4. To the compound!

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Everyone was shocked as Wanda told  everyone Batman's secret identity.

"So... we just handing out secret identities now?" Red Hood asked.

"I did not know you would do that. But I will alloy it considering the fact that I know a true hero when I see one." Bruce explained.

"At least you recognize me as a true hero." Tony smirked.

"Not you. Him." He pointed to Steve. "The only reason I told you," He looked back at Tony. "is because he trusts you."

"I'm grateful for your trust. Right now we need to get back to the campus and figure out how to stop these criminals and get all of you back." Steve explained. "I don't think we'll be able to fit this many people on the quinjet."

"Can any of you guys fly?" Spider-man asked.

Superman and Wonder Woman raised their hands.

"That'll help. Anyone who can fly, follow Tony. Including anyone from our team. We need the space." Steve nodded and the non flyers went to the quinjet.

They all flew back to the avengers compound. One way or another.

When they landed, everyone went inside. Most were in awe of the place. Batman just saw it as a place to conduct business. His business.

"Where's the lab?" Batman asked.

"So you don't want the tour?" Clint asked.


"I want a tour!" Nightwing said happily.

"It'd be nice to know all the possible exits." Red Hood stated.

"You sound like Damian." Nightwing teased.

"You sound like Damian." Jason said back like a five year old.

"Ok. Anyone who's all business, Tony, Bruce, and I can take you to the lab. Anyone who wants a tour, I'm sure Clint and Spider-man would be happy to give one." Steve explained.

"Who's Clint?" Red Robin asked.

"That's me." Clint answered, raising his hand up for everyone to see it.

Bruce walked over to Diana. "Keep them out of trouble. The last thing I need is going back with one less soldier."

"They're your kids, Bruce. And I will make sure they're fine." Diana nodded.

Bruce followed Tony, Steve, and other Bruce to the lab. Tony figured he'd be very impressed, but he wasn't really.

"Tools are on that shelf. Vials are under that box. There's spare parts all around this place. I'm not really a clean freak in case you haven't noticed." Tony began as he pointed everything out. "And if you need me, just talk into the ether and F.R.I.D.A.Y.  will give me a call."

"Who's Friday?" Bruce asked.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y., say something." Tony stated.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Stark. Coordinates have been locked, waiting for your departure."

"Departure? Where are you going, Tony?" Steve asked.

"Manbat or whatever said there were villains out there. I'll round them up and be back in time for Peter's scrabble tournament." Tony answered.

"No." Batman interrupted. "You don't know them. They're dangerous and will kill you."

"Alrighty then. Who are they?" Tony asked.

Bruce pulled out a gadget which displayed a hologram of each villain one at a time. The first to come up was Scarecrow.

"Scarecrow. Jonathan Crane. A scientist who created a toxin capable of showing you your deepest darkest fears. The only catch, he makes them real to the person intoxicated. He calls it fear gas." Batman explained. The screen then changed to Bane. "Bane. A soldier with a special liquid that can turn him into a practically indestructible being. He calls it venom. His strength and body become ten times what they were. I'm not sure if he made it to this universe however. We never found any traces of him being here." Bruce changed the screen again to show Black Mask. "Black Mask. Roman Sionis. Ruler of a secret empire. Mainly used for drug dealing but also has been known for illegal weapons trade and much bigger threats."

Steve took one look at the man and was shocked. "He looks an awfully lot like the Red Skull."

Bruce ignored the comment. "This is Count Vertigo. Werner Vertigo. His powers are the symptoms of Vertigo. He can effect your awareness and cause nausea. This may not seem like a big deal until you're on the floor and he's ready to kill you." Batman continued. "And lastly, the Joker."

"Is that a clown?" Tony asked.

"He's not someone to underestimate. He's killed people in the masses. Hurt people close to me. He murdered Red Hood." Batman stated.

"You mean the kid with a bucket for a head? Looked pretty alive to me." Tony joked.

"He came back, much worse than before." Batman glared.

"So I'm gonna be fighting a Count, some straw, black skull, maybe a wrestler, and of course, the clown. Got it." Tony nodded. "Steve? You want anything while I'm out?"

Batman gave Steve a look. Not quite the batglare, but not a reassuring one either. Steve could take a hint.

"Tony. Don't rush into something like this. He's right, you don't know these people." Steve explained.

"They're criminals." Tony said.

"Yes. And I'm not any more happy about this than you are. But we don't even know where they are. Or who exactly we're up against. But the way Batman described them, it doesn't sound good." Steve argued.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. was able to track the footprints from where we found this guy. They end just outside the city, but it's a lead." Tony said.

"Tony!" Steve yelled.

Tony stopped and looked at Cap.

"Do you trust me?" Steve asked.

Tony nodded hesitantly. But a nod none the less.

"Good. Then let's get started on finding these criminals before we do something crazy."

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