46. Peter Parker. Spider-man.

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It took Tony a moment to realize where they took Peter. Once he did, he was off with the rest of the three. He didn't want to wait for backup to leave since Peter's life was in danger, but since Clint was right by the exit, he let him tag along.

When Peter woke up, he couldn't see anything. He couldn't talk, couldn't move, and his spider sense was once again gone. He felt a headache rush through his forehead. And for some reason, he was swaying side to side slightly.

Green Goblin took off his blindfold and everything now made sense. Peter was chained from the top of his arms all the way down to his ankles. The chain holding him was holding him upside down over the side of a bridge. He tried to say something, but was also gagged as well. His spidey sense no where to be seen. Which meant that Scarecrow had probably drugged him again.

"Do you recognize this place?" Goblin asked.

Peter looked at the bridge and recognized it immediately. This was where Gwen Stacy died. Where Green Goblin killed her. Where Peter failed to save her.

Funny enough, the Green Goblin wasn't the first person to do this to him. Awhile ago, a bad guy did this exact thing to him. Well, instead of having a cool trap thingy that would drop him after a countdown, the bad guy just chucked him off the bridge. Luckily then, Peter still had his web shooter. But now, it had been taken from him. Peter didn't like that at all.

Eventually, Goblin demanded an answer to his question, and Peter did his best to nod, which wasn't exactly easy hanging upside down.

Goblin smiled. He could see the look of distress on Peter's face. As hard as Peter tried to hide it, it still showed.

"Do you remember that night? The night you killed her?" Norman asked. "The night that you let her head smash into the ground? Her neck break? Her skull crush?"

Peter did. He remembered every little detail of it. That night had permanently stuck with him ever since it happened. And it always would. He loved Gwen. And he always would.

"You killed that young woman. And now, I'm going to kill you." Osborn grinned. He pushed a button and a two minute countdown started. Goblin then got onto his glider and flew away laughing.

Not even ten seconds later, Ironman and Hawkeye showed up. Peter was more then relieved to see them. "Mmf!"

Tony flew up and pulled the gag out of Peter's mouth. "You alright, kid?"

"I've been better." Peter joked. "Osborne just flew off. If you hurry, you could catch him."

"Clint, get him free. I'm going after Goblin." Tony said before flying off in the direction Peter said Norman went.

As Clint tried to free Peter, Peter's mind was racing with all the reasons why he deserved this. He wasn't able to save Gwen, so why did he deserve for someone to save him? In his mind, he didn't. He thought he had this coming. That this was his fate from the moment Gwen was killed. He didn't want Clint to save him. He wanted to receive his fate.

"Clint, stop." Peter said softly. "Just stop."

"Pete, we only got a minute left." Clint stated.

"I know. I need to die. I need to pay for what I did." Peter replied.

Clint had just been following Tony to where Peter was. It wasn't until now that he finally realized where they were.

"This is where Gwen Stacy died, isn't it?" Clint asked. Peter nodded. "Look, I know that day was rough for you. I know you blame yourself. But it wasn't your fault, Peter."

Peter didn't seem to agree. "I should've saved her."

"But you couldn't. And that doesn't mean you killed her. It means Goblin did. And he's a horrible person, and he needs to pay. So why don't I get you out of here and we can go stop him, and give Gwen justice?" Clint suggested.

Peter sniffled and smiled a little. He nodded his head and Clint continued to try and undo the chains he was in. There was only one problem. And it wasn't a little one either.

Since the two spent so much time talking, about five seconds after their conversation ended, a loud beeping was heard from the count down indicating that there were only ten seconds left. Clint tried as hard as he could to pick the lock. It took him a little while, but he finally got it unlocked. He just couldn't get Peter out of the chains in time.

The countdown hit zero and Peter was released from the bridge. Clint quickly reached down to grab his ankle, but missed by only centimeters.

"No!" Clint exclaimed.

Clint watched as Peter screamed.

Peter fell.

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