My Time

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The next morning drags on with everyone nursing a hangover but Tae. He helps with breakfast and makes coffee and tends to us like fallen soldiers until myself, Jin and Yoongi seem to have recovered enough to help. Jimin is pretty wrecked, but handles himself with his usual grace. Namjoon however seems to be one of the worst off, cradling his head in his hands with loud grumbles for most of the morning. I can't tell who walked in last night and overheard us but I can tell for sure it isn't Namjoon. It's possible whoever it was didn't connect the dots, or that they thought Jungkook had brought someone else home but I wasn't going to start asking. 

"So, Jungkook, you left early... how's the hangover?" Teased Hobi, innocently enough to not draw attention. 

"Yeah, I got a little lucky. Why?" Jungkook isn't letting on much, he's hardly looked at me all morning. Not that I'd looked his way much either. In my awakened state, I couldn't truly process how I felt about what happened. I wasn't complaining, but I wasn't sure how I felt as the members began to look to him with smiles and cheers. 

"Ahh! That's it! When'd you sneak her out?" Jin continues, eyeing him curiously. I'm absolutely panicked, but Jungkook looks somewhere between frustrated and bored. 

"Hey, does that mean you were the ones slamming doors last night?" Jungkook asks, deflecting away from the fact that I had never actually left the suite. Just relocated. 

"Huh? You were asleep when I got in. I came in with Jimin after nearly everyone was already asleep!" Hobi says, with an expression of both disgust and shock. 

"Not me either, I came in with Namjoon. Man, that's not like you." Jin adds, his handsome face closely resembling Hobi's expression. 

Someone in the kitchen laughs, I can't tell if it's Namjoon or Yoongi but Tae looks mortified. 

"I came in just after Y/N, so I guess it's her that you've scarred for life." Yoongi explains nonchalantly. 

I blink and realize, it must have been Yoongi. Only the person that walked in would have known that I was in after Jungkook but before everyone else. The dread sets in further as I realize that if he'd walked in when he said, he had to have heard us right towards the end and would know that I definitely wasn't on the couch. Unless it had been Tae? They could both have come in, not that either had been letting on. If Tae had arrived he would have been completely sober and might have figured it out pretty fast. 

"I came in a few minutes after Yoongi-hyung, so I'm glad I held off." Tae adds, as if conforming my fears. We knew when everyone had arrived now and who exactly knew what had happened. 

As we ate breakfast, chat regarding Jungkook's late night visitor continued without hesitation. I watched Yoongi intently as he smiled and laughed at his friends. Jungkook answered very little and focused on eating. It seemed no-one had suspected that I could have been the woman, to my relief, but it made me curious as to why. 

'Would I not be his normal type? Did us dancing not seem as hot as it was?'

Finally, Yoongi turns to me from across the island bench. "You look like you need a smoke, want to come outside and chat? You can tell me how horrible coming into that must have been." His joke seems outwardly friendly as he gently elbows Jungkook in passing, but I fear that's not quite right. 

"Sure, yeah. My heads just killing me though." I reply, standing up with my coffee in one shaky hand and my smokes in the other. As I leave, I can feel some ones eyes on me but I can't bare to look to see who or why. 

We stand in silence as I light my smoke, as Yoongi sips his usual iced americano I can't tell if he's going to be direct or not. He sighs, running a hand through his hair. 

"So, want to tell me about it?" He says, turning to face me. He looks conflicted, like he doesn't know if he should be disappointed, surprised or mad. 

I want to handle this delicately but it's never been my forte, I sigh as well, leaning back into one of the sun loungers I rest my feet up. 

"I don't know what you're really asking Yoongi, so tell me. What are you asking about exactly?"

Thankfully, he smirks. "You had a pretty busy night. Jungkookie looks pretty happy with himself." 

"Shit, it was you then. I kinda figured from earlier but I didn't know for sure." 

He nods, sighing even louder this time, almost like a grumble. 

"Y/N, it was hard to sleep after hearing that! You and Kook, really? I was worried about Jimin going too far and then poof. I'd kept an eye on you all night only for you and Kookie to disappear. I didn't think much of it until I got in and heard, ugh, you."

Disgust definitely sums up his expression, he sips at his drink again as if it may clear the thought from his mind. 

"You're lucky it was me honestly. If Tae had come in he wouldn't have been able to not say anything this morning. You must have hit the couch just as he got in."

He's right, Tae must have been the first to get back. He would have seen me on the couch and thought nothing of it, and with Yoongi's explanation of the whole ordeal it must have cleared me of any suspicion. 

"I'm sorry you walked in on that, really. We got caught up in the moment and well..." I pause, I don't really want to get into it. 

"Did, do you regret it?" He asks, pointedly. He's clearly not going to go easy on me. 

"No! Why should I? Namjoon was off flirting with someone else and Jungkook and I just happened. We're friends, it's normal to get a little carried away on a drunken night out right?" 

I don't know why I'm seeking his approval so hard, but all I want to hear is that it's okay. That I'm a grown woman and sleeping with Jungkook wasn't a big deal. 

"Well, I mean you sounded like you really enjoyed it. I just wanted to see where your head was at. I want to talk to Kook too but I feel like you're more central to this. I don't want either of them hurt." 

Initially, he's smirking, but he gets serious as though warning me. I get it, this could turn into a big deal if it got out amongst the members but I don't plan on it. If Jungkook and I get a chance, I wouldn't say no to last night happening again but it's not as though we're in love or anything. 

'I mean... I don't know how I really feel yet either. Or how he feels.' I push the thought out, shaking my head and sipping my coffee again. 

Yoongi's on his phone, texting someone he smiles before dawdling to the other end of the balcony. He pulls up a chair close the the lounger before Jungkook emerges and takes a seat on the lounger beside me without a word. 

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