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My apartment is still a mess, with boxes and clothes still scattered around from the previous night. As I open my eyes, I regret not washing my face after getting home but was too exhausted to even change. Shoes kicked to the edge of my bed was as close as I was getting to my night routine after the fiasco. 

It still hadn't hit me, anything from last night was a blur. But the clear ding from my phone with a strange email makes it feel like a home run. My details lead the email, with a phone number requesting a call to someone I could only assume was an assistant. After a quick call, everything is set for what can only be described as a magic. A car, arriving at exactly 9pm will take me to an undisclosed location, which contains VIP's beyond my wildest dreams including seven of the most sought after men in the world. And the best part, I'm their guest of honor. 

"Can you believe it? I'm not joking!"  The receiver is quiet, I know Lexie isn't a fan but even she must be shocked by all this. 

"If you're actually serious, that's so exciting! What are you wearing?"  Her voice is hesitant, and I can hear her baby in the background giggling at something playing in the background. I'd attended his last birthday party, before leaving our old home town, but hadn't seen either of them since relocating to the city. 

"Oh... that's a good point. What does one wear to a top secret VIP club party... thing?" She laughs, like really laughs. I'm surprised I don't drop my phone as panic rises. 


"Girl, you need to look good but you can't try too hard. This is your last chance to be anywhere near them so make it worth it! Knock 'em dead!" The encouragement misses the mark as I look around my disaster zone. 

The phone line cuts out, battery dead. The last thing I needed was to lose my only chance at help to figure this out. I'd already slept in well into mid-morning, so time wasn't on my side either. After showering, feeding tomcat and sifting through the boxes to find something fitting for such an out-of-my-league event, food was the only thing on my mind. My stomach growled, begging for something to keep it going. 

"Well, I figure I'll be drinking tonight anyway, so coffee and food it is."

After what seems like the most bland ramen I could possibly have made, and coffee that wasn't bad, but wasn't good I was ready to... freak out. 

"Fuck! I have no idea what to wear. This is alright but I'd wear this clubbing in the city... but to a VIP party? Ughh!"  As if on cue, tomcat appears on what little floor space remains and meows softly and winds between my legs. He seems to want me to stop fussing, I bend down and pet him with a sigh. 

"You're right. I can't take my phone in, there will be no pictures. I can just focus on feeling good, enjoying myself and then never having to think about it again." 

~Later that night~

The plush SUV is nothing short of what I'd expected, with heavy black tinted windows and wine in the back seat set out. The driver sits quietly, with the radio playing low the hum of the engine is my focus. If I can focus on the sound of the engine, I won't be able to get nervous and bail. I tug at the hem of my dress before tugging my jacket closer, hugging it to my chest. 

'Is this too short? At least I can sit in it I suppose.' 

I can feel the car moving, but it's dipping. The sudden change in direction is startling as the driver pulls down the window, slowing to a stop he speaks to someone and arranges to drop me by an elevator. He explains where we're headed and continues into what feels like must be an underground car park. After looping around for what feels like years, the car stops again before the back door opens and a familiar smile greets me. 

"This way ma'am. Remember, take the elevator to ground level. Fill the paperwork at the front desk, it's under your first name. Then they'll tell you which floor for the event." The driver would be my dad's age, maybe a little older. He helps me out of the vehicle and guides me toward the elevator and disappears as quickly as he came. 

'Shit, I don't know how to get him back here when I'm ready to leave!' 

I can feel myself dawdling, a few mere meters ahead is the elevator. I drag my heels, clutching to my jacket like a toddler with a security blanket. After hitting the ground floor button, the door closes on the car park and brings me up to a glamorous lobby. It's not as fancy as I had worried, no chandelier in sight but instead a modern monochromatic area with a few artworks adorning the walls greets me. Fresh flowers in large vases are scattered on glass tables and plush seating fills part of the space, while a large front desk spanning almost the entirety of the other. 

"Hello and welcome to the Paper Crane, how may I assist you?" A peppy girl, no older than me appears with a bright smile that only looks half forced. She's dressed in a simple black skirt, with a white blouse and a pink silk scarf with a pretty face and slim figure. It's hard to ignore how pretty she is as she smiles expectantly. 

"Oh. Sorry. I'm here to fill out some paperwork? They told me it was under Y/N?"  Her demeanor shifts fast, seeming annoyed at my request. She doesn't reply, just wanders to the other end of the desk and takes a small stack of paper from the shelving and brings it back, popping it on the desk rather than my open hand. 

"Thanks!" I muster up everything I have to be nice, despite her clear change in attitude upon hearing only my name. I'd already anticipated the paperwork to entail everything from what to say, to how to interact with the members. Obviously they would confiscate my phone and ensure I wouldn't speak of this or anything else to anyone. But as I read, it lacked many of the key items I had anticipated. It could have easily been summarized by saying, 'Don't post anything about the events online or speak of the VIP experience.' 

'This can't be right?'  But after reading it twice and signing on the dotted line, the girl points nonchalantly to the elevator, "Number 12." 

Sure enough, floor twelve opens up into a dark, buzzing club with music, drinks and the most attractive people I've ever set eyes on dancing among strangers who look equally unreal. 

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