15. Scrabble.

206 7 23

A/N: This takes place during the arrow game. I felt like I robbed you guys of this. So here you are. And sorry for not updating in forever. I was actually at Disneyland.

"M-U-G-G-L-E. Muggle." Peter placed his letters down.

"No made up words." Tony stated.

"Fine." Peter grumbled. "M-U-G. Mug."

"Are the only long words you know made up?" Tony asked.

"No. I just never get the right letters." Peter frowned.

"Ok, my turn." Dick said. "Build off of M. M-O-P. Mop. And I get the double word."

Kate wrote down the points on a notepad. "Tony?"

"A-M-I-R-I-T-E. Amirite. And I get the triple word." Tony smirked.

"You said no made up words!" Peter protested.

"It's a real word." Tony said.

"Challenge." Dick stated.

"I'm on it." Kate looked it up on her phone. She went to the online dictionary and it turned out that Tony was right. The slang amirite was actually added to the dictionary. "You've got to be kidding me."

"Are you serious?!?!?" Peter exclaimed.

"I saw it in top ten weird words that are now in the dictionary." Tony laughed. "I'm a sucker for pop ups."

"So you're one of those people that clicks on the 'Ten celebrities that secretly had a mullet' things?" Dick giggled.

"Only if number five will shock me." Tony joked.

As they were talking, Roy walked into the room. He took one look at the board and was upset. "You guys skipped me? Several times?!?!"

"You were gone too long." Dick said.

"I was in the bathroom for like five minutes!" Roy exclaimed.

"And in that time, we each went twice." Peter nodded.

"Ugh. Fine." Roy sighed.

"I guess it's my turn." Kate shrugged. "E-N-T-R-Y. Entry."

"Alright, let me see what I got." Peter looked down at his letters. "I can connect to T. D-O-N-T. Don't."

"Challenge." Tony stated.

"Come on!" Everyone said at once.

"You can't do words with apostrophes! It's in the rules." Tony pointed out.

"I will look it up." Kate sighed as she looked up the rules on her phone. Being too lazy to get up and walk to the box and grab the instructions. "And.... he's right. Again."

"I've been playing this for years, kids." Tony smirked.

"Did it ever occur to you that maybe we don't have scrabble in our universe?" Roy said

"Do you?" Kate asked.

"Yes, but that's not the point!" Roy said really fast, like he was spitting out words like a toddler.

"How do you guys play this game all the time without going crazy?" Dick asked.

"Who said we don't go crazy?" Peter laughed.

"Dick, you really don't get to say anything. You have more siblings than anyone I know. And I know how Damian gets when he loses." Roy added.

"That's true." Dick sighed.

"Who's Damian?" Tony asked.

"He's my youngest brother. He was raised as an assassin by his crazy mother who never likes to lose. The trait passed to him." Dick explained. "Along with the trait of constantly wanting to hurt people. Well, at least Jason and Tim. Especially Tim."

"Is he here?" Peter questioned.

"No. He got left behind." Dick continued.

"Is he old enough to be by himself?" Kate asked.

"I'd be more concerned if someone was with him." Roy grinned.

"Anyway. It's my turn." Dick said. "Roy can go after me, and he can go twice since we skipped him."

"I should go three times." Roy said. "Based on how many words are on the board, it looks like you all went three times."

"No, we only went two." Peter stated.

"I think you went three." Roy pushed.

Everyone started arguing and yelling until eventually Kate just screamed and flipped the board over. Everyone stopped what they were doing and just stared at the flipped board.

"So... anyone up for monopoly?" Tony asked.

Some time later...

"HOW DO YOU HAVE 16 PROPERTIES!?!?!?!" Roy yelled at Tony.

"I can't play games with you guys anymore. I am living off of ramen for food and cardboard for shelter." Kate said as she held up her 40 dollars. She couldn't get anyone to land on her properties.

"At least you have forty dollars." Peter frowned. He went bankrupt awhile ago. "Can I get a loan?"

"No!" Tony, Roy, and Kate all yelled at the same time.

"I'll give you a loan." Dick said as he handed him a twenty.

"You can't do that!" Roy argued.

"Says who?" Dick asked. "He's my equivalent so technically I could share all of my stuff with him."

"That's teaming." Kate said. "That's only fair if you share everything. You can't share now, split later, then combine your stuff."

"That's fine." Dick agreed. "Not that we'd beat Tony either way."

"What can I say?" Tony asked. "My life is monopoly game."

"That's fair." Kate stated.

After Roy landed on the most expensive property, which was all decked out and just so happened to be Tony's, F.R.I.D.A.Y. gave an announcement.

"Mr. Stark, Mr. Rogers just woke up." F.R.I.D.A.Y. said.

"Good. Any problems?" Tony asked as he stood up.

"Vitals are stable. Blood pressure is back to normal." F.R.I.D.A.Y. replied.

"I'm on my way." Tony said. Roy let out a sigh of relief, thinking he was in the clear. "I want your money in my stack by the time I get back, Harper!" He was not.

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