9. The villians.

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After the DC villains fled from the scene of their arrival, they searched their surroundings and found out the hard way that this was not their reality. They didn't know where they were, but they were sure going to find out. After some amateur theatrics, they now had money, food, water, weapons, and a bunch of useless things like thirty rubber ducks. But now, they were planning on going bigger. There was going to be a gala that night. A charity gala hosted by none other then Tony Stark. Robbing it would bring in a lot of money. A lot of money. Billionaires from all over the state would be there to raise money for kids in Sokovia. It was the perfect hit. Only one problem. Since they were in a new universe they had little to no resources. At least useful ones. That needed to be fixed before they could continue. After doing a little looking around, and beating up random people on the streets, they found out that a high tech weapons shipment was going to happen that night.

"Let's blow it up!" The Joker suggested.

"No, you fool!" Black Mask yelled. "We'll lose the entire shipment!"

"Yes, but it will make a big BOOM!" Joker laughed.

"Why did I ever agree to work with you!?!?" Mask glared.

"I can take out the driver. Everything else from there will be easy." Count Vertigo said.

"I need supplies. I need more fear gas!" Scarecrow stated.

"We will take care of it." Vertigo turned to face him. "You will have what you need. The right chemicals can be found in most univeres. A high tech one such as this should be no different."

That night, they went to stop the shipment to find that someone else was after it as well. The DC villains weren't ready to call it quits though, they continued on with the plan.

As soon as the weapons shipment had been stopped, the criminals came face to face with people. Similar people.

Black Mask stared at the face of the Red Skull. So similar to his own. Only a different color, of course.

Joker saw the Green Goblin gliding in front of him. A crazed smile on his mask. The Joker wasn't sure if he found that funny at all. And that's saying something.

Count Vertigo was standing in front of Zemo. He could tell the man was evil, but had class. He was sure of it. He was sure he'd be able to identify such a type of man. That's how he considered himself as well.

Scarecrow just ignored the other villains and went straight for the driver since Vertigo was occupied.

The villains stood there for a moment. It didn't last long though as the Joker and Green Goblin both started laughing so hard that the others freaked out and just started punching each other. After a long fight, the Marvel villains and the DC villains had both called it quits when it came to the shipment. They just wanted to take down the other team. After even more and more fighting, Scarecrow came out of nowhere with a giant canon looking blaster thing and pointed it at the Marvel villains.

"You have lost." He smirked.

"No!" Green Goblin complained. "You said no one else would be here, Zemo! How are we going to crash the Stark gala now!"

"You're wanting to rob the Stark gala too?" Count Vertigo asked. "Interesting."

"Tony Stark has been a pain to all of us." Zemo replied. "He and his heroes."

"Heroes?" Joker asked.

All four DC villains had the same idea. This Stark person could lead them to Batman and his team of heroes.

"What if we were not enemies? What if we worked to conquer the heroes?" Black Mask suggested. "You lead us to this Stark man, and we will let you accompany us to his gala."

"And split the profits?" Zemo questioned.

"60 40." Joker laughed.

"I do not trust zees strangers!" Skull hissed. "Zhey could be lying."

"If you don't help us, you are of no use to us." Scarecrow said as he pointed the big canon looking blaster thing at them. "Do we have a deal?"

As much as they didn't want to, the Marvel villains agreed. They figured that this could be a great opportunity to expand their circle of trust.... and that they could just easily kill them and steal everything if it wasn't.

"You have a deal!" Goblin laughed.

"Then what are we waiting for? We have a gala to crash."

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