11. Making an entrance.

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"Tim?" Jason asked. "Patch me through to Bruce."

"I'm on it, Jay." Tim said. "Found someone?"

"At least one, likely two, possibly more." Jason replied.

"You're through." Tim answered.

"Bruce, Sionis is here. Looks like he's talking to some guy. He looks sketchy, but I don't recognize him." Jason said.

"Tim?" Bruce asked.

"Roy, zoom in on camera three." Tim ordered. Roy nodded and did as told. "Doesn't look like one of our guys. Could be a hired lackey? Maybe just a distraction."

"I don't think so." Bruce replied. "Send the footage out."

Tim did as asked and all the heroes got a picture sent to them of the man. One person in particular was able to point him out right away.

"That's Osborn." Peter said. "But what's he doing here? I thought he was in prison."

"You thought wrong, kid." Tony added. "Bruce, we may have more on the table then we thought."

"Who is he?" Dick asked.

"A psychopath. He was a brilliant scientist, but now he's nothing more then a murderous lunatic." Peter explained. "He's bad news."

"Tony, should we come in?" Steve asked.

"No, not yet." Tony replied.

"He's right. Wait until they make the first move. We don't want to be the ones making a scene." Bruce added. "Jason? Keep an eye on Sionis. See if he talks to anyone else."

"Romanoff, do the same for greenie." Tony said as he took a drink of very expensive champagne. "Parker, keep your distance. The last thing we need is for you to kick off the party early. He'll recognize you too easily and we don't want to give away our little super hero team up just yet."

"Alright. I'm going to find some food." Peter laughed.

"Ooo, I'll come too." Dick nodded.

As they went on over to the food table, Cassandra noticed something about the two gentlemen.

"They're both wearing red bowties." She said.

"So?" Jason asked.

"So are those men." She pointed across the room to two more men. Evenly spaced out. Then she noticed two more. All of them surrounding the room.

"They're everywhere." She whispered.

Natasha noticed them all start to slowly move inward all at the same time. "Whatever's going to happen, is about to start."

Not too long after she said that, a gun shot was heard. At the front of the room by a cliche meter of how much money was raised that night, was the Joker. He stood in front of everyone, guns in the air and a big smile on his white pasty face.

"Hahahahahaha!" Joker laughed. He didn't even bother to say anything yet. He just shot off a couple of bullets and laughed hysterically. "Well, well, well. Look what I found. A bunch of wealthy folks willing to donate to the Joker foundation!" He started laughing again. "I'd like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. It will be going to a good cause. For example, toys like this!" He wheeled out a cart with a giant item on top. There was a sheet on top to cover it, but the Joker just pulled it right off. It was a bomb. A big purple, green, and HAHAHA bomb.

"Turn over all of your wallets to me and my associates, and we will make sure this toy goes back on the shelf." Joker explained. "Or if you refuse, you can all play and laugh and die together! HAHAHAHAH!"

The avengers were kinda creeped out by this maniac. He reminded Peter of the green goblin, but ten times more humerus. There was a reason this guy was called the Joker.

Bruce leaned back and whispered into his comm. "Tim? How many people do you see with a red bowtie?"

"Seven with red, twenty or so with maroon. One guy with a pink one." Tim answered.

Bruce knew the villains would have henchmen. It was a classic villain thing to have. You can't do it alone, so you have henchmen. Easy as that. But there was no guarantee that if the villains were wearing red that the henchmen would be wearing maroon.

"Bruce? Whose the enemy?" Oliver asked.

"I take it we're about to find out." Bruce stated. "Stark, send in the troops." He and Oliver then snuck out to suit up. Cassandra did as well.

"You heard the man, Cap. You're team is ready to go." Tony mumbled, trying to be quiet since he was the closest one to the Joker. Joker still noticed.

"You! You're the one who put this little party together, right?" Joker asked.

Peter, Natasha, Dick, and Bucky tried to slowly make their way to the front in case Joker tried anything while Tony wasn't suited up.

Jason tried to move up as well, but was stopped when he felt cold metal against the side of his head.

"Where do you think you're going, Hood?" Black mask smirked, gun against his temple. "I see you've made some friends. So have we."

"What are you talking about, Roman?" Jason asked.

"You'll see." He grinned. "You'll see."

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