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The boys all answer a few questions each, with most relating to relationships and who was still single as if fans were auctioning the remaining members off. Jin and Taehyung were the first to admit that they were off the market, which didn't go well to be perfectly honest. The comments section was so bad that they actually turned it off, but the hearts stopped. I couldn't begin to imagine their heartbreak as their devoted army left the V Live or potentially the entire fandom but their Weverse comments later on gave me hope. 

Comments from true armies poured in as well, wishing the boys happiness and health as they approached their new paths. Armies promised, from around the world, to stand by and protect them as well as whoever they chose for themselves. While the initial shock wore off, more and more began to accept what this new normal would be. While no-one in the first week posted any photos of themselves with their girlfriends, I was pleased to finally get to meet Jin's girlfriend live from Korea on a FaceTime with him. He'd returned to his hometown to spend time with his family and friends, including her. Song-Jia was tall, slim and beautiful but had the most wonderful sense of humor. She doted on Jin, but ensured he remained humble and grounded. Taehyung was more reserved, but I imagined that was due to the timing considering they'd only been seeing each other a short while. 

I was just fortunate enough to survive the impact, healed and was building my life back up. 

Knocking sounds at my apartment door brought music to my ears. I'd ordered food a short while ago and was ready to begin winding down, after a quick chat with Hobi about his recent adventures with Namjoon and I was ready for dinner and bed. 

"One second!" I call out, trying to settle Naruto who is bounding around the apartment. Once crated he settles down and I finally get to the door with wallet in hand. 

"How much was...."  My mouth goes dry, there's no words. Nothing can be real about this. 

"I told you, I was going to fight this." Jungkook stands at my door, with a proud smirk on his face. 

"What are you... how... Jungkook what do you think this is exactly?" I feel rude, because I'm being rude I suppose. How on Earth can they do that, and the next week he was here as though it could fix everything that had happened. 

"I've earnt at the very least the chance to try again, or to hear you tell me that you don't feel the same. Either way, something is being left behind tonight." 

"What did you think was going to happen here Kook? Did you think I was going to pack up my whole life to follow you back? I already told Namjoon I wasn't doing that..." He shakes his head. 

"I already saw you give it all up for us, but this time you'll have me. We can do this together, you won't have to hide or follow me around. You can live whatever kind of life you want but I want you to live your life with me..." He trails off, his voice dissipating as he eyes Naruto's crate from across the room. 

Without warning or asking, for that matter, he wanders in and uncrates my dog and settles himself in. We stay in silence as he pets Naruto and tries desperately to win Cake's affection over a glass of wine. We nibble at some crackers and cheese while he tells his heroic tale, detailing how he and the others had gone to management and said that they'd need to change their contracts or the boys would essentially sabotage their careers and the label until they gave in. He was especially proud of himself and the members for pulling through during the V Live, which I agreed with. 

"I, I'm so happy for you all. You can finally live however you like, be with whoever you love."

While Jungkook may have matured before the world over the past few years, truly becoming a man in the eyes of others, it was hard to deny his childlike qualities in moments like this. His eyes twinkled, while he smiled wide at me. He reaches out his hands and takes mine, I don't pull-back or hesitate. He holds my hands, rubbing small circles into my palms with his thumb as Naruto stirs, wandering to sit in front of us. I shift a little, nervous under his sweet but decisive stare. 

"Can I though? I know things have been a lot between us, and in a way I regret getting carried away that night... I worried that it had ruined everything. But Y/N, you're the only one I want to do this with." 

"What, you mean the night Yoongi heard us? How could that possibly be a mood killer eh?" I laugh, and he hesitantly laughs with me. Naruto is delighted by the joy filling the room and bounces around cheerfully. 

"I'm serious Y/N, I won't ask you to unravel your entire life for me... but I want this. We can work something out." He seems sure of himself as he turns his attention back to Naruto. He scratches between the pups ears and laughs as his heavy tail thumps against the hardwood floors. "This guy loves me, so how can you say no?" 

"I don't know how your crew would like him though." I argue, turning my head to look away. Seeing them like this made it impossible not to smile. 

"Bam would love a brother the same size! And the uh... cat can stay inside with the little guys." 

"You've got everything planned out huh?" I'm hesitant, for absolutely no other reason than that this whole thing still feels like a dream. I'd never even considered Jungkook before meeting BTS in person. Yet, here he was planning my life out in my studio apartment playing with my dog? He doesn't seem phased as he continues petting Naruto, while Cake watches him from afar cautiously from her perch. 

"You're insane, you know that? Showing up to a strays house, trying to move her across the globe... you're actually proper crazy." 

He laughs, finally turning back to me. "I love you Y/N, you once told me that you wanted me to touch you, you asked me why that didn't matter. Do you remember?" 

I nod, he's talking about the night at the party that changed everything.

"Well, does me loving you not matter? Is it not enough?" 

I stop, his eyes are warm but there's a sincerity that I'd rarely seen. While none of this had every been easy, and I doubted how well this entire shift to public dating would go for any of them, this moment was easier than I'd have imaged. 

"It's everything and the fact that I love you too makes it easier to leave everything else behind." 

His eyes go wide as he smiles he trademark bunny smile. "You just said you love me! I heard it Y/N!" 

He runs and hugs me, picking me up he holds me close and nothing else matters. 

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