Chapter 10: Daddy Vibes

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"Alright Ms. Johnson, you are 7 weeks pregnant. Congratulations! Please start taking these prenatal vitamins."

I was surprised to say the least. I mean yes, I knew it was a possibility especially after I missed a few of my birth control shots. I just didn't expect it to happen so soon. I looked over at Luca who seemed to be in deep thought. As if he felt my gaze, he turned to look at me. For the first time I couldn't really read him.

"Thank you." I replied to the doctor. She smiled and walked out of the room as I returned my gaze to Luca.

I fought the urge to start panicking. Did he not want this? We never talked about having a family, I just knew that I loved him and he loved me. But I wasn't sure if he even wanted to have kids. How stupid of me to just assume he would be happy.

"You okay?" I asked giving him a soft smile.

A small smile came across his face that didn't reach his eyes.

"I'm okay if you're okay." He answered softly.

I sighed as I got off the table and pulled my pants back on. I didn't like the vibe in the room right now. I didn't even realize I was crying until Luca was in front of me wiping my tears away.

"Don't cry baby." He said softly, holding my face in his hands.

"You don't want this." I croaked out.

He sighed and pressed his lips on mine.

"I love you okay, I'm here with you, always."

He still didn't say he wanted this.

"But you don't want the baby." I said looking down.

"I never thought about being a father, especially with the life I live. You know?" He said looking in my eyes.

I nodded. I understood where he was coming from. But I was pregnant, we were here now, we had to make a decision.

"Do you want to have this baby? If not tell me now so we can figure out what we are going to do."

Luca's eyebrows creased together as he looked at me.

"What are you talking about Morgan? Of course we are having this baby. Did you really think I would tell you to get rid of our child? No, I was not expecting this and I never saw myself being a father but I will take responsibility for my child. I knew what could happen when we had sex. You knew as well right?"

I nodded when he paused to look at me.

"Okay, so I would never tell you to get rid of our baby. He or she is ours and I will protect it and you with my life. Do you understand me Morgan?" I nodded again as more tears fell from my eyes.

"Gosh! Why am I crying so much." I said frustrated. Luca chuckled as he pulled me into a warm embrace.

"You're pregnant, that's going to happen a lot."



I smirked as I heard my office door open and close softly. I looked up to see Ella with a bright smile on her face. Her eyes wide and focused behind me. My smile grew bigger as I already knew what she was looking at.

"You like it?" I asked as I stood up and walked around my desk.

"Wow...Haden...When did you do this?"

I smirked at the awe look on her face. Behind my desk were 3 large black and white portraits. The two on the ends where of Ella and I and the one in the middle was a beautiful black and white portrait of Ella gazing off to the side with her hand softly gripping the diamond necklace around her neck.

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