14. During Steve's recovery.

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Once back at the compound, Batman and Iron Man rushed Steve to the med bay. Everyone else just waited for some hopefully good news.
While they were waiting, the rest of the Avengers and superheroes came back from their other mission. They were confused and shocked to find out the state that Steve was in.

"And you said it's called Joker gas?" Bruce B. asked.

"Yes. It's a rather serious thing though." Tim nodded.

"Nothing to joke about." Dick smirked. Everyone turned and stared at him. "Shutting up." He put his head down. Peter thought it was funny though.

"Did Bruce bring the cure?" Clark asked.

"It's Bruce." Jason stated.

"So Steven will recover?" Thor questioned.

"He should." Cassandra nodded.

"Bruce..." Tim began before Bruce B turned to see if he was calling him. "That's gonna get confusing."

"We can call them Banner and Wayne?Or maybe Bruce B and Bruce W?" Roy suggested. Honestly surprised he could remember Hulk's last name. "Or just new guy and brooding man." 

"Bruce W. gave him the antidote already. The fact that we can't hear laughing echoing through the building is a good sign." Tim added. "He may be down for a little bit, but not too long."

"Well in the meantime, I think it's time for our scrabble match." Peter said. "Any of you guys are welcome to join, though it's usually just Kate, Tony, and I."

"I'll come." Dick smiled. "I love games."

"Hard pass." Jason deadpanned.

Cassandra just left the room.

"Sure." Roy nodded. Of course he just wanted to spend time with Kate, but scrabble could still be fun.

"I have things I need to do." That was Tim's nice way of saying no.

"No thanks, kid." Clark laughed.

"I'm not really good at scrabble." Oliver said.

"We could teach you how to play better..." Peter began.

"I'm not good at learning things." Oliver continued, desperately trying to get out of this situation.

"Diana?" Dick asked.

Diana turned to look at Dick and Dick knew he got his answer.

"Can't say I didn't try." Dick admitted.

"Scrabble gang, follow me!" Peter announced before leading them down a hall.

"So, you guys have any fun games?" Jason asked.

"Bucky?" Clint asked. "You thinking what I'm thinking?"

"No, I didn't assume you could think." Bucky said. 

"Remember that thing we used to do with the horse?" Clint questioned.

"A horse?" Oliver said.

"Pommel horse." Bucky clarified.

"You up for it?" Clint asked.

"I always win." Bucky laughed.

"Challenge excepted." Clint smirked.

The four all went to the gym. They went over and found the pommel horse and Bucky grabbed the rings and pushed himself into a handstand position. Clint went back a good few feet and aimed right besides Bucky's left shoulder. He released and as soon as it passed, Bucky reached out and grabbed it before it could go beyond him.

"Whoa!" Jason and Oliver both were shocked.

Bucky jumped down and gave Clint his arrow back. "You're never gonna beat me."

"Can I try?" Jason suggested.

"Jason, if you get hurt Bruce is gonna be mad at me." Oliver said.

"If I get hurt, it will be another Tuesday." Jason shrugged. Oliver sighed as Jason went to the pommel horse. He went into a handstand position and waited for Clint to shoot.
As soon as he did, Jason lifted his left hand up and immediately fell off the horse and onto his head.

"I hate to say I told you so, but I did." Oliver laughed as he helped him up.

"Don't worry, kid. Nobody gets it on their first try." Clint said.

"I did." Bucky stated.

"You have a metal arm, you don't count." Clint added.

"About that," As Jason stood up all the way, they could all see the arrow in his left hand. "Boom."

"You were saying, Clint?" Bucky smirked.

"I don't have to answer you." Clint said.

"I got an idea." Oliver spoke up. "Anyone wanna play me?"

"Sure. But I never lose." Bucky replied before cracking his knuckles and going back up on the pommel horse.

Oliver drew back an arrow and shot it. Bucky caught it and laughed a little before Oliver shot three more arrows immediately after. Bucky wasn't ready for the second two and fell off trying to catch the third. Clint couldn't contain himself.

"Haha. F.R.I.D.A.Y.? Did you get that on film?" Clint asked.

"Mr. Stark's security camera 14 has been recording since you entered the room." F.R.I.D.A.Y. said.

"Never lose?" Clint smirked.

"He cheated!" Bucky complained.

"Mr. Rogers just woke up." F.R.I.D.A.Y. announced. "Mr. Stark is now allowing visiters."

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