30. Escape 2.

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Peter, Jason, and Bucky tried to make their way through the building they were in. Based on the things they saw, it looked like they were in an abandoned hospital. Maybe even a mental hospital. It would make sense considering the group of bad guys was basically being lead by two Jokers/Green Goblins. The villains had still been in their 'meeting' when they escaped, but one of the guards found the room they were being held in empty, and set off an alarm. The villains heard this and started looking for their hostages.

The heroes heard it as well and the three picked up the pace on trying to find someway out. Jason was still very weak and couldn't pull his weight. It was concerning him. Especially abouts the odds. The odds of all of them getting out, or the odds of two of them getting out. One definitely was a higher chance then the other. However, Jason didn't feel like dying to the Joker, again, so he kept his mouth shut. But if the time came for him to give himself up for Peter and Bucky to make it out alive, he was willing to go through with it.

Five minutes before alarm.

They came across a room with a door that looked like it could be away out. It was an electric door and needed a code to be opened.

"Anyone got any ideas?" Peter asked. "It looks like a basic four digit code."

"You could try 1945. It's the year Zemo killed me." Bucky suggested.

Peter entered in the code. It didn't work. "Nope! Anyone else wanna give it a go?"

"It could be anything. Seven criminals all with different experiences. It could be any date or special number. It could even be a random number!" Bucky exclaimed. "There's no way we're just going to guess this."

Peter sighed. He and Bucky were both trying to help support Jason, but he was losing consciousness and was getting heavier. They sat him on the ground and propped him up against the wall. Peter looked at the padlock. It looked clean. No fingerprints to trace. He happened to see something out of the corner of his eye. A computer. A computer that happened to be opened and on. It looked like it was probably one of the henchman's computer's since the homescreen was a big buff man and his goldfish. Peter walked over and looked at it. Even if he couldn't get the pin code, he could maybe send a message to their friends.

"What are you doing?" Bucky asked.

"Giving us a back up plan. If we can't get out of here, I'm at least contacting some help." Peter explained. He didn't know exactly where they were, but thanks to when he woke up in the van, he had a better idea then the other two. "When we were brought here, I happened to wake up while they were abducting us. I was only able to see a little. But I saw a sign for a pizza shop a few miles in the direction we were heading. It's not much to go on, but it's better then nothing."

Just as Peter started to write the message, the alarm went off. "Uh-Oh."

"Someone must've found out. Hurry up, we got to get out of here." Bucky stated.

Peter wrote out the message as quick as he could. He didn't have time to write much, but he wrote what he could. "I really hope they get this and they don't think I'm crazy. This is stupid." Peter ranted as he sent the message.

"Fine. Just hurry up, we have to go!" Bucky exclaimed, trying to be heard over the blaring alarm noises.

"Almost..." Peter said. "Done! It sent. We're good."

"Alright, let's get out of here." Bucky sighed in relief.

He and Peter turned around to see Black Mask at the door with a gun pointed at the head of an unconscious Jason.

"I'm afraid you're staying right here. Unless you want a bullet in your new friend's head, which I would be more than happy to do." Black Mask said.

Bucky and Peter froze. Not exactly knowing what to do. They came so close. They couldn't give up now, but they didn't exactly have a choice either.

Before they could make a decision though, two guards came into the room and shot them both with tranquilizer darts. Peter in his weakened unpowered state passed out almost immediately. Bucky however tried to fight it. He tried not to give in to how tired it made him. How weak he started to feel. The darkness started to take over his vision, but he wouldn't go down yet. They fought too hard. They had been through too much. They came this far. He couldn't just give up now.

"Just give in." Black Mask stated.

"No." Bucky panted. "As a friend of mine would say, I could do this all day."

"You're strong. My money will be on you then." Black Mask smirked.

One of the guards shot Bucky with another tranquilizer dart. Bucky couldn't fight it any more. He gave in. He fell down onto the ground unconscious.

"Take them back to the room. Upgrade their restraints. Add more guards. Make sure they don't get out again." Black Mask ordered.

Black Mask went back to the room the rest of the villains were in.

"You failed, Crane." He stated.

"I did my job!" Scarecrow yelled.

"Obviously not good enough!" Red Skull snapped at him. "Ve need somezing else."

"I know exactly what to do." Zemo smiled an evil smile. "And when we're done, the Avengers will either crumble, or kill their own teammates."

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