3. The meeting.

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A/N: Happy free comic book day! Did I release the first parts last night at 10 PM? Yes. Should I have waited to release it today because it would've been really cool? Yes. Did I? No. Enjoy number 3!

It took some time for everyone to come to, but when the heroes did, they were confused and angry. None of the villains they were fighting could be found. And more importantly, no one knew where they were.

"Bats? Tell me you have some idea of what's going on?" Green Arrow asked.

"I'm working on it." Batman stated.

"Dinah's gonna kill me." He sighed.

"I flew all over the area." Superman said. "Wherever our villains went, they're long gone by now."

"Well that's great." Green arrow sighed.

"Bruce? There's no one here. Nothing here in fact. And there's no trace of anything ever being here either." Nightwing began. "We're not in that junkyard anymore."

"You figure that one out by yourself, Sherlock?" Red Hood teased.

"Ok, Hood. If you're so wise, where are we?" Nightwing asked.

"We... are in... existence." Red Hood replied.

Nightwing rolled his eyes. "Tim?"

"The machine the scientist made was for altering reality or destroying it. We haven't been destroyed, so the only other options are that it altered our reality..." Red Robin was cut off.

"Or it sent us to a new one." Batman finished for him. "Since I haven't been able to locate where we are, I think the more likely outcome is we're in a different reality."

"So like, another earth?" Arsenal asked.

"No. Another reality." Batman stated.

Before he could say anything else, he heard something coming.
From out of nowhere, a man in an iron suit crashed down in front of Batman.

"I'll ask you this one time. You a friend? Or a threat?" The man asked. His voice sounded both human and robotic at the same time.

"Depends. Are you a hero or a criminal?" Batman asked.

Before the man could finish, Red Hood saw someone sneak behind him and assumed this was an ambush. So he shot at the figure, who blocked it with a red, white, and blue shield.

"Alrighty then." The iron man said. He then blasted Batman back with his hand blaster and the fight broke out.

Wonder Woman fought Thor.
Superman fought Iron man.
Batman fought Captain America.
Green Arrow fought Hulk.
Nightwing fought Hawkeye.
Orphan fought Spiderman.
Arsenal fought the Winter Soldier.
Red Hood fought Black Widow.
Red Robin fought Kate Bishop.
Falcon just flew around and did some damage to everyone.

Everyone kept attacking each other for what felt like an hour, until a portal opened and a man in a flying cape came through and stopped all of them.

"Enough!" He yelled.

"Strange? What are you doing here?" Tony asked.

"I'm here to stop you." Strange answered. "These beings are not from this world or any other I know. But they're not our enemies."

"Then who are they?" Tony asked.

"We're the heroes of our reality." Batman explained.

"Then why did you attack us?" Steve asked.

"Because Red Hood here is more of a shoot first ask questions later type of guy." Nightwing teased. Jason just rolled his eyes from inside his helmet.

"Got one of those right here." Falcon put his hand on the Winter Soldier's shoulder. Bucky just glared at him.

"If you're not from here, then where did you come from?" Natasha asked.

"Our reality has villains. Same as yours I imagine. They built a machine to destroy reality. Instead, it sent us to yours. Not all of us came, but we can tell by the tracks that our world's villains came with us." Batman explained.

"Who are all of you?" Hawkeye asked.

(I'm really tired right now so I'm just gonna get the introductions out of the way.)

"I'm Batman."

"I'm Superman."

"I'm Green Arrow."

"Wonder Woman."

"I'm Nightwing."

"I'm Arsenal."

"More like Arse." Jason snickered. "I'm the Red Hood."

"Red Robin."


"Now that you know who we are, who are you?" Superman asked.

"Iron man."


"Black Widow."




"I'm also kinda Hawkeye."

"I'm Spiderman."

"The Winter Soldier."

"I am Steve Rogers." He stuck his hand out. No one shook it. He sighed. "I'm Captain America."

(All done!)

Doctor Strange took a step forward. "All of you put our world at risk by just being here. If not you necessarily, then the criminals you brought."

"Not exactly out fault." Arsenal pointed out. "We just kinda, weren't able to stop it in time."

"Then you must find a way to get yourselves and your enemies back to your reality." Strange stated. "And they're just the people to help you do it."

"I work alone." Batman argued.

"Except for the several children you've adopted, fathered, or mentered." Red Hood mumbled, earning a severe batglare.

"Strange, we can't just let them follow us back to Avengers campus." Tony objected.

"Tony, we need to do what we need to do. If they're heroes, then there's no reason why we can't let them in a heroes HQ." Steve pointed out. "We'd be happy to help you get back to your home. And we'd be happy to help you catch these criminals that escaped."

"Steve, I get you're the type of person to just help anyone, but we don't even know them." Tony argued.

"I have an idea." Steve said. "Wanda stayed back at the campus. We go back and she can find out if they're really who they say they are."

"Or, Wanda can just come to us." Tony comebacked. Steve sighed but called Wanda and told her to come. During that time, Strange left. He didn't explain why, he just dipped. Not long after though, Wanda showed up.

"What do you need?" She asked.

"We need to make sure these people are who they say they are." Tony explained. "Before we trust them."

"Ok." Wanda walked over to Batman.

Batman nodded, not knowing what he had agreed to, and Wanda used her powers to see his mind. She saw vengeance, she saw strength, she saw intelligence, but she also saw a small boy crying over the bodies of his dead parents.

She came out and knew he was a hero. At least some version of one.

"Bruce is a good man." Wanda smiled.

"Bruce?" Tony asked.

"Bruce Wayne. Batman."

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