Permission To Dance

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"There's the lady of the hour!" A voice calls out from by the bar, carrying a single short glass in his hand he approaches. 

Jin seems taller, his dark hair flicking side to side as he pops through the crowd that parts for him without effort. Among the crowd are glamourous women who look as though they stepped out from a movie, their male counterparts looking equally threatening as Jin reaches me. I can't keep my eyes from darting to explore the crowd, my senses are overstimulated with the music, people, the smell of alcohol and expensive perfume. 

"Don't go looking intimidated now. After last night, we were excited to see how you'd handle seeing us all as well, us." He says, taking my arm into his he leads me across the dancefloor, past the bar and to what looks to be an even more exclusive area where the circular seating is filled with the remaining six members. 

"You look fine, so stop tugging on your dress."  He whispers, simultaneously nudging me into the booth directly landing me millimeters from Namjoon's lap. 

"So you did come. I really thought you were going to stand us up." Mumbles Jimin, who shimmies a little further into the booth to allow room for Namjoon to allow me off of him. 

"I'm so sorry Y/N, your a little more delicate than I had anticipated."  Jin laughs, taking his seat beside J-Hope and Taehyung. 

Centered in the booth are Jungkook and Yoongi, who snigger as they sip glasses similar to Jin's. As quickly as I had arrived, an attractive women appears with a tray of drinks, adorned with salt rings and limes. She doesn't seem bothered to see me, or the members as she places down the tray with a nod and disappears back to the bar. 

"Forget delicate, did you see her legs?" J-Hope says, eyes wide. I can't help but raise my eyebrows, curiously awaiting for him to explain. Namjoon shoots a subtle glare across the table while the remaining members turn to face him, questioning expressions plastered on every one of them. 

As if reading the room, J-Hope continues, "No, seriously! She's covered in tattoos!" 

"Ah! Yeah nah I saw those. They're pretty actually, they look colorful?" Taehyung says, catching me off guard again. I'd always wondered if how he was depicted in the media, as someone reserved and cool, were true; but the few observations I'd been lucky enough to see the articles didn't align with him at all. He seemed funny, light-hearted even. 

I'm stealing glances at Yoongi, I know it's ridiculous but he's right there. He's better looking than the photos and he's the genius behind some of my favorite songs, tonight's the only chance I really have to steal a glance so I let myself. I however do make sure to pay somewhat equal attention to the other members as they chat amongst themselves. Taking a drink, I nod at J-Hope, 

"They're not finished, but yeah. I have a few. Not just on my legs though" 

I try hard not to, but I find myself smirking as Jimin catches my comment. He raises an eyebrow, turns and watches me sip my drink. J-Hope flushes red and nods before taking his own drink and gulps down a heavy swig. 

"Wow... I didn't think it could happen but I think Namjoon's got his hands full with this one!" Taehyung again jumps in, bringing everyone back down to earth. 

"Look at your face hyung! She's really something huh?" Jin adds, kicking Namjoon's foot lightly under the booth. The dark bar is filled with life, from the flickering colored lights to the laughter at the table surrounding me. I turn to Namjoon, stifling a giggle at his expression. He seems taken aback as he slowly spins his glass. 

"Got your hands full with this one?"  I say, leaning in to whisper into his ear. Normally, I'd expect a man in this sort of situation to make a filthy joke, or a pass but this was different. I wasn't totally sure what I was playing at, but with the circumstances, figured I had nothing to lose. 

"We'll see, we haven't been drinking long and none of us have danced yet." He says, leaning in closer than necessary to keep things between the two of us. He stays close, I can feel his breath on my earlobe and his thighs pressed to mine. My breath hitches in my throat. 

'Oh god.' 

"Tonight's all about fun, Y/N. And I plan to make it up to you for every bad thing you had to read." He stops, pulling back to look at me. My eyes are wide, and a blush has crept across my cheeks. The make-up I'd popped on might not be strong enough to hold back how easily that absolutely knocked me over. 

"Oh god, it doesn't get any better than that. Look at her! She's shocked!" Laughs Jin, smiling proudly at Namjoon who's thigh remains pressed up against me. His black jeans are tight, the material rubbing against my skin with each breath. Whose? I'm not sure of. 

"Jeeze, Joon what did you say to her? Never mind, I don't want to know."  Adds Yoongi, finally speaking he seems both amused and bored. 

"Yoongi's right, lets finish these and get dancing! After that she looks like she could use a dance. Right Y/N?" Despite Yoongi never saying it aloud, he nods with J-Hope. 

"I'd love to! You're a true gentleman J-Ho... I mean, Hoseok?"  He shakes his head, "Hope or Hobi is fine. Now drink!" As instructed, I down the sparkling blue liquid quickly and step out of the booth, exposing the tattoos that had been noted earlier.

Hobi, Jin, Taehyung and Jimin file out, leaving Namjoon, Jungkook and Yoongi to sip their drinks the party rages around us. I can feel the music through the floor as someone takes my hand and pops it into the air, leading me from behind. Once we're at the center of the dance floor, I sway my body to the music. I can feel whoever took hold earlier pulling me in closer as the alcohol begins to hit me. I feel tingly, warm and everything around me isn't scary anymore. I spin to face him and I'm met with the flirtatious expression from the first meet and greet. 

"Let's see if the girl can play, shall we?"  His hand drops mine as he snakes an arm around my waist, whispering into my ear my insides knot. "Show me what you've got, he's watching." 

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