56. Revenge pt 2

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Clint, Oliver, Kate, and Roy were running away with Count Vertigo sprung on Oliver's back. An alarm had gone off and they were running out of time before a full blown wave of angry henchmen came for their master.

Red Robin and Orphan had engaged. Red Robin took care of the henchmen so that Orphan could make it to Black Mask. As soon as she burst open the door to his make shift office, Black Mask started shooting at her. She dodged and lunged forward at him, hitting his torso and making him drop the gun. She started pounding his face senseless. If it weren't for the fact that his face was already pitch black, it would've made him a nasty color.

"Wow. Just as brutal as the big bat." Sionis laughed, in between punches.

Cassandra stopped and glared at him.

"You deserve this." She whispered. Convincing herself more so then him.

Red Robin came through the door a moment later. Orphan had started punching again and Red Robin did not like the look in her eyes.

"Orphan. I know you're mad at him. I know he messed with our family, and you are very protective of our family." Tim started. "But you have to stop. He's down. We got him. Let's go."

Cass looked at Tim, then back at Black Mask. "This isn't even half as bad as what he did."

"I know. But you're not like him." Tim said. "I know you wouldn't kill someone. But beating them to near death isn't right either."

Cassandra glared at Black Mask. She held her stare for a moment longer before turning to Tim. "Ok."

Wonder Woman, Superman, and Hulk did not have a hard time fighting the henchmen of Red Skull. They attacked all of them, without killing, obviously, and locked them in a broom closet. There were quite a few, so the real challenge was fitting all of them in there. While Supes and Hulk were figuring it out, Wonder Woman thought she might give herself something to do and went after Skull. She found him trying to evacuate and stopped his car. Red Skull jumped out and started shooting at her.

"I vill kill you," He yelled. "You incompetent voman!"

Wonder Woman used her bracelets to block all of the bullets then punched him in the face, a little harder then necessary. At the same time though, it was necessary.

"I vill not be defeated by a frau!!!" Red Skull yelled.

"You 'vill' get used to it." Diana then knocked him out and reported into her comm. "Red Skull is in custody."

With one down and seven to go, the other heroes doubled down and got to work.

When Captain America, Black Widow, and Winter Soldier saw that there were no henchmen, they were right with their first assumption. It was too good to be true. Several lackies jumped out at them.
Cap, Widow, and Bucky (I'm too lazy to write out winter soldier every time lol) were fighting Zemo's henchmen. Cap caught sight of Zemo and went after him.

"Widow, take care of the rest of these guys. Bucky, let's go get him." Captain America said. 

They both charged after Zemo and followed him to a large room. They weren't really sure where they were anymore, but they weren't going to let that stop them. They chased him across the room until Zemo was cornered.

"It's over, Zemo." Steve began. "We're taking you in."

"I think you have overstayed your welcome, Mr. Rogers." Zemo stated. "I will take care of you. Or rather, he will." He pointed to Bucky.

"You're out of your mind." Bucky glared.

"No, you are." Zemo grinned. "(Soldier)"

Suddenly, Bucky's gaze turned dark. His eyes no longer showed any form of emotion. He wasn't Bucky anymore. He was the soldier.

"(Ready to comply)" Bucky said.

"Kill him." Zemo smirked.

Bucky turned towards Steve. He charged at him with everything he had and didn't hold back. Steve could tell. He had sparred Bucky for training several times before. He knew when he was pulling his punches. He knew that he wasn't now.

"Bucky, please. Snap out of it!" Steve yelled.

"It won't matter if he does. I have enough trigger words and missions planted into his head, he will never do anything again unless I tell him to." Zemo explained.

"Then why did you try to kill him?" Steve asked, dodging a punch to the head.

"I made a mistake. You would know about those, wouldn't you, Rogers?" Zemo said.

Batman, Nightwing, and Red Hood walked through the complex of warehouses. They would be looking for awhile if they stayed together, so Batman suggested they split up. He went by himself and sent Nightwing to look after Red Hood. Both so that Jason wouldn't have the disadvantage of still being pretty injured, and to make sure he didn't do anything he would regret.

Red Hood and Nightwing went from warehouse to warehouse, but couldn't find anything. If wasn't until the fifth of sixth one they checked that Red Hood finally noticed something. He walked over and picked up the object.

"He's here." Red Hood stated.

"How do you know?" Nightwing asked.

Red turned around and Nightwing could see that he was holding a brand with the letter J on it, covered in blood and burned skin.

"I know." He said in a dark, low whisper.

Not a moment later, a loud, evil laugh sounded through the place. Red Hood didn't miss a beat. As soon as he heard it, he ran off in the direction the noise was coming from. Nightwing trailed after him. They ran until Red Hood finally came face to face with the man who had tormented him for years.

"If it isn't my favorite little birdie." Joker grinned, then Nightwing ran in. "Ooo! A two for one special!"

Red Hood didn't even spout off any sarcastic comment. He just went straight into the fight.

Meanwhile, Batman followed a trail of chemicals, that were used in this worlds version of Scarecrow's fear gas, to a warehouse. This warehouse was... different from the others though. It had screens lining the walls. As Batman walked down the halls of screens, one of them turned on.

Batman could see Jason and Black Mask on the screen. Black Mask was looking at the camera with a gun to an unconscious Jason's head. A second later, he put it down and smiled.

"The Red Hood, finally at my finger tips." He laughed. "After all these years of being fooled by a little punk kid like you, you're finally mine." He walked over and grabbed a bucket of water before going back and dumping it on Jason. Jason woke up as soon as the water hit him. "Now, where do I even begin?"

The screen suddenly turned off and Batman kept walking. He made it a few feet down when another screen turned on.

Black Mask was beating Jason until Joker came in. The Joker said something and Black Mask left the room. Joker grinned when he saw the shape Jason was in. It made Batman sick.

The screen then shut off. Batman walked a few more feet when yet another screen turned on.

This time, Jason was bound to a wheelchair with a mix of rope and barbed wire, gagged, and wearing nothing but his boxers. His hair was still wet and Batman could see him trying to hide how badly he was shivering.

"Let's see what goodies we have in here." Joker said before coming into view with a crowbar in his hands.

He walked back over to Jason.

"You and I are a lot alike ya know. Misunderstood." The Joker hit Jason with the crowbar. And he hit him hard. "Black sheep." He hit him again, even harder this time. "People think of us as criminals." And again. "I just want to make people laugh. Granted, I want them to die laughing. HAHAHA! And you my boy. I want you to help me. So whaddya say, kiddo?"

Batman didn't know how much more of this he could take.

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