19. Recon.

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Back in the Marvel universe, the teams were getting ready for their recon missions. Each team was suiting up and some had even left already.

The Gamma trio were just about to depart. Let's just say that even though there wasn't a very big chance of them finding the bad guys (even though they still had better odds then Omega) Sam was taking this leader thing very seriously. Tim didn't know how much longer he could pretend to be interested in plans that weren't going to be used. And even if they were, he knew he'd probably come up with better ones. But he just let Sam keep on talking to boost his morale.

Alpha squad had almost arrived at their destination. Tony had to go over a few times with Thor what exactly a recon mission was. They couldn't risk the villains getting a heads up from a lightning strike that didn't need to happen. And Thor was always the type to start a fight off by bringing the thunder. Literally.

The beta gals had already arrived. They were definitely the ones who would have no problem with a recon mission. Natasha and Cassandra were bred from birth for this kinda work. They could be there for hours and get all the information they needed and no one would ever see them or even know that they were ever there.

Delta arrow bros were on their way to their location. Clint and Oliver were pretty good at this kinda stuff. They just had to deal with their ex sidekicks/mentally five year old children. They were hoping they wouldn't cause a scene. And more importantly, they were hoping they wouldn't get bored and do something reckless and impulsive. But they still had trust in the kids.

And lastly, Omega. They were getting ready to leave and Peter and Dick were happy to be protecting the people of Queens. Especially Peter though, since he did grow up there. Jason however, was not a happy camper. He felt like this was Bruce benching him. The reason? He didn't know. But Batman never needed a reason to make Jason do something. Jason always hated that.

"You ready, Hood?" Nightwing asked.

"I could use an obnoxious older brother as my leader before I rush in to stop a petty purse snatcher." Jason began. "Oh, wait! I guess I am good to go."

Nightwing just sighed. "I'd say something back, but I'm trying to practice my patience for later."

When he was done, Peter jumped down from the ceiling.

"What the heck!?!?!" Jason yelled. "How long have you been there!?!?!"

"Just a few minutes. We ready to go? I've been dying to get back home for awhile." Peter said as he pulled his mask down.

"You used to live there?" Dick asked.

"Spent my entire life in that city. Came here though when I joined the Avengers. Took me a long time to finally join though. I rejected a few offers before I finally let them talk me into it." Spiderman explained. "We ready to go?"

"Where's metal me?" Jason asked.

"He said he was beating a mat?" Peter said. "I'll be honest, I wasn't really paying attention."

"I said I was feeding my cat." Bucky rolled his eyes as he walked in.

They all grabbed their gear and rolled out.

Alpha had arrived at their location. They had split up to make sure they got multiple angles of the part of the city. Batman was on the buildings. Ironman was in the skies. Superman and Thor were blending in the best they could from the ground. Clark wasn't sure if glasses and a hat would work in this universe. But if Jake Gyllenhaal could do it in Spiderman: Far From Home? Then he could too.

"Anything, bats?" Ironman asked.

"No sign of anyone who could be associated with our criminals. Looks like there might be some local petty thieves though." Batman replied. "They might know something. But it's not a guarantee."

"Worth a shot." Ironman said. "Thor? You wanna stop one of those guys?"

"Where are they?" Thor asked.

Ironman guided him to an alley where it looked like a guy was talking to another guy with a knife in his hand.

"Ever since you started working for that new Black Mask creep, you've changed!" The first man said.

"I'm giving you a chance to join me, Freddie. If you don't, I'm gonna have to make sure no one knows what's going down tonight." The second man snapped. "Even if it means offing you."

"You wouldn't-" Freddie was cut off as Mjollnir (totally didn't have to google how to spell that. Pft! why do you ask?) came flying through the alley and hit Freddie in the head. The other man tried to make a run for it, but Superman was standing behind him and blocked his path.

"Tell me, weakling," Thor began. "Why were you going to kill this man?"

The beta group was in a similar situation as Alpha. They didn't find what they were looking for, so they stopped a suspicious man for questioning.

"You said you work for Green Goblin. Where is he?" Diana asked.

"Like I'm going to tell you anything." The man spat.

"Well, I'm just going to let you know now that I'm the good cop in this situation, and if you don't talk, I can let some much harsher people try to get information out of you." Diana threatened.

"You'll have to kill me. I won't talk!" The man huffed.

Natasha, Wanda, and Cass were all getting ready for their turn to bat. This guy wasn't going to cooperate easily.

While they were doing that, the Delta team were kinda doing to same thing, except they just completely cut out the good cop and went to where things got interesting.

"Where is the Joker!!!!" Kate screamed at him. Roy was slightly scared as well. He had never seen this side of her.

"He's... no! You can't make me talk." The man stated.

Clint took out a shock arrow and shot him in the leg.

"Ok, ok, I'll talk." The man pleaded.

And lastly, the Gamma team actually barely had to do anything. They happened to catch the weak link.

"I-I'll tell you everything. Just don't hurt me." The man stuttered out.

Sam stood in front of him and gave him a harsh look before asking. "Where is Zemo?"

All of the men who had been caught fessed up the same answer at around the same time. The only problem? Would it be too late?

"They're going to Queens!"

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