49. Too soon, Bruce.

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A/N: I got locked out of my account so I couldn't post for a few days :(

The next morning, everything was back to business. Or at least it was for the Batman.

He asked Peter about what happened.

"-I passed out. I don't know what happened to Jason and Bucky after that. When I woke up, we were in a van or something. It was kinda cliche, but I don't know why I expect anything else." Peter began. "I saw a sign for Felix's pizza before they made me pass out again. Then when we woke up again, they brought us to some room. We spent a lot of time there while the little psychos got their kicks from messing with us. They then did umm... some other things. And they tried to get us to fight each other. Goblin tricked me, Joker poisoned Jason's mind, and Zemo brainwashed Bucky. We managed to snap out of it though. And then we passed out and when I woke up I was by myself in some room I couldn't escape from. Then Goblin tried to kill me."

"Do you have any idea where the Green Goblin went? Or where any of them went?" Bruce W asked.

Peter shook his head. "No. I'm sorry."

"It's ok." Steve nodded. "We'll figure it out. Just get some rest. You feeling better?"

"Yeah. My powers are coming back. Slowly but surely. But it's better then not having my healing factor at all." Peter laughed.

"Good. Let us know if you need anything." Steve smiled.

"I should be alright. But thanks anyway." Peter yawned.

Steve and Bruce W left the room. Bruce was upset that he didn't get anything from Peter, but relieved to know he was ok, even if he didn't really know him all that well.

"He wasn't telling us something." Bruce stated. "He got to a point where he stopped to change what he was going to say."

"I noticed." Steve sighed. "I can't blame him. I know what some of those psychopaths can do to a person. And I'm sure you do too."

"I've watched that psychotic clown terrorize innocent people, hurt my family, and murder my son. He should be dead, but he's not. I can't kill him." Bruce explained. "But I should've done more to stop him. To contain him."

"You will. When we catch him, you can take him back to whatever prison in your world that can hold him." Steve nodded. "How is Jason anyways?"

"Closed off as usual. He'll let his emotions slip through, but he won't talk to anyone." Bruce stated. "He's as stubborn as they come."

They both kept walking in silence until Bruce W broke it again.

"We should speak with Barnes." Bruce said.

"Alright. But go easy on him. Peter said they tried to make him the Winter Soldier again." Steve pointed out.

"I thought he is the Winter Soldier?" Bruce questioned.

"It's complicated. Years ago, and I mean years ago, Bucky was my kid partner. We were a good team. Kinda like you and Robin." Steve began. "But something happened to us. I went into the ice, he died in an explosion. Or so I thought. The Soviets took him and brainwashed him to be their Winter Soldier. An assassin. A ghost. No one knew if he really existed until I found out. I got him back. The real him. But what they did to him, and what they made him do to other people? He's had to live with ever since."

"How do we know if it's really him then? What if it's a trap? That we were supposed to find him and bring him here?" Bruce asked.

"I'll find out." Steve reassured.

"You should have him restrained. He could turn at any moment." Bruce said.

"Restrained? After what just happened to him?" Steve asked, truly shocked. "I know you don't know Bucky like I do, and you want to keep your team safe, but I'm not gonna let you do that to him. Let's talk to him. He knows his mind better then us. If he feels like he's not in control, he'll let us know. Then we can take further measures from there."

Bruce agreed and they both went to speak with Bucky.

Bucky was laying down in his bed with Alpine next to him. "Hey, Steve."

"Buck, we need to talk about something." Steve sighed.

"I figured you'd find out sooner or later." Bucky sighed as well.

"Did they succeed?" Steve asked.

Bucky nodded.

"How did you get back?" Steve questioned.

"Peter and Jason talked me out of it. Kinda snapped me back into control." Bucky explained.

"Will you keep it?" Bruce asked.

"I'm not sure." Bucky replied.

"That's not good enough. I need an answer." Bruce pushed. "Yes or no?"

"I don't know." Bucky responded.

"Do you think you will snap again?" Bruce yelled.

"That's enough!" Steve exclaimed. "Bruce, I think that's enough."

Bruce turned and left without saying another word. Steve just sighed.

Bucky let out a slight laugh. "I see why Jason likes him so much."

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