1. The battle that began it.

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Batman had a mission. The batfamily had a mission. The justice league had a mission. All of them working together to comeback one threat. What exactly? The Joker, Scarecrow, Bane, and Count Vertigo were working together to build a reality ending machine. Batman had already figured out that they were working with one other person to fund this crazy invention, but he still didn't know who.
Time was running out though. The batcomputer had already picked up large amounts of a bizarre energy source. Batman knew that if they failed this mission, their entire world could be destroyed. There was no room for failure, which is why he called in all the help he could get.

Including Superman, Wonder Woman,  Green Arrow, Arsenal, Cyborg, Catwoman, Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, Orphan, Robin, and Signal.

Was this a little overkill? Probably. But it wasn't worth the risk to go in understaffed. Especially since they weren't just dealing with four super criminals and a possible fifth, but because they also would be dealing with four maybe five times the lackeys. And since none of these villains would be able to build a device like this on their own, they might have scientist hostages.

Batman had already gone over the plan, and currently, they were all attacking the bad guys in an abandoned junkyard. Just as Batman had thought, there were definitely scientist hostages. But what he was surprised to see was that the sponsor of this whole thing was none other then the Black Mask.

"Nightwing." Batman said through the com link. "I have a visual on Black Mask. On the other side of that fence."

"Black Mask? So he's financing this fiasco." Nightwing laughed. "Should I engage?"

"Nope! I call dibs!" Red Hood yelled through the com. "I'm gonna shove his head up his-"

"Language, Hood." Wonder Woman interrupted.

"Yeah, there's children listening." Red Robin chuckled as he kicked one of Joker's henchmen in the face.

"I will end you." Robin deadpanned. He pulled his katana out and sliced at a henchman's knee.

"Ok, I take it back. I may need a little assistance with Black Mask." Red Hood panted as he was frantically dodging bullets.

"I've got you covered, Red." Arsenal yelled as he shot an arrow that turned into a smoke pellet right in front of Jason.

Red Hood smirked and continued on.

Batman tried to make a break for the machine. He saw that the Joker made the scientist activate the machines full power and it started to glow and shoot light beams into the sky.

"Attention." Batman started. "Superman, you, Wonder Woman, and Green Arrow, get Count Vertigo. Nightwing, you and Red Robin, take care of Scarecrow. Cyborg, you, Catwoman, and Robin, find out where Bane went. Red Hood and Arsenal, Black Mask. Orphan and Signal, you're with me against Joker."

Everyone agreed and began to track down their man while still taking out lackeys. As they kept fighting, the machine kept glowing brighter and brighter. Eventually, it began to shake.

Bane noticed this and started to make a run for it. He wasn't going to die by the hand of an idiot like the Joker. At least that's what he thought. This whole thing was the Joker's idea anyway.

Cyborg, Catwoman, and Robin all began to engage. Not realizing how far they had gotten from the machine.

Batman noticed how unstable the machine was and knew he needed to stop it. Now.

"Can you stop this thing?" Batman asked the scientist.

"No. I don't think so. I'm so sorry." The scientist whimpered. "He threatened my family. I promise I didn't want to."

"Orphan. Hold off Joker for me." Batman ordered. "Red Robin, I may need some assistance with this."

"I'm on my way." Red Robin replied.

"Signal. Come get this scientist out of here in case this thing blows." Batman continued.

"You got it." Signal responded.

The Signal got over and helped the scientist get out of there. Not long after he was gone, the machine became unstoppable.

"Batman, this thing is gonna blow!" Red Robin exclaimed.

Everyone around was too distracted with fighting to notice the machine until it blew up and sent an energy blast out and then began to suck everything in. Everything started to blow around in a circle as if a tornado was there. Then a huge blast of blinding light shined out of the junkyard. And when it had finally ceased, everyone was gone.

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