34. Peter Osborn.

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A/N: y'all are probably gonna hate me for this, and you're gonna be even more mad when I tell you this really happened to Peter once.

When Goblin took Peter out of the room, he brought him to a very dark room. It was too dark. It reminded Peter of a time he wanted to forget, but Goblin insisted on bringing it back up again. But this time, he planned on succeeding in his goal. Which was the same as last time. Make Peter Parker the heir to the Green Goblin legacy.

Norman had tried before. Kidnapping Peter and torturing him for weeks. But in the end, it didn't work. This time however, he was sure it would. No matter what he had to do.

That was the villains plan after all. Each one had a hero they knew well. They were supposed to break them and make them their own sidekick/partner. Them make them fight their friends/family.

"I'm sure you remember this game." Norman said.

He had Peter tied to a chair while still gagged. But even without an answer, he still knew Peter remembered it quite well.

"I know it's been a few days since you've last had water. So, let's play that little game again, shall we?" Goblin grinned. He set two glasses of water in front of Peter. One with a light under it, and one that looked pitch black.

Peter tried to brace himself. He remembered last time. Everything the Green Goblin did to him. He hated it. It stuck with him to this day. But he had finally started being able to live with it. Not anymore.

"You remember the rules." Goblin pulled the cloth out of his mouth. "Which glass of water do you want?"

"I'm not thirsty." Peter stated, his voice dry and hoarse. Basically confirming what he just said was a flat out lie. He regretted what he said the moment he felt the electricity course through his body. He screamed loudly and just wished it was over already. But he knew it wouldn't be over until he gave in. But he wouldn't give in. Which left him with nothing but pain or surrender.

"You know the light will only bring you pain. Just give in to the darkness." Goblin exclaimed. "Just give in!"

"Never." Peter spat. Which earned him another jolt of electricity. This one even worse then the last. He was only on round two and he already didn't know how much more he could take of this. Last time this had happened, he was week due to Goblin drugging his toothpaste. Yes, I said the Green Goblin's master plan started with drugging Peter Parker's toothpaste. This really happened. I'm not even joking. But Peter still had his powers. That's how he escaped. He eventually got the courage to fight back until the Green Goblin left him. But this time, he didn't have his powers. Jonathan Crane had still been giving him a daily dose of 'no power serum'. He was weak and his endurance was failing him.

By the time the electricity had finally stopped, Peter could feel himself violently shaking. Goblin could see it. It just made him smile. It was working. It may take many many many more rounds of this for him to finally break, and then many more rounds after that for him to give into becoming the next Green Goblin, but it was good start. Peter hated that he knew that.

"Again. The dark, or the light?" Osborn asked.

"The light." Peter panted out. "I'm not like you, and I never will be."

"We'll see." Another volt.

This happened again and again for ten hours straight until Peter finally lost consciousness. He had tried to fight it even though he knew that Goblin would stop if he did, but passing out is just a step closer to giving into the darkness. Peter wasn't going to. He couldn't. He wouldn't. He was stronger then Goblin. Norman could do whatever he wanted to Peter. He wouldn't budge, right? He was Spider-man, right? He was a hero...


Norman dragged Peter's limp body to a pitch black room. (I've said Black Mask so many times that my phone keeps autocorrecting black to Black lol)

Norman chained Peter's wrists and left him there in the darkness.

He wouldn't hurt Peter anytime he left him in a dark place. The idea was for Peter to see the dark as a safe place. Where he wasn't in danger. Where he wouldn't be tortured. A pain free environment he could trust.

Goblin smiled as he walked away. He knew that his work had only begun.

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