Yes what do you need" The man on the other side of the phone began talking again "Well there was a young alpha who said he'd like to rent him, would it be fine if-" I growl "FUCK OFF" then hang up.

No longer a call

"Please make sure katsuki is comfortable and can go to sleep" he nods and bows "okay sir" Then closes my door. I go back to my bed and lay down then quickly cover up "Finally sleep"

Next day

"Mr. Midoryia" I open my eyes slightly and look over to see its 5:30, I sit up quickly "Shit I slept in" I jump up then look to iida "oh yeah sorry what is it" he bows and pushes his glasses up "the 'red head loser' is here" I nod and smile "thanks please tell him Im Changing" he nods and leaves the room.

Once I finished changing I went to the dining room and saw the redhead "what is it" he looks at me and smiles "the business might be getting shut down" I hum "why" he sits down immediately after I do and starts explaining.

"Well apparently not nearly as many people has gone there since katsuki sold" I nod and hum "okay, so they aren't getting nearly enough money they have to pay" he nods and smiles.

I hum then smirk "okay make sure that all their good omegas are sold to good people too please or just buy them and let them be free" he hums "okay I understand why but why me" I sigh "I'll pay you 500,000K (usd)" he nods and smiles "would've done it free but I'll take that" I hum and shrug.

Around 8:09 katsuki woke up and walked into the dining room yawning, "Morning" I say smiling while reading messages from the loser. He looks at me and smiles sadly "Good morning" I stand up and Pat his head, "you can sit here in gonna go to the office" he looks at me worried and nods. "Wong you eat with me though" I hum and smile "I already ate this morning but how about lunch" he nods and smiles "okay"

Sorry it took so long I hope you enjoy this chapter

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