Burning Up (Fire)

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"I can't believe I messed up the choreography!" 

A man called out loudly in the hallway, his perfect Korean hard to follow. Inside the room I'd been waiting for only a few minutes according to the glass clock hanging on the wall behind what looked like a card table. At least the guard had been kind enough to let me smoke out the small window at the far end of the room. The ember had gone out, as I stared out at the fans who had been allowed to leave. I was sure the voices were getting louder, passing by perhaps to reach their dressing rooms. Blowing out the smoke I'd held in my mouth, I stubbed out the smoke and wandered over to place it in the bin as the knob turned. 

" I don't even know what I did wrong but I'm sorry, okay?" I mumble, turning away as the guard wanders in with heavy boots thudding on the tiled floor. The minutes of waiting allowed me to seethe with frustration,

'I didn't do anything so let me leave'. 

"Hey! It's really her! Wow, do we have some explaining to do boys!" A voice laughs from behind me. 

Refusing to turn around, I let out a sigh. "Considering that was embarrassing, I don't speak Korean well and I'm in a city far from home being held against my will for doing nothing on my first night... I would at least appreciate being told why I'm in trouble." 

The same voice starts laughing, speaking quickly to whoever has joined him too fast to understand. I fold my arms, close my eyes and turn to face the guards. 

'They must think I'm a stalker. Or that I brought something in that wasn't allowed.' 

"Easy there. I already told you your Korean wasn't that bad." Another man says, speaking slowly enough that I can translate. It doesn't immediately click what he means, but upon opening my eyes leaving is exactly what I'd like to do. Anyone else would be jumping, crying or squealing... but I can't be excited. 

"Oh... sorry. I... I had no idea." Speaking in English raises the eyebrows of some of the men in front of me while others laugh. Seven men have gathered in the room, some standing by the entryway while others have already settled into the plush couches and arm chairs. One in particular looks curiously, sitting cross-legged in the chair closest to me. My brains spinning and I can feel my legs going weak but I stand tall and keep my arms folded protectively across my chest. 

"I get that you're confused... will it help if we talk in English for a moment while we settle down for a chat? If.. that's okay with you?"  He gestures to an empty seat with soft eyes. I nod and take a seat. "So, I guess you already know who we are.. and after everything... we couldn't pass up the chance to meet you. To apologize, I mean. What was your name?"  RM smiles, taking a seat on the rug he looks up at me. Me. 

"I'm Y/N. It's um... weird to be meeting you all like this. I feel like I'm the one that should be saying sorry to you RM. For the trouble. And being rude in there." I try to breathe slowly, calming down I avert my eyes from him waiting for his response. J-Hope is sitting between Jin and Jimin, his laughter booms as his friends join him. 

"Well it's nice to finally meet you Y/N... We've got a lot to catch up on wouldn't you say? And if it makes this easier, call me Namjoon... my stage name doesn't seem right for this sort of situation." The loud pop of a bottle follows a minute of silence, drawing me to look up to see Jungkook grinning ear to ear. 

"We should celebrate such a chance meeting. It feels like fate, no?"  Jungkook has changed since the performances and is sitting in black sweats and a black sweatshirt, cross-legged in the arm chair opposite to me holding a bottle of champagne like this whole situation isn't out of the ordinary. The other members are dressed casually as well, looking tired but intrigued as the situation unfolds. Like a variety show, they seem poised with big smiles for cameras that aren't there. 

'He's cute, no, devilishly attractive up close'. 

At both meetings I hadn't looked this closely, but sitting adjacent to Jungkook I couldn't deny that something about those deep brown eyes and that contagious smile seemed dangerous, like an unregistered weapon. The group lean in, each taking a glass Jungkook turns his attention to his friends as he pours out glasses of champagne for everyone, including a glass which he hands to me. I reach over the table and take it with a half smile, not meeting his gaze. 

"To our final concert!" Calls out Jin, nodding his head in my direction I raise my glass. 

"And to finding you." Namjoon adds, looking to the glasses as they clink. While he's not looking at me, it's clear the issue wasn't overlooked by at the least their management team. Perhaps, even Namjoon himself had seen some of the articles but as I sipped the bubbly champagne,

"So, now that we have my name out of the way... why did you guys want me here?"  My words come out wrong, commanding even, as the group all pause to look toward me. At this point, I can't be more upset, more confused or more embarrassed so I continue. 

"I never, in a million years, would have thought that what happened back then would even reach you guys. Let alone being brought from a meet and greet like a criminal in a completely different hemisphere! Can you imagine if this gets out?"  I'm about ready to cry or storm out the door when a reassuring hand touches my knee. 

"We saw. And we all wanted to say sorry. Namjoon especially. He never meant to cause you this much trouble." I won't look, to see who the hand belongs to... but then I do and I'm comforted to see Jin who is now kneeling beside the arm chair I've slumped into reaching out. 

"Really, management handled the issue as soon as they could but we didn't see it coming either." Namjoon, who appears exhausted from the concert nods in agreement with his hyung who takes his seat back beside his friends, who have all shifted to drinking their champagne, watching their phones or have closed their eyes. 

"He wants to get to know you and to make it up to you!" J-Hope, who seems to be the only other member still listening pipes up, smiling as though he's said something he shouldn't. He glances to Namjoon who shoots him a glance, before looking back to me. 

"Really!"  He assures as the others nod. 

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