12. The fight at the gala.

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A/N: Joker juice/laughing gas/Joker venom/Joker gas are all the same thing. It's just different names. I don't like using the same word too much so that's why it keeps changing.

Tony wanted to get back, but he couldn't without being seen. No suit? No problem... nah, I'm just kidding. It was a problem. Tony didn't know this psychopath, but if he was as bad as Batman made him out to be, then he needed his suit. Or at least a part of it would be nice.

The Joker just laughed and laughed. He wasn't even laughing at anything. He just found nothing so funny.

"Now, I think it's time we call in some friends to crash this party, what do you think, richie?" Joker asked Tony.

"I'm good, but if you feel like ruining something you can come back the next time the IRS guy shows up." Tony answered.

"I'm afraid I already promised my friends that they could come out and play." Joker frowned. "Can't keep them waiting. Boys!"

Suddenly Scarecrow, Count Vertigo, Zemo, Red Skull, and the Green Goblin all showed up. Of course they were all the guys in the red bow ties. And all the men in the maroon bowties were their henchmen. All of the henchmen had guns too.

"Yay!" Joker clapped. "Fun! Fun! Fun!"

"Steve? How are the troops coming?" Tony mumbled.

"We're almost there. Can you get out to your suit?" Steve asked.

"Not at the moment. Ask again later." Tony joked.

The Joker just kept laughing and laughing and laughing. All the other villains thought it was kinda getting old. Didn't stop him though.

"Steve." Bucky said into his com. "That's Zemo."

"What?" Steve asked. "What's Zemo doing there?"

"Well, we had a crossover. Guess the bad guys didn't want to be left out." Dick whispered.

"I heard Peter mention Goblin. Who else?" Steve said as he ran up the stairs.

"Red Skull and the Scarecrow guy." Natasha answered.

"Alrighty then! Let's start this game!" Joker squealed.

"We're coming in." Steve said.

As soon as the criminals started to attack, Steve and his team of Avengers/Justice League  rushed in and started fighting them.

"Finally." Tony sighed as he ran to his suit. "Peter, Nat, and Dick, we need to get the guests out of here."

"You got it." Peter said as he suited up.

Jason was still in sort of a pickle. He finally had enough and threw his head back as hard as he could to hit Black Mask. It worked and Black Mask stumbled back while dropping the gun in his hand. But no one wins in a head butt.

"Wow!" Jason held his head. "That's a lot worse without the helmet."

"Jay? Where are you?" Dick asked.

"On my way. Just had a little head trauma to deal with." Jason said as he ran to his suit. "Just the usual."

As Jason ran out, Batman ran in.

"Get moving, Jason." Batman ordered.

"gEt mOviNg, Jason." Jason mocked in a funny voice.

The heroes ran in and the battle broke out. However, there were still quite a few guests still there.

"Clint, Green Arrow guy," Tony began. "We need to get more guests out."

"On it." Clint nodded.

"Just Green Arrow. And sure thing, metal man." Oliver laughed.

Tim, Kate, and Roy were all watching over the comms. Making sure that no villains got a surprise attack on the heroes. Making sure that no one got away. They were doing a good job, but they forgot about one thing.

"Hey, Timbers." Roy asked. "How much time is left on that bomb thing?"

Tim looked over at the screen and saw that at sometime during the fight, the Joker had detonated the bomb, and the time was ticking down. Considering the bomb originally had five minutes on it and it now had two, Tim had a generally good idea of when it was detonated. But he for sure didn't see it when it happened. It honestly shocked him.

"Please tell me you didn't assume I had seen him detonate it." Tim said.

"Umm..." Roy didn't know how to answer that.

"You don't have to feel bad. I didn't see it either." Kate smiled.

Tim just gave her a look that said 'really?'. Granted she didn't know that computers were one of his specialties, but still.

"You know what, who cares." Tim shrugged. "Batman, the bomb has been detonated. I repeat, the bomb has been detonated. You guys have about two minutes."

"Alright. Red Robin, you're on stand by. If I get caught up you will have to come down here and defuse the bomb." Batman said.

"Cause that went so well last time." Tim sighed.

"Don't blame yourself. I couldn't defuse it either." Batman stated. "But we're not going to repeat our mistakes. We learn from them."

"Cute speech, batsy." Tony grinned. "But you're clown friend is up to something."

Batman looked over and saw the Joker pull out a can of laughing gas.

"It's Joker venom." Batman stated.

"What's that?" Peter asked.

"It's chemicals that make you start laughing like a maniac until you die or go into a coma." Dick explained.

"Nobody breathe." Cassandra said.

"So what, fight these guys while holding our breath?" Sam joked.

"If you breathe it, you'll suffocate." Batman said.

"If we don't breathe, we still suffocate." Bucky deadpanned.

"We can't hold our breathe forever. What should we do?" Steve asked.

"None of you would happen to have vacuum powers, would you?" Spider-man suggested.

"I'll take care of it." Batman stated. He went over and started fighting the Joker to make sure he didn't use the Joker juice. Only problem? No one to defuse the bomb. "Red Robin, you're up."

Tim jumped up and put his cowl on. "Kate, keep doing what you were doing. But I am going to need you to do a few other things. Right now everyone is on the same comm link. If you need to change it press this and then this." He pointed out. "If one of the cameras cuts out press this and then this and this. It should restart it."

"What can I do?" Roy asked.

"Don't touch anything, Roy. This is million dollar tech." Tim laughed. "We don't need it broken."

As Tim left, he could hear Roy yell 'Hey!', but he kept going. He had a bomb to defuse.

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