17. Teams.

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The next day, Batman and Ironman had called everyone to the lab for assignments. It was go time. The villains had already been in this world for too long. They needed to find them. Building a machine to get home would take time too, but less time if they knew they didn't have to worry about bad guys destroying the fabrics of this reality. So they had their priorities.

"Team Alpha." Tony began. "That's me, Bats, Thor, and Superman."

"Beta will be Orphan, Black Widow, and the Scarlet Witch. With Wonder Woman as their leader." Batman explained.

"An all ladies team. I like the sound of that." Wanda smiled.

"Team Delta is the arrow club. So Clint, Ollie, Kate, and Roy." Tony continued.

"Do I still owe you $1500 in monopoly?" Roy asked.

"Yes, but we'll talk about that later." Tony nodded.

"Gamma will be Red Robin and Hulk. Lead by the Falcon." Batman explained.

"Yeah, alright!" Sam cheered.

"It's Gamma, don't be too happy Sam." Tony joked.

"Omega. Red Hood, Spider-man, and Winter Soldier. With Nightwing as their leader." Batman finished.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to put me and golden boy on a team together?" Red Hood asked. "If you do, you know only one of us is gonna come back." He grinned.

"And are you sure it's a good and safe idea to put both Jasons on my team?" Nightwing asked.

"Why can't it be both Buckys?" Winter Soldier asked.

"And that's exactly why." Nightwing stated.

"You're team is made up of your equivalents. You and Red Hood know how to work together, and you know how to work with yourself. Which is why you're all on one team." Batman explained. "If I didn't think you could handle it, I wouldn't have made you leader, Dick."

Dick smiled and nodded.

"Now. We have five locations. Alpha will be going to check out a place in Manhattan. There's a big chance that our baddies are gonna be there, but this is recon only. For all teams. Only question/interrogate out of sight. We don't want anyone to know we were ever there." Ironman continued for Batman. "Beta is going to Brooklyn. Coordinates have been sent to Wonder Woman. Delta is going to Kings. Coordinates have been sent to Green Arrow. Gamma is going to Times Square. This one is most likely a false alarm, but you get to check it out anyway. And lastly, Omega is going to Queens. I can almost guarantee this one's not a threat, but we did get word that some people were in need of everyday hero stuff. I could leave it to the police or I could give you guys something to do. Take your pick."

"Great." Jason and Bucky both scoffed at the same time.

"They're gonna get me killed." Dick whispered to himself. He had to keep thinking happy thoughts. Like how absolutely terrified he'd be if he was put on a team with two Damians. How terrified he'd be if there were two Damians period. The world could not handle it. No world could handle it. He got a shiver just thinking about it.

"Cap has been benched until further notice which is why Gamma is a member short. But hopefully he'll be back in it by the end of the week or so." Tony explained. "So now that we got all the boring stuff out of the way, are there any questions?"

Falcon raised his hand. "If it's a recon mission, how long should we stay in the field? Until we see something or until we know we're not gonna see something?"

"Stay until you see something or know you won't." Batman answered. "If you do see something, make sure you're not seen. Gather intel and retreat. I repeat, if you find our guys, DO NOT ENGAGE."

"Any other questions? Maybe someone to volunteer to make dinner for two dozen people?" Tony asked.

No one raised their hand or said a word. Tony sighed. "Worth a shot."

"Everyone finish suiting up. Departure is in two hours." Batman said.

Everyone nodded and finished gearing up.

Steve could hear everyone from the other room. He asked F.R.I.D.A.Y. to listen in for him. He was sad that he couldn't go out and help his teammates. He was their leader. Well, one of them. He and Tony were the backbones of the Avengers. Without them, the team would fall apart. It did fall apart. When they fought each other, that's when the Avengers split up. But as soon as Tony and Steve made amends, they were a team again. Steve just hoped his team would be ok without him.

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