Pied Piper

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'No, that would be weird right? Only Jimin can pretend to flirt with me to make me uncomfortable. Yeah, that definitely sounds weird. But so does saying yes.' 

This whole situation is weird. He's so close that I can feel his breath on my neck, I can smell his cologne. It's not something I've ever been close enough to notice but it's a warm, woody scent that's almost soothing. Considering the proximity it's a welcomed change to my sweaty palms. He must know that it's working because he's not backing away. 

"Why would I tell you what to do, Jungkook?" I refuse to let him think that he's got any sway here. I'm sure that his charm has worked on any woman he's every wanted before, including millions of fans he's never been this close to, but I know if I let him sway me now it'll be the end of me. 

He pulls away and laughs, clutching his stomach like I've said the funniest thing ever. He tips his head back and runs his fingers through his hair again, I can't help but make a mental comparison that Jimin definitely does that better, but the way his head is tilted I can see how prominent his jaw line is. Maybe that wasn't the right thing to say, maybe I should have told him to knock it off. 

"Huh, that's interesting." It's not, really. 

"What is? Was I supposed to say no? Or was I supposed to encourage it?" I'm the one to lean in this time as he's stepped down from the stool with his back pressed into the bench. This is starting to feel less friendly than it should, naturally being competitive is creating the situation to escalate as I realize that while we have few similarities, some are undeniable. And they're not particularly a great combination. 

"You might not have seen this coming while you and Joon were a thing, but if it happened I didn't think you'd just, take it. Maybe you're all bark and no bite." He's wrong. But I don't get him, what's he playing at? 

"What are you playing at here Kook? You want to know why it's different for Jimin but he's never really given me a reason to wonder why he does it." 

"I'll stop if you want, just say the words." Huh. It's that easy. I can just tell him to stop making things weird. 

"Okay, well I'm headed to bed so... I'll see you tomorrow." 

'Fuck. That wasn't right. What was I supposed to say?' 

I figure I'm more tired than I'd thought, but then it occurs to me I wasn't sleeping cuddled up with Joon tonight. Those nights were over, which meant returning to the couch I guessed. I step back from Jungkook, who's expression lessens in intensity as I study the room. It's like night one all over again with cushions, but at least I've got my hoodie and some sweats on this time. However, this time sweet Tae isn't here to lend me a blanket. Footsteps in the hallway however alert me to someone on their way. Hopefully they can save me from both the cold and the curious Jungkook. 

"Hey, you're still up. Um, I thought you might need a blanket so I thought you could use this one. It's better than nothing and we'll figure something better out next time." It's Joon, thank god. His hairs messy and he's got the sweetest, sleepy expression as he holds out a fluffy blanket. 

He doesn't look directly at me, but he's still got that smile. Someone like that's going to make someone really happy one day. It's undeniable that he's an incredible person and there he is to my rescue. He clears his throat. 

"Sorry if it's weird, but I didn't want you to be cold. I thought you'd be asleep already. You can have my bed if it helps." 


"Joon, its fine. But thankyou, really. You're so sweet. I was just headed to sleep actually. It's good to be back." 

I can't help but notice my heartrate speeding up, faster and faster. I'd rather just take his hand and go to bed like none of this had happened. I wish the rumor mill hadn't bothered me. That I was strong and could handle everything so we could go back to normal. It felt wrong to be at such a distance from him. Jungkook and Jimin may have a magnetism about them, but Joon just felt like home. 

"It's good to have you home, I'll see you tomorrow. Night Y/N, Night Jungkook." His face reddens before turning on his heel to follow Jungkook down the dim hallway, I hadn't noticed Jungkook leaving but having to watch Joon leave stung. 

"Night guys." 


Despite waking up earlier than the rest of the group, I slipped back into our old routine with ease. The coffee machine sung as I pulled pots, pans and food from the fridge. I wanted to really say thankyou and breakfast would surely win them all over. They had a big week scheduled getting ready, from appointments with stylists and in the salon to update their looks to photo shoots. They were surely going to be exhausted as they prepped for what I had gathered was going to be a scaled back tour, limited concerts in a few countries this time meant they'd be home sooner but it also meant that this would all come to an end. 

"Mmm, morning." A voice said, draping their arms over my shoulders to meet by my collarbones I giggled. I knew it wasn't Joon by the voice, but everyone here had that deep morning voice that it didn't bother me. They were all super cuddly as well, so the early morning cuddle wasn't unusual in the least. 

"Morning sleepy head. Think it's too early to get everyone up?" I can hear someone down the hallway in the bathroom, likely washing their face before joining us but I can't hear much else aside from Namjoon's occasional snore.

"You're all mine, just for a little while." They tell me, I'm happy to finally realize it's Jimin. His head plops onto my shoulder blade as though he's ready to take a little nap while I ready the coffee. 

We continue like this for a short while, as I pour him a coffee Yoongi emerges with a fresh face, though it doesn't hide the dark circles that have been deepening with the busy schedule ramping up. He smiles as he sees the coffee and doesn't say much as he takes the mug as his own and wanders off aimlessly to the couch where he huddles up and sips contently. 

"Jimin-ssi, I need to finish cooking. You should go sit down too." He's been nodding off on me long enough, but he grumbles as he pulls away, taking a mug as well he joins Yoongi where he snuggles into his shoulder instead.

"Does everyone get morning snuggles?"  Tae's smile is bright as he wanders in slowly with Hobi in tow. 

"Of course. I made breakfast too." 

It's not long before everyone's out and munching happily on breakfast, sipping coffee and juice we simply enjoy the calm. 

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