Fake Love

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Namjoon's text plenty since then, a couple times a day between working I'd imagine. It's only been a few days but the news is filling up while BigHit remain silent. The photo of Namjoon and the woman don't look good by any standard, she's got her arms draped over his shoulders and she's turned to face the camera, amidst the rest of the members. They don't look unhappy, but they don't really comfortable either, but Namjoon has that dimpled smile as he looks straight at the photographer. The photos from later are even worse, he's in the audience following their win and she's clearly run over to congratulate him, not everyone, just him. I can't tell if there was a particular reason she targeted him, or if there really was something going on but I needed time to cool off. 

Just about everyone else has messaged me since, some more than other but none more than Tae and Yoongi. They're both worried and telling me that Namjoon isn't handling the situation since the radio silence but... silence is golden sometimes. I can't handle it right now and regardless of if it's another scandal, something she had considered or something real, I didn't have to hang around and watch. The others assure me BigHit will figure it out, deal with it like any other scandal but they're taking their time. 

'Because she's pretty. And famous. And talented.' I think to myself before slumping back into my bed. My tiny bed, in my tiny apartment. 

Hobi's another member that has been working hard to keep me close. 

Hobi - Y/N... I know it's hard but it's been days. Just come hang out with me, Yoongi and Tae; we're at my place.

Y/N - How do I know this isn't a trick to get me to talk about what happened? I told you already Hobi, I just need time to figure things out in my head. 

Hobi - No tricks, we're worried about you too. Two scandals this close together must suck and we miss you. I'll send a car by. 

Y/N - Who says I'll actually get in? 

Hobi - You will! You miss us too. I know it. 

He's right. Since spending so much time with them right after landing, I haven't had much time to make friends and I didn't really feel like I needed any after meeting them. I had seven wonderful friends, what more could I have asked for? They helped with my Korean, we ate dinners and breakfasts together and they listened to my complaining when I had trouble at work just like normal friends. I felt silly though, not long before this all started again I'd read Tae's scandal and was furious that they would accuse him of something without anything to back themselves. But with Namjoon, it was a little different. There were pictures, everywhere. Her draped over him. That dumb smile. 

'Maybe we can just be friends... then I won't lose them'.


"I missed you!" They squeal as I step out and head to the elevator, jeans and a singlet is all they could get considering I've lived in pjs for the past few days. I scan the elevator and smile knowing I was right to trust them, he's not here. It's really just these three but it's more than I could have asked for. 

Hobi and Tae easily reach me first, dragging me into the elevator by an arm each. Yoongi gives me a small smile and a nod, while Tae tackles me into a bear hug. "Was all this really necessary? You shouldn't scare us like that!" He tells me, face smushed into my shoulder. 

"I think I know what might fix things, but I'm not ready to see him today. I'll text him when I'm ready." They nod, but they're curious. Their eyes are darting between themselves as we reach Hobi's floor. I've never been to any of the members houses but today seems like a good a day as any to change that. 

They catch me up on everything non-Namjoon related, including the fuss on Kook's new Instagram post that I'm guilty of already watching as well as Tae's flashback photo going viral. They smile and laugh as though nothing has changed and it's nice to see. I'd considered dropping contact the day I left, cemented in the idea that my friendship was purely tied to Namjoon's interest and nothing genuine. But upon reading the texts I'd grown hopeful that this was what it was about. 

"Wait, what was that look?" Yoongi asks, cutting off Tae as he holds up his phone with the photo of him and Tan from when they were both much younger and smaller. 'Cute'.

"I didn't think we'd do this after I lost it the other day. I missed you guys." My voice breaks a little as I smile. 

"Of course it'll keep happening. You already know too much!" Hobi jokes, but Yoongi nods in agreement. His usual confidence is being kept down, without doing so I'm sure he'd have to tease me a little for my tantrum. 

"Yeah about that, you lot shouldn't take in strays! It's dangerous are you all crazy?" 

Tae is the first to start laughing, it's infectious. He leans over with his head in his lap as Hobi's Shih-tzu Mickey toddles over. Mickey seems unsure why he's laughing, which only aids in everyone bursting into even louder fits of laughter. 

"If you're a stray, you're definitely a cat." Yoongi's right, I'm definitely a stray cat. 

As the laughter dies down, I can see Yoongi has something more he'd like to say, but he's quiet. He usually watches, waits for the right time. I nod, hoping to encourage whatever it is he's been waiting on. 

"Okay, so what do you plan on doing with Namjoon? Or, not doing I guess." Despite Hobi shooting him a look, Yoongi keeps his eyes on me. 

'It had to come up sooner or later.' 

"Look, I know whatever happened was probably not exactly what happened in the articles or whatever. But I don't think I can handle that happening all the time. It's exhausting for him and me. I really was starting to like him but there's no way I can do that." 

I breathe, taking in the faces of my friends. Tae looks disappointed, I knew he would be. He's always hopeful, with a unique perspective he's always been able to find a silver lining in every bad situation. Hobi looks like he'd already assumed as much, nodding his head with a sad look. I don't know if he feels bad for me, Namjoon or both. Yoongi though, he's much harder to read. Fortunately, he's usually pretty forthcoming. 

"So, you're not going to keep whatever it was up anymore? Where does that leave everyone else? Because we can't keep meeting up behind his back Y/N. You need to talk to him." 

I nod, "Wow Yoongs, tell me how you really feel. I'll text him right now, sound good? I'll tell him we'll all head back there soon to sort this out. But I don't want to stop seeing you all over this."

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