36. First you become the Red Hood, then you become the Joker.

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A/N: So... while editing this book (I already proofread it, I just suck at spelling but am somehow great at reading, so I go back and fix words that look like they're spelled wrong) I saw that in my characters list, I um... I noticed Thor wasn't there. I guess I accidently deleted his picture/bio. It had to be either while I was editing or while I was first writing this (Cause my phone kept having this weird problem with the pictures) and it may have deleted it then and then I just forgot to write the bio because I didn't see the picture. Anyway, this has been waaaay too long of an author's note, so I'll just make a long story short (too late) and say that I will try and fix this issue soon :)

After Dick disappeared with Steve, the villains spread out to try and find them. They looked everywhere they could without drawing attention from the other heroes. They looked for quite a bit of time before they angrily came to a conclusion that the two had gotten away. Red Skull was mad. He had been so excited to kill Steve Rogers. Or at least try to. Just the thought of the attempt gave him goosebumps. But because of Nightwing, now he didn't get to even try. Although, it was also because of Nightwing that he was getting the chance, so those things should've evened out. But Red Skull still decided to blame him. Joker was upset too, but not as upset. He was happy because he had fun activities to attend to when he got back. But now, he still wanted revenge on Dick Grayson.

He went back to the mental hospital to the room Black Mask had Jason in.

Black Mask had been taking out his anger on Jason. Not that Jason probably didn't deserve it. He had been messing with this guy since he first became Red Hood. But Black Mask was a bad guy, so it's bad.

"Mmf." Jason grunted as Black Mask kicked him. He was still bound and gagged, but had no idea of what happened between the Joker and Dick while he was unconscious.

"Thanks for warming him up for me, Maskie." Joker grinned. "But I think I can take it from here."

Black Mask stopped what he was doing and then left the room. He wasn't a big fan of the nickname, but he didn't say anything.

Joker got to work immediately. He cranked up the AC, stripped Jason down to his boxers, and tied his body to a wheelchair with barbed wire. Along with tying his arms to the armrests with a mix of rope and barbed wire.

Joker walked over to the corner of the room and opened a box that had been sitting there. "Let's see what goodies we have in here." The first thing he took out was a crowbar. Typical.

Jason's body hadn't completely healed from the last time Joker played piñata. Joker didn't care though. He was up to bat. Or, up to crowbar? Idk.

Joker walked over and just smiled at him. "You and I are a lot alike you know. Misunderstood." Whack! "Black sheep." Smack! "People think of us as criminals." Thwack!

Jason wanted to spit back some quip about how Joker was a villain. But the Joker wouldn't have heard it, so there really was no point in it.

"I just want to make people laugh! Granted, I want them to die laughing. HAHAHA!" Joker laughed. "And you, my boy. I want you to help me. So whaddya say, kiddo?" He pulled the gag out of Jason's mouth.

"You're insane!" Jason stated. "You're not misunderstood, you're a psychopath!"

"That's what everyone thinks, but all I want is the same thing that deep down, you want too." Joker explained. "To be loved and appreciated by the Batman."

"If you think I care what daddy bats thinks of me, then you're crazier then I thought! And that's saying something." Jason spat.

"Then don't care what he thinks of you. I think very highly of you." Joker smiled. "Very loyal, strong, you like spouting off puns, and puns are in some way, a form of a joke. Not to mention the fact that you're willing to do what Batsy won't."

"I try not to do that anymore. But if I had to kill one more person, I'd be glad to send you off to hell!" Jason yelled.

"So mean to your Uncle J." Joker faked being hurt. He gave Jason one more kahack! (I'm running out of ack words.) Before going back to the 'box of goodies' and brought back a knife. "Maybe you're more of a visual learner." Joker took the knife and carved a smile on Jason's chest. Jason gritted his teeth. He wouldn't give Joker the satisfaction of hearing him, as he would call it, 'sing'. He learned when he was a kid that the Joker 'loved to hear the little birdie sing'. But he wasn't that impulsive little kid anymore. Impulsive? Yes. But not a little kid anymore.

"I think you'd make a great sidekick. Just give it a thought. You and me! Out patrolling the town. Stopping Bats from hurting innocent criminals. From beating people like us senseless." Joker said. "Stopping him from attacking young men who stole car tires just to survive. Putting them in jail like criminals! He's the real criminal. And you and I could stop him."

"I may not be Batman's biggest fan. But I'm a bigger hater of you!" Jason spat blood on his face.

Joker was not happy. And he was ready to show Jason just how unhappy he really was.

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