42. Strange assistance.

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A/N: get it? Strange assistance?

More and more time passed and the heroes were getting desperate. They had no idea that their friends could literally be murdered any day now, but they knew the press had been going crazy lately and it put their operations at risk. The window for finding the other heroes was closing. And if they didn't do something quick, the government would take matters into their own hands and might get Bucky, Peter, and Jason killed.

It was about the time that Bruce W and Tony had been arguing about their next move when Clark and Thor were having a discussion. They were learning more about each other since they were so similar. Clark had told him all about Lois and Conner and Jon. Thor was happy, but it made him miss Jane. He was explaining the story about how his father died when it suddenly hit him. How they could find their friends.

"Doctor Strange helped me find Loki!" Thor exclaimed.

"Do you think he could help us find Peter, Jason, and Bucky?" Clark asked.

"We need to talk to Stark-" Thor said. As if on cue, Tony came barging through the door.

"Anyone wanna trade equivalents? Cause I'd be happy to give mine up... or chuck him out a window." Tony exclaimed.

"Stark, I know how to find them." Thor said.

"This Doctor Strange guy helped Thor find his brother, so maybe he could help us find our guys?" Clark finished for him.

Tony felt like a bus just smashed into his face and someone yelled 'Wake up stupid!'. It was obvious. Why hadn't they contacted Strange yet!?!?!

"Thor, you're the man!" Tony cheered. "F.R.I.D.A.Y.! Contact Strange!"

"Contacting Street Magician!" F.R.I.D.A.Y. announced.

A second later, Tony gathered everyone into one room. A portal then opened up and Strange walked through.

"What do you need, Stark?" He sighed. Considering the last time Tony had contacted him was to get out of a speeding ticket, he could only assume the worst.

"Strange, we need some help." Tony began. "Those freaks that came here from that other world? They teamed up with the meanies from ours and nabbed three of our guys. Can you find 'em?"

Strange thought for a moment. "Do you have a hair?"

"A hair?" Wanda asked, confused.

"Yes, a hair." Strange nodded.

"If you wanna run your hand through my head, you could just ask." Tony said.

"One of theirs." Strange deadpanned. He didn't think it was possible to lose brain cells from being in the presence of a certified genius. But here he was.

"Bruce W had a couple, but I think we threw them out." Bruce B sighed.

"What about in their rooms?" Strange asked.

"Jason's been sharing a room with me and Tim. We all have the same hair color." Dick explained. Bruce definitely had a 'type'.

"Bucky's room would be a dead end too. He cleans it like crazy because of Alpine." Sam added.

"That leaves Peter's." Kate said. "Should we just go in and look around?"

Everyone went in and tried to look for a hair. They all felt ridiculously stupid, looking for a hair, but they looked anyway. They didn't find anything.

"Great. So now we're back to square one." Steve sighed.

"We still have the clue about Felix's pizza." Dick pointed out.

"That's still open?" Strange asked. "I thought everything in that area closed down after the asylum did."

"What asylum?" Bruce W asked, immediately going into Batman mode.

"Yeah, we searched all over that area and didn't see any asylum." Oliver added.

"It's just a few miles away. I heard it got shut down after mistreatment of patients. One of them was so bad they brought him to me to operate on. It was closed down after that." Strange continued.

"M.H." Bruce W stated. "Mental hospital. That's what Spider-man was trying to tell us. But he ran out of time."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Tony asked.

"Let's go kick these guys a-" Roy started but was interrupted.

"LANGUAGE!" Both Steve and Diana yelled.

Everyone in the room just stared at them.

"What?" They both asked.

"Nothing. Everyone suit up." Tony stated.

Everyone left the room to go suit/gear up. They figured they were in for one heck of a battle. That is, if they made it there in time.

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