32. One last time.

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A/N: Did I choose the title of this chapter because I am also in the Hamilton fandom? ...maybe.

When Peter, Jason, and Bucky woke up, they didn't know this would be the last time they'd be together for awhile. And I mean awhile. When they woke up, they were back in the room. Their wrists above their heads again but with much thicker chains. Their legs also chained up as well and the air vent was now boarded off too. They were now also gagged. So there goes any chance of talking each other through this.

They just sat there for about an hour, having nothing more to do. Then the Green Goblin came in.

"Peter Parker." He smirked. "Oh how I enjoy our visits."

Peter glared at him. Of all the villains he had faced, Green Goblin was the worst. The damage he had done to him, to the city, to the people he loved, to his own son. It was horrific.

"Scarecrow failed to break you, but I won't." Goblin grinned. He took Peter out of the room. Leaving just Bucky and Jason.

About another hour and fifteen minutes past before anything else happened. Zemo came into the room next. He was there for Bucky. Without saying one word he took Bucky out. Leaving just Jason.

About an hour had passed and Jason was still alone. Peter and Bucky weren't back yet. No one had come in. Jason was just sitting there, alone. Deep in his thoughts. Thinking about if he would ever make it out of here. Thinking about if Bruce really would come for him. Thinking about if he didn't. If the fear gas was real. If Bruce never did care about him. If Bruce wanted him dead.
Jason would never admit it, but he missed Peter and Bucky. Peter was like Dick. He was able to help him when he could. But now, it felt like before. When he had to do everything alone. Because he was alone.

The Joker was bored and so he decided to go rampaging through the streets. Just for fun. No real reason other then that. There was just something about hearing people scream and run in terror that just made him feel happy.

Of course, this caught the attention of our favorite bands of heroes. If they could catch the Joker, they could maybe find out where Peter, Bucky, and Jason were. They could not let that psychotic clown get away this time. Not when every lead they've had so far has lead to a dead end. And since the mental hospital the three were being kept at was seven miles away, the team did not find it when they investigated Felix's pizza. So yet again, to them at least, another dead end. Dick was scared that when the Joker attacked he'd miss his meet up with Count Vertigo. But he would rather get Jason back the right way before trying something that could end in someone getting hurt or killed. So he went with Bruce.

Batman and his team and Iron Man and his team were going in. Everyone against one clown and a some lackies. Was it over kill? Definitely. But they didn't care. They weren't going to risk the Joker getting away. Not this time.

Since it was pretty over kill though, the teams took down everyone in about ten minutes. But hey! They caught the Joker. So even if the author doesn't get to write a big fight scene, at least they caught the Joker...

They thought about maybe turning him into S.H.I.E.L.D. but they weren't sure if Nick Fury would trust the new heroes. So they took him to some sort of Avengers jail thing (it's really late and I can't think right now lol).

Once they brought him there, the Joker was put into an interrogation room. He stared at the one way glass as Tony, Bruce W, and Steve looked back at him from the other side.

"I think we should send Wanda in first. He doesn't know her, she could get inside his head." Tony suggested.

"I hope she knows what she's doing." Batman stated before walking out.

Tony sent in Wanda.

"Ooo, a friend!" The Joker cheered. "We could play cards or tell jokes or-" He was cut off.

Wanda went into his head and immediately regretted it. What was inside of the Joker's mind hurt her. His insanity affected her. His craziness seeped through to her mind and almost made her start to laugh like a psychopath. She immediately got out of his head and stumbled backwards. She definitely felt like her sanity had been affected and she never wanted to do that again. Ever.

She walked out as the Joker started laughing like a maniac. Tony went to her to see what was wrong.

"Wanda? You alright?" He asked.

Wanda couldn't answer. Couldn't speak.

"Cap, take her to lie down. And if she's ok, find out what she saw." Tony stated.

Steve nodded and left the area with Wanda.

When Tony went back to the room with the one way glass, he was shocked to see Batman had returned. Even though he wasn't there a second ago. It scared the crap out of him.
Nightwing, Orphan, and Red Robin came into the room too a moment after Ironman.

"Alright, Bats. Looks like you're up." Tony sighed as he pat Bruce on the back. Batman glared at him.

Batman walked out of the room and appeared in the interrogation room a second later. Literally a second. It was kinda suspicious.

"Yay Batsy!" The Joker cheered. "I was wondering when you would show up. Of course, Jason Todd didn't think you would. He's lost all trust in you."

"Where is he?" Batman grabbed Joker by the shirt and held him to his eye level.

"Now, where would the fun be in that? HAHAHA!" Joker laughed.

Batman had lost all his patience and just started punching the Joker.

Steve came back and was a little shocked. I mean, everyone knew Batman was brutal, but this was pure rage. It made him a little nervous.

"Poor little Jason Todd. His mentor always let's him down." The Joker began. "I always hear him talking to his new friends about how horrible the big bad bat is. Especially to that kid with one arm. They're a lot alike." Joker continued. "I wonder if he would be as much fun to beat with a crowbar? Guess I'll just have to find out! HAHAHA!!!"

Steve cringed.

Batman snapped. He just started beating the Joker. No holding back. He was done playing this clown's game.

"WHERE IS HE!?!?!" Batman beat him mercilessly.

Tony was getting nervous. Bruce looked like he could kill.

"Someone's gotta stop him. He'll kill him." Tony stated.

"Relax. If there's one thing that Batman will not do, it's kill the Joker." Red Robin stated.

"Sad, but true." Nightwing nodded. "Drives Jason crazy."

"No kidding. This guy murders his son and he doesn't avenge him?" Tony said.

"Nope." Dick, Cassie, and Tim said at the same time.

Steve wasn't paying attention to the conversation. He was just watching Batman hit harder and harder with no hesitation.

"He's not stopping." Steve pointed out.

"Uh-Oh." Tim said. "Do you think he's finally snapped?"

"He wouldn't." Dick said.

"Looks pretty snapped to me. He's not getting any information, I'm pulling him out." Tony said. He suited back up and went into the room and tried to get Bruce to stop, but Batman kept going. "Bats. I need you to snap out of this."

"Not until he talks." Batman growled.

"He's not going to. You know he's not going to." Tony tried to reason. "This won't save them. This won't save Jason. We need to play this smart."

Batman calmed down slightly. He stopped punching and followed Ironman out of the room while the entire time, Joker just kept laughing.


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