Boyz With Fun

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"Please, let me treat you to a night out to apologize for the unwanted attention! We have a party after big things like this... like a reward for our hard work. It could be fun for you to come with us... and maybe make up for the headache?" Namjoon speaks awkwardly, twiddling the rings on his fingers he looks like a teenager asking his parents if he can have his friend sleep over for the night. If the situation wasn't, well, what it is, I'd find it endearing. 

'But they owe me nothing. I didn't want that, and I'm sure they didn't either. This is going to make it worse!'  The thought buzzes around my head, my head spins so I sip the champagne again to give me a few more seconds to figure out how to put this gently. 

"Look... I really like your music and all... and this was a nice gesture to a fan who was low-key mauled by the army. I get what you're trying to do. And while I appreciate it... are you guys crazy?" 

It comes out as more of an insult than I had originally intended, but the members seem to awaken at the 'mauled by army' comment and begin laughing hysterically. Even Yoongi, who is still stood by the card table at the end of the room lets our a deep chuckle. I can't discern if they're laughing is about something I said, or my face because I'm positive my eyebrows couldn't be more raised than they already are. 

'Maybe it's because they would never have guessed...' 

"How can you say no to us? We promise it'll be fun! There's no chance it won't make up for you being Joonie's girlfriend for a day!" J-Hope laughs with each word, with actual hope in his eyes.

'Ah, they thought I'd jump at the chance. Like I'm dumb enough to anger the army again.'  

"I mean it! Look what happened last time one of you even talked to me for too long? This is plenty! I won't!" I flail my arms out, gesturing to sitting amongst them as they continue to laugh. Namjoon is the only member not laughing, as he holds his chin to his chest, arm arched to hold the back of his neck. I see Yoongi from across the room, flushing my cheeks an even brighter shade of red. 

The room falls quiet, I slump further into the leather of the arm chair defeated as the members begin looking between each other. It's like they're communicating with their eyes as I see Taehyung nod to Jungkook, as J-Hope widens his eyes in Namjoon's direction. 

'This must be funny to them.' 

"Hey, Y/N? Have you ever seen any of us at a party? Or heard of us attending?" Jungkook looks over to me with a mischievous smile.  He has a fair point, if this is a tradition it's definitely something that I'd never heard of. BTS was notorious for participating in V Live's after this sort of thing, to interact with fans. Parties were things that created rumors, especially amongst K-pop idols so many an article had theorized that BTS didn't attend to avoid being caught in compromising situations. 

"Well, no. But I never really wondered why." I couldn't help but be curious as the maknae leaned in, with glee in his eyes, how could anyone look away from him? That smile... The story would be enough but Jungkook never continued, rather Taehyung who sat on the adjacent couch casually stated, 

"Because we don't go just anywhere. And we never, ever get caught." His voice, deeper than I'd expected, was both a surprise and a shock... because it made sense. They didn't get caught, it's not because they didn't go out. They were in their twenties, of course they went out. They were still human. 

"So, what you're trying to say... is that you want to make it up to me... by bringing me along to this...." I couldn't finish before Jimin jumped in, lightening the mood with his cheeky grin.

"Party! It's very exclusive. Only a handful of army have ever attended and it's rare. But Joon hyung's been in trouble over everything and felt pretty bad." 

"Jimin!" Namjoon's voice rang out, strained as he places his hand over his forehead, rolling his eyes he looks back up to me as he adjusts himself. He alternates his feet so he's sitting cross-legged facing me directly.  

"Look. I know about everything, because I had my ass handed to me. We've been branching out and management backed us but this didn't go well for me or you. But I was the one that got us into this mess when I got caught up after seeing you. So, let me make it up to you." 

The second I smiled, I knew I lost. Namjoon's grim expression flipped like a switch to a triumphant grin, glancing between Jimin and J-Hope he let out a deep laugh. Yoongi had slowly crossed the room to sit with Taehyung on the couch close to Namjoon. Jimin had leaned back, crossing his legs with a confident smirk he looks to Namjoon as if to say, 

'There, done. Are you happy now?'  I couldn't tell if he was pleased, or wary, but I hadn't even said yes. Considering their argument though, how could I say no? 

As if it would change anything, "Um, I never said yes..." A laugh however, escaping after such an obvious lie, indefinitely conforms my answer. "Okay, but please tell me there's a plan here to make sure I don't get caught either. I imagine this is a once off, so whatever I need to do I need to know... please." 

As if on cue, a man approaches the group after slipping in the door. His expression is like stone, his well-pressed suit makes it apparent that he's of importance, but the way the members sit up and quieten is a dead give away. "Well, I guess you lot did actually find the girl."  

Thankfully, he's nice enough, just a seasoned professional. He explains the drama in finding me to resolve the initial incident. After hearing the members request, he tells me that there will be paperwork at the front desk regarding a non-disclosure agreement to sign prior to entering the party as well as having a car pick-up and drop-off for the event. Everything seems like a neatly packaged present once all is said and done and there's no backing out. The members exchange awkward goodbyes with me, aside from Yoongi and Jimin who seem to have nodded off. 

"Thanks, for being cool after everything. We're doing our V Live tomorrow during the day and well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow night?" 

Namjoon's sweet, he's like every Namjoon's biased's dream if I'm being honest. He's taller than I had realized as he stands in front of me, arm reaching up to rest on the door frame above me. He's got strong, muscular shoulders and has a calm aura about him. Despite having a hard time keeping my eyes from wandering back to Yoongi who was drifting off to sleep on the couch, Namjoon was definitely easy to look at. 

"No, thank-you for reaching out... but let's not do that again?"  He seems to understand, and with a nod of his head he retreats back into the room. I turn to leave, gently closing the door. 

'This doesn't seem like such a bad idea... right?'

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