60. Ready For Home.

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The smarties were done building the machine and were almost ready to go home. Cassandra noticed Jason trying to hide a limp from torn stitches and made him get fixed up. Dick and Peter decided to kill time by playing Slap Jack and both learned of their weaknesses for red heads. Steve and Diana shared war stories, Clark and Thor talked about their homeworlds. Everyone was getting to the point where they were sad, but ready to leave. All except two people.

"And so the moment arrives." Kate sighed.

"It was fun while it lasted. I promise that I won't forget you anytime soon." Roy smiled.

"Me neither." Kate smirked. "I just wish it could've worked out somehow. Like you could've been from this universe. I've never met a guy here like you."

"And I've never met a girl at home like you." Roy added. "I feel kinda awkward though that I fell in love with myself."

"Me too." Kate nodded. "But I don't regret it."

Roy took that moment as an opportunity and leaned in to kiss her lips one last time. They waited awhile before separating. They wanted the moment to last for as long as possible. It was at least a whole thirty seconds before they parted, and although thirty seconds may not seem like a long time, if you counted it out it's a long time for one single kiss. But they didn't care. This was their last moment together. It was going to be one to remember.

A few minutes later, Bruce B, Bruce W, and Tony called everyone outside of the compound where the machine was up and ready to go. There was really no way to test it, but all three had confidence that it would work nicely. Hopefully.

All of the DC heroes had gathered outside with the Marvel heroes for a final goodbye to their new friends.

"Stark." Bruce W began. "I know we didn't get off to the best start. But I'd be happy to call you an ally, and even my friend. Thank you."

"Anytime, Bats." Tony nodded. "Next time you feel like dropping by, do me a favor and bring some tequila. I've always wanted to try drinks from another dimension."

Jason went up to say goodbye to Natasha.

"I'll see you around, hot shot." She said.

"Bucky still likes you." Jason just cut straight to the point. "I know you like me, and you like me because I'm him. He's still in love with you. You should tell him you love him back."

"Maybe I will." Nat smirked. "You're a smart kid."

"Huh, usually people think I'm the dumb one." Jason shrugged.

He then went over to Bucky.

"Take care, man." He smiled.

"Remember. Tell Artemis. If she rejects you, you can move on. If not? You'll be happy you took the chance." Bucky looked at Jason, and then at Nat. "Love is a precious thing. It can be taken from you so suddenly. And can break you forever."

Jason looked at Nat and then back at Bucky. "I wouldn't give up. Sometimes things work out."

"Sure." Bucky laughed.

Dick and Peter had a hard time saying bye. Dick was happy to have someone like him around and Peter enjoyed practically having conversations with himself.

"Say hi to your red head lady friend for me." Peter laughed.

"Only if you do the same." Dick replied. "Bye, Pete."

"So long, Dick." Peter said. "That came out wrong."

"Just a little bit." Dick laughed.

"Or a lotta bit." Tim snickered. Both Peter and Dick didn't even know he was listening.

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