48. Reunions.

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Bruce W, Dick, Tim, and Cass were waiting for Jason to wake up. He had been sleeping for hours. He hadn't woken up once since Bruce dug him out of the ground. His breathing was steadying now, and Bruce B said he should wake up soon. But that was an hour and thirty minutes ago. It was getting late.

Tim had stepped out and went to the kitchen to get some coffee. Cass went to stop him and accidentally ended up knocking him out with a round kick to the face. She then dragged him to the room he was staying in and then went to her room to get some sleep herself.

Dick didn't leave Jason's side. Even though nobody blamed him, he still blamed himself. He left Jason. He wasn't going to leave him now. He was very tired though and ended up falling asleep in a chair next to Jason's bed.

To give Jason time to sleep, and to make them more comfortable, Bruce B moved Bucky and Peter with all their medical equipment into their own rooms. So the only people left in the med bay were Bruce W, Jason, and Dick.

Bruce was the only one awake. He had gone far longer with far worse circumstances and still managed to stay awake. He stayed by Jason's side and took care of him. He had made some big mistakes with Jason before. He had damaged their relationship permanently. You think he would've learned after Jason died that he should've been a better father to him. But after Jason came back, he went in the complete opposite direction. He was a worse father. Even when Jason had mellowed out and tried to be part of their family again, Bruce took him to the place of his death.

But now? Now was different. He relived the moment. The moment Jason died. Trying to get there only to be a few seconds late. He made it this time though, and it was a rude awakening. He needed to be a better father. Jason may not have been like his siblings, but he shouldn't have to be either. He was always compared to Dick. But he shouldn't have been. He's not Dick. He's Jason. And Bruce needed to love his son as Jason.

"Bruce?" A raspy voice asked. It snapped Bruce out of his thoughts.

Bruce went over and wrapped his arms around Jason, holding his head in his hand while still trying to avoid hurting him.

"You made it." Jason gave a slight laugh.

"You didn't think I would, did you?" Bruce asked.

Jason didn't answer for a second. "It's been a rough week."

"Weeks." Bruce corrected.

"How long was I gone?" Jason asked.

"Five weeks." Bruce explained.

"It's hard to keep track of time in those situations." Jason stated. "It's easier when you have a bomb counting down. Cause at least then you know when it's gonna be over."

Bruce didn't answer that.

Jason looked to his left and saw Dick. His body sprawled out in the chair and his mouth agape.

"Mr. Perfect certainly isn't a sleeping beauty." Jason joked. His voice still raspy.

"He's been here since we found you. He blames himself. He did everything he could to find you." Bruce explained. "Even some things that he shouldn't have done."

"Goldie made a mistake? That's a new one." Jason joked.

"He's not perfect. You know that, Jason." Bruce began. "He made a deal with the Joker because he thought they'd let you go. They didn't and Dick and Steve almost lost their lives."

Jason was speechless. "Gotta admit. I'm surprised. Didn't think he cared that much."

"He blames himself. He's been torturing himself with this for five weeks. Which is why you aren't going to say a word that would make him believe it's his fault." Bruce stated.

"Fine." Jason replied. He didn't want to admit it, but it meant a lot that Dick really cared. He also wouldn't admit how much pain he was in. His body ached. He knew he had some painkillers in his system, but it wasn't enough to numb it all.

Bruce was silent for another minute before speaking up. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize everything I had done until I almost lost you. Until the guilt built up in me."

"It wasn't your fault either." Jason said. "Nobody but those sons of-"

"That's not what I'm talking about." Bruce interrupted him. "That day, when Damian was dead. You were right. I wanted something, and I went about it wrong. I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I've been over it for quite some time." He fibbed.

"You're lying. I know you try to harden yourself, but I know you're also emotional. It's affected you. And for that, I ask for forgiveness. You are my son. And you're just as important to me as Damian." Bruce continued.

"Then why did you do it?" Jason said, his eyes getting just a slight bit watery. His raspy voice cracking as he spoke.

"I was desperate. You don't have children. You don't know what it's like to lose them. But it's not an excuse to betray the ones still alive." Bruce said.

Jason didn't want to get emotional, but he was a little loopy with all the drugs he was on. He started to tear up. Bruce just wrapped his arms around him.

In a way, this was Bruce's fault. He made the Joker. He should've killed him. But he didn't. His morals wouldn't let him. That got Jason killed once. Now, it had almost happened again. This revolving door. It was because of Bruce. And even if he wasn't going to kill him, he had to put a stop to it now.

"I won't let Joker do this again." Bruce whispered in Jason's ear.

"How?" Jason asked.

"I'm not sending him back to Arkham. It's too easy. He keeps getting out." Bruce said. "I've been working out a new solution. I promise. This won't happen again."

"Joker will break out of any mental institution you put him in." Jason pointed out.

"I'm not putting him in a mental institution. I'm taking him somewhere else. I'm not telling anyone either. The authorities don't need to know. They'll be perfectly fine with never hearing from the Joker again." Bruce explained.

Jason smiled. "Batman breaking the law? It's kinda cool."

"I break into places without a permit, I investigate crime scenes when I'm not an officer, and I beat up mentally insane people for a living. Batman has never been a complete law abiding citizen." Bruce chuckled lightly.

Before they said anything else, they both turned to the chair when they heard Dick wake up. Dick took one look at Jason and was immediately by his side. He hugged him tightly.

"I'm so sorry." Dick whimpered. "I shouldn't have left you guys-"

"Man up." Jason laughed. "You're crying like a little girl."

"You're not mad at me?" Dick asked.

Jason shook his head. "You did your best. There was no way we were all making it out of there. But at least because of you, I got out alive. Granted, I almost died. But I didn't. So... honestly not your worst mission."

"Are you alright? What did they do to you?" Dick asked.

"I'm fine." Jason replied.

"That's a load of BS. I can literally see the blood coming through your bandages." Dick said. "Talk to me."

"I... I..." Jason just couldn't say anything.

"It's alright. Just try and get some rest, ok? We can talk all day tomorrow. I'll even help you plan your revenge on the Joker." Dick joked.

"Hehe, ok." Jason smiled. He laid back down and tried to relax. He closed his eyes and drifted off soon after.

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