21. What happened next.

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Batman and the rest of team Alpha were the first to arrive in Queens. It didn't take long for them to get there since almost everyone on their team could fly. Batman just caught a ride and he wants to leave it at that.

Superman found Nightwing first and called the rest of the team over. He was just sitting in rubble. Thinking. Thinking about how this could've happened in the short time he was gone. Thinking about where they could've been. Where his little brother was.

"What happened?" Batman glared.

"Everything was fine an' then... they attacked out of no where. Our comms went down and I tried to get to a place where I could call in backup. I was only gone for a few minutes. But when I got back they were gone. All of them." Nightwing explained.

"We'll discuss this later." Batman didn't lift his glare for one second. "We need to scan the area. Find evidence, then meet back at the compound."

"He asked me not to leave him." Nightwing whispered.

All of the Alpha team went out to search for clues. Nightwing just stayed where he was. All he could do was hope they were ok.

Peter was the first to wake up. His senses were going haywire, but not his spidey senses. He thought that was weird. He felt weak. Like he did before he was bitten by the spider and got his powers. Like when he was just Peter Parker. He also noticed he was no longer wearing his mask. He looked around and saw he was in a... van? He wasn't quite sure. But it did look like a van. A weird green and purple van with the word Haha written all over the inside and out, although he couldn't see the outside of the van. He looked out the window and saw an old sign. Something about a pizza place not too far. It was all he looked at before trying to get out, but his wrists and ankles were tied with rope, and a piece of duct tape over his mouth. Probably for the best. He probably would've said some snarky remark and had one of the bad guys shoot him. He tried to break the rope, but he couldn't. Why couldn't he break it? It was just rope! He could lift thousands of pounds but he couldn't break a little rope? Something was definitely wrong with him. He looked to his left to see Jason in the same state as him, except he wasn't conscious. Bucky was on his right. He had rope around his ankles and tape on his mouth too, but his right arm was tied behind his back with a strap while his metal arm was gone. Peter then looked in front of him. He saw a deranged clown with green hair laughing in front of him.

"Not yet, little pest! Hahaha!" He said before jamming a needle into Peter's neck, making him pass out once more.

Everyone had gathered back at the compound, awaiting team Alpha to come back and explain what happened. Even Steve. He was feeling much better and wanted to go out on the next mission, but he needed to know what happened first.

"Bruce?" Tim asked.

Batman walked right past him.

"You owe us at least an explanation." Cassandra said.

Batman just kept walking.

Since Bruce was a dead end, Clark was trying to calm Dick down, and Thor wasn't exactly sure what happened himself, they all turned to Tony.

"Where is everyone?" Sam asked.

"Tony? Tell us what happened." Wanda asked.

Tony sighed. "We lost them. Peter, Barnes, red bucket. They got 'em."

Everyone was silent. Batman walked back into the room and called Dick into the other room.

"Stark. Rogers." He stated. Tony and Steve followed him.

They all entered the room and Bruce closed the door behind him.

"How many were there?" He asked.

"Too many. All seven of our bad guys and seven times the henchmen. There had to be at least a hundred people." Dick explained, not bothering to lift his head up as he spoke. "I take full responsibility for what happened."

"You should." Batman glared at him. "I trusted you to lead them and you abandoned them."

"I didn't abandon them." Dick argued. "I was trying to-"

"You left them!" Batman yelled. "You left your team, you left your command, and you left Jason."

"Bruce, it was an accident. He didn't know this would happen." Steve spoke up. "We all make mistakes."

"I taught him better then this. I taught him to adapt better then this. I taught him to be smarter then this!" Batman glared. Steve felt cold all of the sudden.

"We'll make sure we get them back." Dick said. "I'll make sure we get Jason back."

"I think you've done enough." Batman glared one more time before leaving the room.

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