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And my heart drops, as he hands me the phone I can see exactly what he means. The photo brings back fond memories before everything went wild. He's standing in front of the statue with a big smile, those dimples shining through in the dim lighting. In the background not far away, there I am. He's right too, it's a cute photo and he's described it in such detail that it's clear he's telling the truth. He's been looking at that photo enough to see even the smallest details. 

"Remind me to thank the photographer. It is kind of cute."  Now I'm the one sweating, staring at the photo as his hands by his side. I'm the asshole now. 

"Yeah. It is. And like I said earlier, you disappeared so fast I didn't really think too much. I kept looking at the photo, wondering what kind of person you were to be standing there, at that very second, staring at whatever it was that clearly made you so happy. I figured I'd never see you again but I still found myself smiling."  I hand his phone back, our fingers brushing each other as he slips it back into his pocket. 

"I get that this isn't something that people expect, but I never expected to see you at the meet so soon after either. Touching you, seeing how nervous you were. Most fans at those things squeal and cry but you looked like that day in the gallery, you looked ready to run." 

I nod, knowing that's definitely something I'd considered before all hell broke loose. "You have to see this from my point of view here. I thought I was in trouble for spotting you, in public. But then your hands were on mine and I didn't know what to say or do and then the cameras started flashing. I knew what was going to happen. I hid in my apartment wondering if fans might spot me outside and figure out who I was, where I lived." 

He waits, listening intently. He however moves to the bed where he sits on the corner with his head in his hands looking up. I can't think though, what more can I say? 

"I get that. The news spread slowly then all of a sudden the guys are telling me I've got some girlfriend in Australia as we're flying back here. We read the comments and couldn't believe how bad it had gotten over something so small. But then Y/N, you turn up here, at our concert and you weren't like that anymore. You told me not to talk to you, said you wouldn't put up with it again like it was that easy. It was cool." 

"Yeah, then I get roped into a party where we kiss and I'm back to sitting down talking about how to handle what might come." 

The silence is palpable as I lean into the wall, sheer curtains blowing in the breeze as Namjoon sits on the bed in quiet contemplation. The other members have been getting louder though, growing impatient I imagine. I can see the shadows as they approach and retreat up and down the hallway, doors close and open as they shuffle about the suite cautiously. 

"I don't see an issue though. I got to find you. That's unreal luck. And there's no way you can tell me you don't feel there could be something here. What's the harm in finding out?"  

'Damn, he's right. That was kind of something. And the timing is out of this world. But, find out what?' I'd like to say I make an effort, choosing my words carefully before approaching the situation with grace and dignity. 

"There's definitely something, it's called trouble. What are we trying to figure out about that?" 

At that, he's no longer looking so solemn, a small smile flickers across his face as he looks up expectantly. "Get to know me. Just a little more time, you're living here for a while and we've got music to make. Just save me some time to get to know each other." 

He stands up and walks closer, questioning himself before he reaches out and takes my hand. His hands are huge, but they're warm as he laces his fingers through mine and places his other hand on top of mine. For a man who's contract is widely known to imply no dating publicly, he's awfully touchy. In the past I'd probably have found this sappy until I spy a hint of cockiness in his eyes as if he thinks I'll swoon and fall into his arms. 

"Wasn't tonight enough to see what I'm like? I'm not easy going. I'm not soft and sweet or particularly likeable. I may be staying here, but do you actually think I'm the kind of girl you're actually going to like?" 

He laughs, for the first time tonight he seems to really laugh from deep down in his belly. The footsteps return as at least three other members stand right outside the door this time. 'Shameless'. 

"You really think of yourself like that? Tae was enamored with you! He was impressed with how easily you opened up to him. He's used to people thinking he's a narcissistic snob or some dumb puppy but you genuinely clicked with him. And don't get me started with Hobi and Jin, it's pretty obvious that they don't agree with that whole statement." 

'I like them too'.

 They had been nothing like I'd anticipated other than maybe Jimin and Yoongi. Yoongi was devastatingly good-looking, which is why it was hard not to fancy him a little but up close he was genuine, with a sense of humor that armies must have overlooked. Jimin maybe the flirtatious one but he had a dangerous, bright spark behind those eyes. Wrapped in a cute package, it was hard to tell he was thinking but after tonight it was hard to imagine him as the Baby Mochi so many fans adored. Jungkook was probably the most surprising, given the golden maknae status I'd anticipated a bubbly fun guy or at the very least someone who knew he was cool. But from the few interactions I'd had with him, he seemed more like someone who had deep thoughts, maybe he just seemed more reserved than I expected. 

"So, what now?" I smile, really smile, knowing this is ridiculous. 

"Let's find out."  Namjoon crosses the room, poking his head out the door to find Yoongi, Jin and Hobi leaning into the wall with Taehyung leaning on the door frame opposite what I'd assumed was Namjoon's room. Yoongi just about falls over, with a huge grin on his face. 


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